It was really good i managed some practice laps the night was really bad i done it on the wrong layout that didnt even go around the same way
Despite a qually pace that suggested otherwise,i just felt good and ready for the races,massive early battle with Ed let Swidey escape early,but it really was so hard to pass,it needed a mistake that Ed provided at a very very tricky turn when he tapped on the power just a smidgen early and spun,now Swidey was the bad side of 7secs up ahead so never really any chances of catchng him,but i had a lot of fun trying and really learning the track much more for race 2.
Race 2 start went as good as possible squeezing my way in to 2nd place after T1/T2 and pushed on to get on terms with Nige in the lead,sadly the daft old bugger dumped it at the little "Esses in the trees" section so a very early gift of the lead and time to push,it was going good until i noticed somewhere somehow Swidey got past Ed and took over 2nd place and ofcourse he pushed and closed the gap,some bits i could respond and some bits i lost out,then i had a little horrible half-spin and lost the lead but was now ok in 2nd chasing nice and close,some more good battle stuff went on i can barely remember,but it involved passing and being passed
,in the end Swidey had the pace and the nerve to win no probs,i was just pleased to be properly in the races and enjoying lovely close action.
Thank You Stu &