For everyone that say the database is not working or they can see their savefile, I have found a fix ( unfortunately not universal ). If you run the launch executable in the launcher folder and it say: OSError: [Errno 10048] error while attempting to bind on address ('', 8765): only one use of each socket address (protocol/network address/port) is usually allowed
you need to open the back folder and open with an code editor ( visual studio code or even the base txt editor of windows work ). You need to find this line in the code ( located at the line 297 )
server = await websockets.serve(handle_client, "localhost", 8765)
change the 8765 by another number of for digits ( for example 4444) and save the file. If you succesfully made that, when you run the launcher file, it should not show the error, if that the case, try another number.
after that, you need to go to the front folder and open the js folder. open renderer.js with your code editor and change the first line ( const socket = new WebSocket('ws://localhost:8765/'); )
so the number is the same you have put in the other file ( for example, my new line look like this :
const socket = new WebSocket('ws://localhost:4444/');
Hope this help some people