Croft 2019

Tracks Croft 2019 3.5

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zwiss updated Croft 2019 with a new update entry:

Croft 2019

Update 3.5
Remodelled 1st pit building (fixed bricked up windows, new top floor)
Fixed issue with the fences not showing up under a sharp angle (shader issue)
Removed many double and triple meshes of armco and fence poles
Fixed single sided fences of marshall posts
Lowered the groove
Fixed hole in collision wall and a small one in the tarmac at the chicane
Fixed skid marks not appearing on side road patches (Friction MUST be more than 0.9)
Improved some mapping, shaders and...

Read the rest of this update entry...
Hi Zwiss
Just found an error on the Club B circuit see images attached, seems like this part of the track is really soft the car sinks, doesn't slow down and I didn't notice it until I played it back from outside the car. Keep up the great work brilliant track.




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  • Screenshot_ginetta_g40_junior_zw_croft_29-9-123-19-20-39.jpg
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Hi Zwiss
Just found an error on the Club B circuit see images attached, seems like this part of the track is really soft the car sinks, doesn't slow down and I didn't notice it until I played it back from outside the car. Keep up the great work brilliant track.


The short cut for that Club B layout was extremely bumpy (hardly driveable) so I flattened the physical mesh a bit, but I did not change the visual road. Thanks for reporting, will be tackled in a future upgrade.
does anyone know how to get the ai to go flat out through the chicane?
A bit (lot) late but try my AI, it works with this update no problem, I hope it is included for v4.0 :)


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