Career Helmets Pack

Helmets Career Helmets Pack 1.1

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I'm very new to this whole modding thing for F2016!
After around 160 hours that I spend with the career mode of the game I wanted to mod the game to get some new helmets because I got tired of the basic helmets sets. So I downloaded the mod and did the same thing that the readme wants you to do. So I copied the helmet files in the main directory of F12016 but the game did not load the files. Is there something that I am doing wrong?
You need to replace the helmet you're using in the career...This mod is designed to replace helmet gen No1, so it's the first helmet...You are maybe using helmet 25, so you need to change the mod file name from GEN 1 to GEN 25... and you can use only one helmet from the pack...If you want different after some time, you need to rename the GEN 1 file from that folder to Gen 25 and copy to the game directory again...Comprende? :)