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Bram Hengeveld

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Track: Curitiba
Practice: 19:00 GMT (30 minutes)
Qualification: 19:30 GMT (10 minutes)
Warm-up: No Warm up
Race: 19:40 (2x25 minutes)
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With almost one second faster in practice (single player) I couldn't recover my best time in multiplayer. I was never really constant with my lap times in multi and I still don't know the reason! :unsure:
So I started third.

Race 1
I had good start, after one lap though, I started losing the pedals from my feet,
(I've put a wood between the pedals and the wall of my desk ) and bit by bit, I was driving in a lying position until I lost the petals completely... Race ends for me. :(

Race 2
I don't remember the start...I think I did something in good at the first turn
but doesn't really matter because all, "eclipsed" from the race I had with @Craig Patteson

I hope you enjoyed the fight as much as I did mate.
I really like your driving style,
how you react,
your gentleness to others, ( in this case, the race you had with me)
and your fair fight.

What happened just before the finish line, just shows that my goal is not the "positions" but a nice race. ;)

I really don't think it was a coincedence that you were the first one to welcome me in the GSCE club. :)

Thanks guys for this race.
Well... once again, thank you @Dennis Phelan for making this race possible for all of us.
With almost one second faster in practice (single player) I couldn't recover my best time in multiplayer. I was never really constant with my lap times in multi and I still don't know the reason! :unsure:
So I started third.

Race 1
I had good start, after one lap though, I started losing the pedals from my feet,
(I've put a wood between the pedals and the wall of my desk ) and bit by bit, I was driving in a lying position until I lost the petals completely... Race ends for me. :(

Race 2
I don't remember the start...I think I did something in good at the first turn
but doesn't really matter because all, "eclipsed" from the race I had with @Craig Patteson

I hope you enjoyed the fight as much as I did mate.
I really like your driving style,
how you react,
your gentleness to others, ( in this case, the race you had with me)
and your fair fight.

What happened just before the finish line, just shows that my goal is not the "positions" but a nice race. ;)

I really don't think it was a coincedence that you were the first one to welcome me in the GSCE club. :)

Thanks guys for this race.
Well... once again, thank you @Dennis Phelan for making this race possible for all of us.

It was a good battle constantly changing postions every lap it was tight but enjoyable and thanks for the giving me the 3rd place
Ya know, entering this event, after one practice session, I thought it was a typical GSCE flat, blah track. Now, it is a nice layout but driving alone on it does absolutely nothing for me.

This event certainly wasn't about speed, laptimes or showing up for a track I'd created an event for. The track was one listed to me in a PM as a top five pick for driving. Me, I know nothing about the GSCE tracks. I'm hitting servers and doing test days, just trying to figure out which car track combo's will work for the US events, and this, that I have to plan. I'm happy to hear about your fav's in PM's so keep them coming.

In practice alone this track did nothing for me, with others on course it became "alive"! I easily took two full seconds off my best time because of this event but that's not the biggie! The best part of this event, GSCE Touring Cars, is that it has exposed to me that the racing, the close, action, separated by milliseconds of decisions, offers a better view of the real racing world than Race 07 ever did. I am AMAZED at the opportunities for passing, even at this track, that do not end in disaster even for a midpack/back of the pack driver like myself. Real driving options are available that bring the virtual world closer to the real world. I might only wish that I had a better PC for a sim with better graphics but discussions I hear kinda put that to rest.

Today's racing was some of the finest I've seen, yeah, the track got better with people on it, all going like stink and the great cars/physics made the chasing/defending/laptime chase a lot of fun but the crowd of drivers made it all happen. So a "Thank You" to all that showed up for this event and raced hard. I'm hoping to put more events like this on the line for all of you[with reverse grids] :)
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