Check out the Brand New Formula E Design

I'm glad they got rid of the car swap stops, now they need to drop 'fan boost' (if they haven't already). Then I might try watching again.
Absolutelly love the new design. Current 'Formula look' has been around for so long they aren't as exciting to look at anymore imo. This goes very well with the 'futuristic' theme and sets FE apart.

Also I don't know if it's the livery or the lightning or whatnot, but I actually didn't notice the halo untill it was pointed-out it has one. Though a canopy would improve the looks still (not to mention aerodynamics for range) it is far less eye-catching than it is inFormula 1, which is good.

The bigger battery is something the sport has been in a dire need of and it should make the races far more interesting. Here's hoping for better tracks as well. Can't wait for the new season.
The point is pushing for change, even if electricity is at large being created using fossil fuel these days, it's certainly not the only way, and research in this area is going on at the same time, it's just a slow process.
But how does not developing electric cars while waiting for development of cleaner electricity make sense?
We know for a fact that fossil fuel is a finite resource and that it's causing environmental damage, so we need to develop on all fronts simultaneously towards getting rid of everything that uses fossil fuel as a energy source. By developing the cars now, we get more efficient cars and better batteries as a result so by the time we have access to more clean energy, the cars are already great.

There's also the fact that electrical motors are far superior to fossil fuelled motors, they have insane torque and need no gears, they can easily be electronically controlled to allow for things like torque vectoring, something which is very hard, expensive and MUCH less efficient to do with conventional engines.
With electrical cars there are also so much less moving parts that repairs and maintenance will become more rare.

The biggest problem we have with electrical cars today isn't really how to get them charged cleanly, it's how to dispose of the batteries in an environmentally friendly way once they have become defunct.

Could not have said it better. Bravo!!:thumbsup:
Until they can charge the batteries without using fossil fueled generators whats the point, the same goes for electric street cars, sure your not putting out the fuel emissions, but it's laughable imo to claim it's climate friendly when 90% of the power to charge the batteries is coal generated. When the car can generate it's own power to recharge as it drives, then I'll be impressed:thumbsup:

That depends on the country you live in. I live in Canada and here, we have hydro-electric power, which is much cleaner than coal or nuclear.
That depends on the country you live in. I live in Canada and here, we have hydro-electric power, which is much cleaner than coal or nuclear.
Australia is primarily Coal generated thanks to the Politicians, with Solar and Wind making a small dent, and Tasmania using 100% Hydro IIRC.
I noticed during our last European foray (2017) the high number of Nuclear operations tucked away in relatively discrete locations. And yes, Hydro appeared in several Nordic countries.
The US is by and large Coal and Oil, China runs on Coal and India is probably the worst when it comes to Coal use and pollution.
I agree that R&D must continue on Electric powered vehicles, but most Governmental 'heavy hitters' only pay lip service to R&D......good PR with no substance.
FTR, we run Solar Panels and a Tesla battery bank on our 'farm' and pay nothing for power, we even sell it on to the local supply grid.
IMHO more R&D on Solar powered vehicles (perhaps with battery backup) would be the clean way to go.
As for the Lithium required for the present generation battery power, that in itself is another huge can of Governmental and Environmental can of worms.
And a PS: In Australia I could see Solar powered charging stations as a valid (and cheap) method of 'refueling' Electric vehicles.
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Until they can charge the batteries without using fossil fueled generators whats the point, the same goes for electric street cars, sure your not putting out the fuel emissions, but it's laughable imo to claim it's climate friendly when 90% of the power to charge the batteries is coal generated. When the car can generate it's own power to recharge as it drives, then I'll be impressed:thumbsup:

It's a common missconception that electric cars are no greener than their ICE (Internal Combustion Engine) counterparts because the power comes mainly from burning fossil fuels anyway. While true that EVs aren't '0 emission' (unless charged from 100% renewable sources), they are still a big improvement. People don't tend to realize just how much electricity is required to run an ICE car just because 'they don't run on electricity'.

The truth is, refining oil is an incredibly power-hungry process, with the power mostly being supplied by coal power plants. It takes as much as 6kWh of electricity to refine 1 gallon of gasoline, using which an average (american) ICE car can travel about 25 miles. Using the same amount of power, 6kWh is enough to power an electric car for 20 miles.

