Cars Authentic Handling Tires for the Chinook Mk.2 Can-Am Mod [Deleted]

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So to sum up: you took tyres from the Lola without permission, changed few parameters around on the basis of "my ass" and called them "improved" and then said JPG is the arrogant one?


Maybe you really should stop posting here like you said you will do a while ago.
Also, when are we not allowed to use tire data from other cars? In real life cars would have shared the same tires. I also see how you chose to only show the rear wheels instead of the front as well.
But I guess haters got to hate... haha!
Maybe you wouldn't be getting hate if you owed up and apologized instead of messing up and then insulting everyone trying to confront you about it.

But I guess the thought that you might have done something wrong has never occurred to you in the first place.
But I guess stupid people got to do stupid things... haha!

Also, when are we not allowed to use tire data from other cars?

When you don't ask permission and claim them as yours which is exactly what you did.
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Maybe you wouldn't be getting hate if you owed up and apologized instead of messing up and then insulting everyone trying to confront you about it.

But I guess the thought that you might have done something wrong has never occurred to you in the first place.
But I guess stupid people got to do stupid things... haha!
I'm not going to apologize for contributing positively to the sim racing community.

Now its time for me to go find that "Ignore" button...
Also, when are we not allowed to use tire data from other cars? In real life cars would have shared the same tires. I also see how you chose to only show the rear wheels instead of the front as well.
As mentioned (though maybe you already found that ignore button and didn't see my post), the rear tires on the Chinook are 51mm skinnier than the Lola's. In no realm would it make sense to just copy them directly. And the fronts are 99% the same besides the deletion of the load sensitivity luts.

Using someone else's work without permission and passing it as your own (lest you forget, "I ended up creating pretty much an entirely new set of tires") is plagiarism, which should be obvious.
Also worth noting the Chinook's rear tires are 51mm skinnier than the Lola's , so plagiarizing the Lola tires wouldn't really make sense. (Unless like Kitt said, they were BoP tires or something)
By the way, are we good now that I changed the name of the mod? I think you're a fantastic resource to the community, we just don't see eye to eye on much of anything at all. Or would it be best if we just hit "ignore" on each other?
@Kenny Paton maybe you could do something about this since there's clearly no talking to a person who thinks plagiarizing someone elses work and taking the credit is "positively contributing to the community"?
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As mentioned (though maybe you already found that ignore button and didn't see my post), the rear tires on the Chinook are 51mm skinnier than the Lola's. In no realm would it make sense to just copy them directly. And the fronts are 99% the same besides the deletion of the load sensitivity luts.

Using someone else's work without permission and passing it as your own (lest you forget, "I ended up creating pretty much an entirely new set of tires") is plagiarism, which should be obvious.
I see not.... sigh...

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