Markel Viota Markel Viota Jun 29, 2014 #23 It is my first downloaded track in this game so I don´t know where I have to put the file. Can anyone explain it to me? Thanks
It is my first downloaded track in this game so I don´t know where I have to put the file. Can anyone explain it to me? Thanks
Dave Begley dave1968uk Dave Begley Jun 29, 2014 #24 Just drop it in here: \SteamApps\common\assettocorsa\content\tracks
Tom Uytterhoeven Tom Uytterhoeven Jun 29, 2014 #25 programfiles->steam->steamapps->common->assettocorsa->content->tracks In the tracks folder you put the folder of your track EDIT aaah you beat me to it!
programfiles->steam->steamapps->common->assettocorsa->content->tracks In the tracks folder you put the folder of your track EDIT aaah you beat me to it!
G Georg Siebert Georg Siebert Jun 29, 2014 #27 Yes please, I'm in. Remember fellas, you can use the E92 Drift liveries by copying them into the E92 S1 folder.
Yes please, I'm in. Remember fellas, you can use the E92 Drift liveries by copying them into the E92 S1 folder.
Bailey Barry Bailey Barry Jun 29, 2014 #32 sorry can not make it tonight so can you sign me out please thanks
Ernest Aubert Ernest Aubert Jun 29, 2014 #34 I intend to try, even though the car and track are new to me.
Ernest Aubert Ernest Aubert Jun 29, 2014 #35 I see that I've been added to the entry list. But I don't see anything in AC's "online" server list that looks like this race; should I by now?
I see that I've been added to the entry list. But I don't see anything in AC's "online" server list that looks like this race; should I by now?
Tom Uytterhoeven Tom Uytterhoeven Jun 29, 2014 #36 It's only at 1800GMT that booking starts, quali is at 1900GMT and the actual race at 2000GMT. If you live in any european country on the west except for the UK and portugal you're in timezone GMT+2 So booking at 2000 Local, quali at 2100local and race at 2200 local EDIT: @Ernest Aubert I see you're from the US check here to convert to your timezone: Last edited: Jun 29, 2014
It's only at 1800GMT that booking starts, quali is at 1900GMT and the actual race at 2000GMT. If you live in any european country on the west except for the UK and portugal you're in timezone GMT+2 So booking at 2000 Local, quali at 2100local and race at 2200 local EDIT: @Ernest Aubert I see you're from the US check here to convert to your timezone: