To be honest, the best photos are in the link already posted.
My rig is in a confined space so its hard for me to get pictures of anything other than a close up picture.
However, going on the photos in the link I shall talk you through it.
Starting with the 3rd photo down. First of all ignore the big black square mat. This is just a mat and not really needed.
The first thing you need to look at is the grey chipboard. This is the base and it roughly mirrors the "H" of the lower red frame. This chipboard is just three sepearte pieces of oblong board connected together to make a "H". It is done this way for shipping (compactness). To be honest this is the only naff bit of the rig. I binned the chipboard and instead brought one large replacement about 100cm square. The "traction loss" actuator bolts to this base board so it can push/pull the red frame left and right. Also screwed to the base board (under the red fame at the front and back) are two larg metal plates. Those are there because the red frames have casters on each corner for the travtion loss movement (which obviously roll on the metal plates). In the picture the right side (with the actuator) piviots a lot (this is your bum end of the rig). The left side in the picture is the pedal end and piviots very little.
Next the longer black frame (shown in the same picture) holds everything else... seat, wheel, pedals and actuators. If you have just the 3 motion, 2 actuators bolt to the front of the black frame and the feet of the actuators slip into the red cylinders you can see on the top of the red frame. If you have 5 motion, there are two more at the back.
If you go to the 7th picture down you will see that once the black frame is built your ass hangs over the base by about 20cm for maximum traction loss movement. The front pedals hang over about 10com
In that link, the guy has custom built the wooden base board to extremes so it can me moved easily. This is a consideration if you will need to move it. I have moved mine once and it is very hard work due to the weight (and unlike the link, no wheels). You can sepearte the black frame from the rest fairly easily and slide the rest but its defo a two man job and not something you would want to do often.