ACC Blancpain GT @ Zandvoort - Wednesday 29th January 2020

Assetto Corsa Competizione Racing Club event
Sorry for leaving early but I got too pissed off at myself. That one goes high in the list of worst races. Great race there in front, was fun until I went off track which destroyed my tyres, damaged the car after that, lost a lot repairing when changing tyres just to screw off again. Thats what you get driving tired :(
Great race @speedyx56 and @r!ver_cz! a pity I threw it away early
Sorry for leaving early but I got too pissed off at myself. That one goes high in the list of worst races. Great race there in front, was fun until I went off track which destroyed my tyres, damaged the car after that, lost a lot repairing when changing tyres just to screw off again. Thats what you get driving tired :(
Great race @speedyx56 and @r!ver_cz! a pity I threw it away early
Yeah I saw you were quite adventurous, I didn't know Ferrari made 4x4 racers :p

Good race for me, started P6 after a terribly inconsistent P and Q (going off at least once every 3 laps), and during the race I didn't make a single off-track mistake. At the start immediately shot up to P4 and then took P3 over the pitstop window on Rudolf. Not a single fight was had, but a great result nevertheless, race consistency paid off :)
Thank you guys for a great race!

Even with small starting grid it was awesome fun and big thanks to @speedyx56 for a tough battle :thumbsup: At the end I got no front grip thanks to empty tank of the Porker:roflmao: Amyway the better one certainly won, so great respect to you Aenore. I’ve put some pressure on you, but you didn’t give me a chance.

PS: It is a pity @Michael Rudolf , that you went into bushes, because it could have been imense threeway battle :geek:
Thank you guys for a great race!

Even with small starting grid it was awesome fun and big thanks to @speedyx56 for a tough battle :thumbsup: At the end I got no front grip thanks to empty tank of the Porker:roflmao: Amyway the better one certainly won, so great respect to you Aenore. I’ve put some pressure on you, but you didn’t give me a chance.

PS: It is a pity @Michael Rudolf , that you went into bushes, because it could have been imense threeway battle :geek:
Awesome fight indeed, though this track certainly helps defensive driving :D
Man, that race could not end fast enough. A shame, as this was a race i was really looking forward to, and for once actually made a setup for.

Did some last minute messing with pit strategy, and after pressing Drive for the race, my hud was gone. Had no idea if the things i wanted to happen in pit would actually happen. Luckily, enough fuel was added for me to be able to finish the race. Phew.

After the pit, and with no hud, i drove around for what felt like 20 minutes without seeing any other cars. Thought for a while that something had gone wrong and that i was driving on the server alone :confused:

And of course i managed to punt a black and white Ferrari on lap 2 for some reason. Can't remember who it was, but sorry mate, all my fault.
Man, that race could not end fast enough. A shame, as this was a race i was really looking forward to, and for once actually made a setup for.

Did some last minute messing with pit strategy, and after pressing Drive for the race, my hud was gone. Had no idea if the things i wanted to happen in pit would actually happen. Luckily, enough fuel was added for me to be able to finish the race. Phew.

After the pit, and with no hud, i drove around for what felt like 20 minutes without seeing any other cars. Thought for a while that something had gone wrong and that i was driving on the server alone :confused:

And of course i managed to punt a black and white Ferrari on lap 2 for some reason. Can't remember who it was, but sorry mate, all my fault.
I believe you can cycle back to the proper HUD mode with F2 when that happens
Awesome fight indeed, though this track certainly helps defensive driving :D

It does help, but there is no room for an error and you made so little of them and often I made them too at the same time :roflmao: I also tried overcut, but was too agressive and lost 1s during that lap and in last 5 minutes you were just faster and I went out to check, if the barriers are according the all FIA rules:D
Hey Guys,

so yesterday my first ACC online race in general and also here at RD.

I have to say i´m quite impressed by ACC now after driving it a bit longer.
I´d say that ACC is the most immersive title on the market currently. Graphics and sound are awesome. Physics is also quite good. You can feel cold and dirty tires and cold brakes.
Unfortunately the tire model is not as detailed as in RF2 (flat spots f.e.) but it´s quite good nonetheless.

The race itself was ok for me. Qualified 8th which i´m happy with for the first time.
The race was also ok, got 7th (i think) in the end. Up until the pitstop i had a lot of fun with @Fernando Silva following him.
We both pitted at the same time, but there was Rudolfs car standing on my pit. So i was a bit irritated and waited a bit for him to leave. I didn´t know that it would have worked anyway. So i lost contact to Fernando. Would have loved to continue with him, would have become funny i guess. But nfortunately after that i was 9th without a car close behind or in front, so i finished the race for myself.

Anyway, it was fun, fair and competitive and it will surely not be my last race over here in ACC.

