rF2 BMW 2002tii @ Ahvenisto - Thu 12 Nov 2020

rFactor 2 Racing Club event
Yeah, something is going on as for me the rd site is also slow and on the gt3 server i have the same disconnect problems as on the 2002 server.
I tried 2 other non rd servers and there everything went smooth.
But, thanks for your work, no problem that i missed today, just a bit sad ;) :thumbsup:
Hopefully it works better tomorrow for the gt3 race
It's too bad that some folks were having connection issues last night, as the event was great: Lovely little track and a great fun car to match it. Nice one Denis!:thumbsup: Just like the good-ol'days.

My connection held up fine thankfully but as I was a complete rF2 rookie, joining this race did not go without a struggle.
I spent a night and a half changing settings to get acceptable FPS in this game, and then a few more hours to get my triples setup in-game. And without some help I got from Denis and Jack I might not have figured it out at all.. Thanks guys!:notworthy:

It then took me over an hour and a lot of google to get the game to show my real name in multiplayer as required here. But.. I made it!
There still are about a hundred sliders and settings in this game that I have no idea about, and I need to figure out how to make that crewchief shut up:speechless:, as telling me 3 times per lap just how slow I am just doesn't really help:mad:, so there's plenty left to learn.
I'm confident though that I'll get all of that sorted out so I'll be able to join again soon. Well, all but the obvious lack of pace ofc, as that may become a real problem..:cautious:

At least yesterday, Jack was kind enough to stick around at the back of the field to ensure I wouldn't feel too lonely... :D Anyways, Thanks Denis for a nice event and thank all for racing! Hope to see you all soon!
Hey Boys,
happy to hear that most of you had a nice evening!!

Unfortunately my connection both in TS and RF2 was also really bad. Never had that before...

But instead of being unhappy crying myself into sleep, i choosed to have some different fun:

I can do nothing else but recommend Caterhams on Kart Tracks!!!

Hope to see you all next week, have a nice weekend!

Cheers Dan
I had a quick try in the 70's F1 mod... not for me. If enough of you guys say you like it and will sign up, I'll post an event though.

Next week Toyota AE 86 @ Anglesey.
We will be using the version that doesn't have the problem with the collision box bottoming out.
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Hello guys ! How are you since ODS LMC 2020 ?
Is there any calendar for your events and a way to join them in the future ?
All the best.
Hi Aurelien, everybody is pretty good AFAIK. One or two of the guys are thinking of joining you for the Target remembrance event in 10 days or so. I myself have signed up.

I post our Thursday evening club events on the RD calendar. It's linked on the left hand side bar for me, but it may be different for you, depending which navigation style you use. However, I just post events on a week by week basis and not in advance. I usually post the event/sign up thread on Friday evening. Next week's event will go up around 8PM GMT this evening (I hope).

Look forward to seeing you on track and maybe TS very soon. Always a pleasure. :)
@Daniel R. I brought it to our techy-smart people, and you are indeed a Deutsche Telekom user (either directly, or whatever service you are using, they are using DT). Which is good and bad. Good in the sense that we seem to be able to isolate the issue solely to DT-customers. Bad in the way that we have no way of solving this issue with flipping a switch (so to speak).

As I wrote to Oliver in the GT3 thread:
"The hope is that we can push the issue a bit (or get the provider to look in to it), while also users here submits a support ticket (or similar) to Deutsche Telekom. From what we can see atm, it's Deutsche Telekom users that have issues with slow RD-site and/or issues with servers.
Sorry about this, no setting we can change ourselves and fix it, but trust me. We are on it! "
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2020-11-12 _ BMW 2002tii @ Ahvenisto.jpg