Either way, investing in renewable sources of electricity is the way forward and it's nice to see the world becomming cleaner and cleaner every year.
well, germany has gone a long way towards renewables, we had a a couple of fine sunny and windy days last summer where even at peak hours we were generating more power than the grid needed and started selling the stuff to our neighbours. overcast, dull winter days are another story, though ...
as kjell said, we know fossiles are finite by definition and we know that burning them creates fumes, so we have to start moving, the sooner the better. and if the sport raises awareness, this is a welcome side effect.
however, being in hockenheim and having the full porsche cup pack go past you certainly is a multisensual experience worth cherishing. i suppose we will see combustion engines in race cars for many years to come if only because their impact is marginal as compared to airplanes or the millions of amazon packages delivered via normal trucks each day. as always in life it will be a mix, a compromise.
You have a point: going electric for transportation does not mean that racing should necessarily do the same. People run for hours, ride horses and shoot arrows with bows for sport, while most humans do not need or want to do to that anymore. ^^
It's a common missconception that electric cars are no greener than their ICE (Internal Combustion Engine) counterparts because the power comes mainly from burning fossil fuels anyway. While true that EVs aren't '0 emission' (unless charged from 100% renewable sources), they are still a big improvement. People don't tend to realize just how much electricity is required to run an ICE car just because 'they don't run on electricity'.

The truth is, refining oil is an incredibly power-hungry process, with the power mostly being supplied by coal power plants. It takes as much as 6kWh of electricity to refine 1 gallon of gasoline, using which an average (american) ICE car can travel about 25 miles. Using the same amount of power, 6kWh is enough to power an electric car for 20 miles.

Either way, investing in renewable sources of electricity is the way forward and it's nice to see the world becomming cleaner and cleaner every year.
Very good post, and add to this the fact that the end product then has to be transported across land and sea to reach petrol stations which adds even more pollution to the end result, while electricity transports easily over wires and once these are in place there's zero emission (albeit some loss) in getting electricity from one place to another.
I don't know, if it's true, but I heard, the FE-cars got charged by Diesel-generators behind the pitwalls... XD
I wait for someone buying a chassis and put a hydrogen-engine or a screaming Wankel in it.
I'm not thrilled about electric cars because it takes so much away. It seems like tuning a car won't consist of much more than gear ratios and suspension setup. If gas engines go away, I think I'll find another hobby. Electric cars are just too boring for me.
Hi Kjell. If you like you can turn the volume down in RRE and pretend you are racing these cars too. Great fun mate.;)
Like you said, each to their own. :thumbsup:
No tried it,Didn't like it :thumbsdown:.
Right,I'm off to Bathe in some Petrol and then I'm going to Moisturise with some Castrol R :roflmao: (Other Moisturiser Brands are available ;)).
You have a point: going electric for transportation does not mean that racing should necessarily do the same. People run for hours, ride horses and shoot arrows with bows for sport, while most humans do not need or want to do to that anymore. ^^
The difference is, for all the activities above, the resources are still available. We can still run because we have legs, we can still ride horses because we have horses and we can still shoot bows because we still have the feathers, wood and string to make a bow and arrow.
In 50 years, conventional ICE's will not be possible because we simply don't have the fuel to run the vehicle. Good look trying to run a race team when fuel costs are super expensive because of low supply. Main categories in motorsport will always guide the way for other transportation, and that means that they must convert and change with the times.
The majority of 3rd world countries will continue to pump toxins, sulfur, co2, plastic and other climate changing pollutants in to the worlds air and sea for the next 100 years anyway. We are stuffed. So lets carry on and race with petroleum, noise and smell and to hell with it. And lets have grid girls back too before we all become extinct. ;):sneaky::)
I'm not thrilled about electric cars because it takes so much away. It seems like tuning a car won't consist of much more than gear ratios and suspension setup. If gas engines go away, I think I'll find another hobby. Electric cars are just too boring for me.
What about camber, toe, ride height, anti roll bars etc? What about sub 2 second 0-60 times or the consciousness that you won't be polluting the atmosphere by driving around and having fun? I love 2 stroke motorcycles but you also have to think of the future. What world will your ancestors live in and will they be thankful for the decisions we all made when we had an opportunity to make change?

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