Cheers Dan

PS.: Did i understand correctly that weather is always a gamble? so no clue if it would rain during a race? If it happens it happens? If so, that´s awesome!!
Yeah I saw you were quite adventurous, I didn't know Ferrari made 4x4 racers

Haha well actually it wasn’t so bad on the grass, I never realized how much that hurts the tyres though, took like four laps to get back to sorta normal behavior, horribly instable which lost me more time than the actual off-road part. It was hard to match even your pace :p

It does help, but there is no room for an error and you made so little of them and often I made them too at the same time :roflmao: I also tried overcut, but was too agressive and lost 1s during that lap and in last 5 minutes you were just faster and I went out to check, if the barriers are according the all FIA rules:D

I can assure they are according to the FIA rules all around the track, I tested all of them very thoroughly :D

We both pitted at the same time, but there was Rudolfs car standing on my pit. So i was a bit irritated and waited a bit for him to leave. I didn´t know that it would have worked anyway.

The pits are really close together, I wonder if thats realistic. You really have to drive through your direct neighbor to make it. I saw you waiting and wondered what you were doing since I was in the correct spot
Haha well actually it wasn’t so bad on the grass, I never realized how much that hurts the tyres though, took like four laps to get back to sorta normal behavior, horribly instable which lost me more time than the actual off-road part. It was hard to match even your pace :p

I can assure they are according to the FIA rules all around the track, I tested all of them very thoroughly :D

The pits are really close together, I wonder if thats realistic. You really have to drive through your direct neighbor to make it. I saw you waiting and wondered what you were doing since I was in the correct spot

I'm a bit spoiled by RF2 because there you can't drive through somebody.
Anyway, thanks for advice, now I know better for future
Hey Guys,

so yesterday my first ACC online race in general and also here at RD.

I have to say i´m quite impressed by ACC now after driving it a bit longer.
I´d say that ACC is the most immersive title on the market currently. Graphics and sound are awesome. Physics is also quite good. You can feel cold and dirty tires and cold brakes.
Unfortunately the tire model is not as detailed as in RF2 (flat spots f.e.) but it´s quite good nonetheless.

The race itself was ok for me. Qualified 8th which i´m happy with for the first time.
The race was also ok, got 7th (i think) in the end. Up until the pitstop i had a lot of fun with @Fernando Silva following him.
We both pitted at the same time, but there was Rudolfs car standing on my pit. So i was a bit irritated and waited a bit for him to leave. I didn´t know that it would have worked anyway. So i lost contact to Fernando. Would have loved to continue with him, would have become funny i guess. But nfortunately after that i was 9th without a car close behind or in front, so i finished the race for myself.

Anyway, it was fun, fair and competitive and it will surely not be my last race over here in ACC.

Cheers Dan

PS.: Did i understand correctly that weather is always a gamble? so no clue if it would rain during a race? If it happens it happens? If so, that´s awesome!!
I think I was in the mix with you guys for a bit in the first stint but being a bit slow (was suffering with understeer) you guys overtook me. However I was consistent (consistently slow ;)) and was prepared for the cooling temps when I did the pit stop. I think that’s where I got the jump on you. The rest of the race was pretty much on my own till the two leaders lapped. In the end from last on the grid to 5th doesn’t sound too bad.:) :rolleyes: I did not overtake anyone!:roflmao:

As far as the weather is concerned if there is a possibility of rain one should have a set of wets and relative pressures ready in a pit strategy
I think I was in the mix with you guys for a bit in the first stint but being a bit slow (was suffering with understeer) you guys overtook me. However I was consistent (consistently slow ;)) and was prepared for the cooling temps when I did the pit stop. I think that’s where I got the jump on you. The rest of the race was pretty much on my own till the two leaders lapped. In the end from last on the grid to 5th doesn’t sound too bad.:) :rolleyes: I did not overtake anyone!:roflmao:

As far as the weather is concerned if there is a possibility of rain one should have a set of wets and relative pressures ready in a pit strategy

Yes, i remember your name. This racing with you till the pitstop was really cool. Both of you also being very consistent. We´ve been so close to each other from time to time.. Was a blast...especially beacuse everybody was under control more or less all the time.
I permanently waited for an error by @Fernando Silva till the pitstop, but he was equally fast and also very consistent, great driving.
That´s what racing is all about!!
Thanks man!
Did i understand correctly that weather is always a gamble? so no clue if it would rain during a race? If it happens it happens?
Yep. As server admin I set some variables that generate a random weekend. So it can be that even with a 20% dry chance, the race is still fully dry or with a 90% dry chance, you will still see a damp track. Even I don't know what is going to happen.
As you may (or may not have) noticed this race. The track was perfectly rubbered in after Qualification, but it took until the very last lap of the race for the track to reach 'Optimum' state again, because between Qualification and Race, it did simulate some rain. The race also started out gray and cloudy but at the end it was sunny :)
Awseome Stuff with the weather, i really like that concept of randomness.

Even though weather based on real forecast or at location live weather data would be another great option...maybe that comes one day.

In RF2 you can do that with add on software. Even though not always on point it´s still a funny and challenging addition.

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