Clarkson, Hammond and May Begin Filming on New Show

Aaaaand the sourpuss legion strikes again on their moral high horses flying their righteous banners. "Top gear is nothing but crass humor for peasants, ugh such crude people you are for enjoying that show... look at me while I sip tea so elegantly with my pinky pointed away. I shall not tolerate anything but serious high brow entertainment and everything else that is not what I like should be abolished. Let me be the martyr for the Gods of PC with my opinion!!!1one!" :p

I for one couldn't care less about all that noise, there is enough of that drab stuff floating about anyway. Can't wait for their wacky adventures to start again. :D
Eh, I honestly found the later years of Top Gear rather exhausting in its extravagance.

There was this perfect balance of madness and serious car talk somewhere after the first 5 or so seasons, before every other week was some stupid romp off to Romania to meet Stig's pig F*()*() cousin and where there were in fact most cars you might be able to afford one day than hypercars nobody will even ever drive except in a sim.

I hope its all going to be more than just a rehash of later years Top Gear because that got STALE.

I wish this poll offered me guardedly curious as an option.
btw, Romania is a nice country and Transfagarasan montain road is quite well replicated in RF2 and AC.
Which car will be fastest? I think that one, in which will be Clarkson's fat ass missing (less weight car)...
Looking forward to that sow. Hope there will be more space for incorrectness.
I've watched TopGear from it's start back in the 80's, looking back on uTube god it was dull:rolleyes:
The Clarkson years early 2000's I think it was at it's best, still we proper car stuff with a bit of light entertainment. I never missed an episode back then,but the last few years it turned into a scripted reality show. I went to watching it with my finger on the fast forward button, the stunts just became so predicable and don't get me started on that Ambulance episode :x3:

Maybe it was down to the BBC why it all changed they were making a lot of money from it globally, the 3 amigos may of got pissed of with them. Clarkson said the Beeb killed Topgear ?

As for the presenters, Clarkson "it's my show I'll do whatever the f:devilish::devilish::devilish: I want"
May (the engineer) & Hammond (the presenter) come across a bit more likable, their other program's for the Beeb & Discovery were okay.

So that's me done here.
I grew up watching every episode of Top Gear since 2003 and I can't wait to see these
crazy folks do their stuff again. The only thing missing will be the Stig....
@P*Funk what do u have against my country ;) Romania i loved that one and Transfagarasan is amazing to visit

Nothing, it was more the way they would use some stereotypical image of some of these places to sell some predictable humour. At a certain point it was just not that interesting seeing them drive some million dollar car making the same jokes.

I missed it when they'd do some of the more thoughtful stuff, examine some of the less crazy ideas. A wild out of control thing was great now and then but at a certain point it became the entire bloody show.

At the end of the day I'm surprised to say that I enjoyed the cool wall more than yet another super car road trip full of contrived events. The more scripted the big events became the less I enjoyed them. It was much more fun watching them quip about some new energy efficient cube van in the studio than watch them stick a square peg in a round hole by driving Ferraris and Lambos through a swamp or whatever.

Crazy ideas I preferred were things like Sabine Schmidt trying to beat a time at the Nordschleife in a van or them buying old British sports cars and watching them get demolished on the track by a cheap Japanese saloon.

Sadly somehow I think they're going to double down on the Hypercar thing. I'd honestly rather watch Clarkson try and finish a single lap in one of Fangio's car.
Like many here, I feel Top Gear was getting very tired - same old same old. I'm hopeful Chris Evans will do something new on the BBC, and who knows - maybe the old Top Gear crew will do something new too.
Indeed. Thread cleaned.
Whilst the discussion was reasonably civilised, please keep in mind fellas that "discussions and content centred around race, nationality, religion, cultures or belief systems is not permitted" under the RD Terms of Service.

Let's focus on how great their new show could be, rather than the controversies of the past :)