I suppose you are not willing to discuss this matter any further regardless of the level of discussion, and what you just said actually translates into "stop responding or begone"? If you meant that, I can of course understand that. Furthermore, I'll refrain from commenting any further on this forum if it doesn't support freedom of speech. Still, I hope there is a misunderstanding on my part here and everyone is allowed to voice their opinion on the articles freely and you simply told me you are not happy with what I wrote above. Which, I can agree, might have sounded harsh, but you responded quite offensively yourself, pretty much calling me "beyond stupid" while completely ignoring my message here. Let's call it square and try to communicate as reasonable adults?So, according to what you just wrote, I am some kind of pervert, without dignity and decency, just because I like achievements and trophies, forcing his preferences over people?
Look, you very much pissed me off with this last comment, which is beyond stupid and very offensive. Anyway, I'll that slide, as everyone is entitled to his opinion. You let that vent, so be happy about it. Now I'd suggest you let it drop.
Note, I advise the same to everyone else who think about replying to this specific message. This has to be a constructive discussion. Calling names and free offensive behaviour will not be allowed.