Not working here as well. Put volumes on maximum and hearing nothing.
import threading
# Function to run playsound using a different thread
def threaded_sound(sound_path):
thread = threading.Thread(target=playsound, args=(sound_path,), daemon=True)
# Runs every frame
def acUpdate(deltaT):
# Check what to do while in DRS zone
if drsAvailable:
# Play the DRS Available sound if we have not yet
if not drs_available_sound_played:
#playsound(available_temp_path, block = False)
drs_available_sound_played = True
# Play the DRS Enabled sound if we have not yet
if drsEnabled and not drs_enabled_sound_played:
#playsound(enabled_temp_path, block = False)
drs_enabled_sound_played = True
# Reset the DRS Enabled flag if DRS has been disabled within the DRS Zone
if not drsEnabled and drs_enabled_sound_played:
#playsound(enabled_temp_path, block = False)
drs_enabled_sound_played = False
if not drsEnabled:
drs_enabled_sound_played = False