I can see that view
The building looks typical WWII, a lot of similar designs in Australia
Thing is with the price of collections now they need to be kept in the best environment possible
I would try and bring some of the best features of other great car museums, really like Mercedes
One thing collections need is space so all cars can be viewed from all angles, then you can get best appreciation, best photos......... much like car shows
One idea would be the best of each collection to be enclosed in vacuum sealed capsules of a high tech clear material, not your typical rectangle but curved and domed so there is no frame to spoil photos
You could have them on various multi-storey stands like they use for car parks
they could span all floors around staircases
Have them revolve up and down, stop, do a slow 360, then next car
Maybe pump a synthetic mixture of damp, dust and oil through ventilation into appropriate displays and some AvGas for Historic Formula display lol
Few silly ideas anyways p
Where is Banksy when we need him?