@Tomi Manninen, brilliant racing I would say.
Well, as long as you can trust other driver to not make any stupid move
, do not change your defensive drive!
I thought that I had a contact with you and
@Tobias Röhner, but looking at the replay... I realize that it was twice with you.
The first was stupid, the second unfortunate. Bad inspiration from a young driver today.
At this moment, i just take my breath to cold down a little. And karma strikes again as my front get some damage, hurting my top speed. One more lap and
@Nasos Charalampou would overtook me.
Seeing your pace, Ours contacts might have hurt your car and lowering your pace? (Shame on me...). I used this
setup with 2 clock down to tyre pressure.
Anyway, thx you all for the race, I had a really good one.
See you next.