rF2 Caterham Classic @ Eagles Canyon - Friday 3rd June, 2011

rFactor 2 Racing Club event
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Still need some time to get more familiar with these cars but I am enjoying the learning process. Small mistakes here and there were hard to recover from because of the skill level of the opposition. I was not totally comfortable with a couple corners and I know I was losing time in negotiating them; therefore, a ways off the pace as yet.

Fun time.... too bad numbers were on the low side, maybe I need to use breath mints.

WD to Ross and Bob for the wins, thanks to Stu and Bob for the help, to Stu for the work to setup the event and it was good to see those drivers who could make it.
Quite a low attendance last night (their loss!) but i was glad we did both races. Race 1: Was at the back of the field on lap 1 due to a disagreement with Stuart's front-end, tried to signal him to keep going, but peeping the horn and flashing the lights aren;t the clearest of signals to interpret! I enjoyed working my way back forward, fighting with everyone on the way in a tightly-bunched field, and then getting involved in more scraps when i lost it. Was slightly confused when Bob appeared as 6th despite being ahead, so whenever i got into '1st' i tried to catch him, but always ended up over-cooking it and facing the wrong way! ENjoyable nonetheless.

Race 2 turned out to be even better as 3 of us broke away and had a good battle for a few laps (Bob, Erik and me) before Erik DNF'd. After that, Bob & myself ran nose-to-tail for the rest of the race, giving each other just enough space and never making contact, and just generally having fun, even lifitng off to let the other catch up after a mistake. Bob was normally stronger in the last quarter of the lap, so i was a bit nervous of being ahead on the last lap, but there just wasn't enough room for Bob to get a good slip-stream out of the final corner. Best bit of racing i've had for a while, cheers Bob!

Thanks to all who turned up, and thanks Thommo & RD for putting on the show!
Sorry for the late post but had a very busy weekend, went to Silverstone for the FTA GT meeting, lovely.

Anyways, as Ross has said, race 1 I was cheated by the track after going off watching Ross & Thommo colide, silly me, & because I must have missed a timing gate the game put me 1 lap behind even though I was in front.

Race 2, looked to amend the situation so I put in some good laps & had a great race with Rossco with great close racing & not a bit of paint swapped between us, thanks mate for brilliant fun & top marks on the driving.

Thx to Thommo for putting up the event & thx to those that showed up.
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