F1 2010 Controlling the car

F1 2010 The Game (Codemasters)
Hello, I'm new here found this site trough Google. My question is ( I can't find it here or on google ) If I drive the car with the brake assists it's going great but then you will be real slow trough corners, So If I remove the brake assists I can't drive at all, When I make my first turn I already spin, How can I fix this?
lack of skill to consistently control the car is giving me utter frustation in this game. i'm not the fastest driver, but i'm able to put pretty reasonable times against the professional ai in qualification (cockpit view, tc and abs on, racing line off, tire sim on, fuel sim off). but in a 50% race, 4 flashbacks aren't enough to keep me in the pace, i'm just not able to drive more than say 5 laps without losing a braking point or spinning over a kerb and eating grass. all my races end up being a thrilling competition in the first half and a boring drive for home in the second half, after all the field has overtaken me because of my stupid mistakes.

i'll start driving without abs and tc today, so things are gonna get worse. =S
  • TimD

It is tricky and i dont claim to have the skill fully yet. You just need to pratice finding a pace which is still quick but less risky than qualy. Brake slightly earlier. Give youself little pieces of breathing room and not running quite so wide everywhree as your qualy laps. Avoid kerbs more. Then when you have a gap in the race try to fall back to this safe style.

The trick is modifying your style enough to be safer but without loosing seconds of laptime.

What i do is during pratice start off slowly and only try to get a bit faster each lap. Slowly try turning it up a bit and then last couple laps before pitting try a hotlap. Then repeat so you get a feeling for it.

For me it is an exercise in patience. I am trying to master China at the moment but sector 2 is being a sod.
After playing both console versions, the 360 controller is much easier to use than the PS3, at least for this game. The analog sticks on the PS3 controller are just too loose to really get a good feel for the car. Hoping that HKS Controller for the PS3 performs a little better. I should be getting a sample to review in a couple weeks :) You can check it out below;

...The trick is modifying your style enough to be safer but without loosing seconds of laptime...

Not quoting all, but wanted to say well said TimD!

Have you tried playing with the brake adjustments any? If you are not used to feathering the peddles (LT/RT) then you had better learn, otherwise you may end up throwing your controller into to the TV :)
controller tv that sounds familiar ha has happened on occassion not often mind but has lol but yeah feathering the peddles is key to a good season i recently got the hang of it and i must say my times and races have improved dramatically

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