Cancer Research UK Support Winter Series

Mo I have told you that fixed setups will not be used. You may not be the only one who wants fixed setups but there also quite a few drivers who want open setups. As regards to who gave me the authority to tell you to stop discussing things, I am responsible for running this winter series so that very much gives me the responsibility to do as such in the topic discussing that series. Do you really think I want a topic of drivers hurling abuse at each other because of differing opinions? You made your point but please accept the decision. Any further discussion on the subject is irrelevant chatter. The only one here that is childish is you. I also said initially for both of you to stop bickering, which included Jackson as well. However I will say that Jackson has stopped posting on the subject and done what you also should have done. He respected the fact that I did not want any more discussion on it. Quite frankly I'm glad you won't be competing in the series if that's the way you are going to act. You are a very good driver so your talent would very much be welcome but we do not want people challenging every little decision and pushing their own ideas where they won't be happy until its done their way. I'm not going to take this any further because I have not exactly been entirely clean myself in the past of stuff like this but I like to think that whilst I'm still not totally perfect by any means I have learnt from some of my mistakes. Now please leave this discussion and do not post anymore on that particular subject.

If you really feel the need to discuss things any further then please PM me and I will add you on MSN or Skype but NOT in the public domain.
scott do people still have to download the mod from simsync or will there be a seperate mod for download as ive seen some of the teams entered myself included would like to put the cancer research logos on car and probably put it on the general car and also Johannas has said the mod from 2012 wont be updated again on simsync so would need a seperate patch
I don't have a hotmail so..... We can use these 2 logos
I'm not a skinner so if you want them on the car you'll have to do it yourself and them submit the completed skins to me. Please bear in mind though that we will be promoting the charity extensively on the broadcast. I especially like that first logo though. Very apt.

Petros has handed the server back to me now after he's finished using it for something so uploading files currently. Server should be up tonight with track for practice. It will be up 24/7.
Great stuff David. Didn't think that would be possible.

EDIT: Server is now up. Details in first post. I will be finding out allocation for first round shortly too. If you don't allocate you can still turn up providing there are not 26 allocated drivers and you have signed up for the series.

I'll try and give a hotlap list as best I can if you want by checking server logs daily but I don't have an automatic thing so just have to wait for me to update it ;)

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