Assetto Corsa Support League (non F1 Weekends)


The Assetto Corsa Off Week Championship

Championship Standings are here.

Schedule is here.

Rules are here, to the extent applicable, and based on the below from this website.

Participant Sign up and List is here.

Race Settings
Factory Traction Control: None
Factory ABS: None
Stability Control: Off
Tire Wear & Fuel Consumption: 200%
Manual Gears Only
(clutch assist and blip on)
Driving Line: Off
Penlites: On
Corner Cutting: On (5 sec. penalty)
Pit Exit / Entry Penalties: On
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Thoroughly enjoyed that session last night lads. Could drive that car and track all day long :thumbsup:

Had a fiddle about with a couple of setup areas in practice, final gear ratio, engine limiter, tyre pressures. I expected to get a little bit better performance from opening the engine limiter up but it had surprisingly zero effect. Same top speed as when I was using 7 and with no way of knowing how badly it effects the engine temperature I opted to bring it back down rather than risk a blown engine. Using the higher gear ratio (4.000) also had no effect on top speed but didn’t leave the car on the limiter for so long but it also wasn’t as good in the lower gears, boggin down a bit more so I stuck with what felt more comfortable for me (4.111). I only saw the car HUD pop up once and the engine was still good as new so clearly hitting the limiter was having little or no negative impact on it which I hope they may do something about with a later update as that is not what I expect to see. I do wish you could see the car status with a button push, it would be simple to bring it up when cycling through the various displays so you could see it like you can the tyre status so no idea why they left that out. It’s intermittent pop-up we get now is way too quick and not often enough to be of any great use. But that’s just a small criticism.

Higher tyre pressures were maybe a little bit of a help although again top speed was unaffected but I stuck with that change of about 5 clicks higher.

Quali - 2:49.6 which was just done on a single lap… not much time for more with the out lap taking so long lol. I did have a second run going and was up on my previous time by 6/tenths at the first sector but got a little too greedy on the exit of Lesmo 1 and touched the barrier losing me a couple of tenths and then didn’t get the best of exits from the second Lesmo so lost most of the rest of the time there and was only about 5/hundredths up as I closed in on the Parabolica and my car started coasting as my fuel was out lol…

Race – Great start from Eric.. away into the lead from the off with I think Neale following close behind on the long run to turn 1. I covered the inside line and then had pretty good speed through the turn and into and out of the following Lesmo’s and closed a little on Eric and then he seemed to ease off around the fast left-hand Curve del Vialone (Ascari as it is now) allowing me to close quickly and pull alongside on the run down to the Parabolica. Just got ahead before the braking zone but had to brake a bit later than I would usually so ran a little wide but nothing major and just brought the car back gently (key in these cars) to make the corner without too much trouble but I think Eric had a wobble there and Neal was on him then and they had a nice battle over the next few laps which I could see in my mirrors.

My first stint was really strong, a little wobble here and there but nothing much and it felt like I could go faster pretty much every lap and was very happy to hit my PB with a 1:49.3. Having put enough fuel in the car for the whole race (or so I thought) I had intended to make my mandatory stop late in the race but of course that changed when the fuel rate was doubled and it became clear fuel would be needed so I jumped into the pits at the end of lap 7 to take on 55 litres of fuel… I knew that was more than would be needed but didn’t want to take any chances. Boy does that sit in the pits while the fuel fills up seem to last forever lol.

Exited the pits just as Eric and Karl went past and re-joined in 3rd place. Definitely didn’t feel as good in the early part of this stint but kept it clean and mistake free and regained the lead when both the front two made their stops. As things settled down and everyone had their stops the lead over Karl was around 7 seconds. I had one bad lap losing around 2.5 seconds when I had a little sideways moment when too heavy on the throttle out of the Parabolica and that alone cost about 2 seconds on the rest of the lap with the drop in speed down the following straight and oval. It lost so much that I did wonder whether there was some problem with the engine but on the following lap the top speeds were fine and there seemed no obvious issues and with the split times back in the range I was happy with I made up for the previous bad lap with another 49 to open the gap up to Karl again. Around this time he had a spin and that was the challenge over for the race as the lead jumped up to 17 seconds and then over 20 so I just had to keep the beautiful green tub on the straight and level keeping the times in the 2:50’s over the closing few laps to take the flag for a pleasing win.

Well done to everyone for finishing safely… easy to lose drivers back in the 60’s so good we all made it home safe ;)

Here’s my race including part of the practice and all the quali.

Sorry about that. Let's just go with the password being the number of the race, so this one was 1, next 2, etc. The lobby titles will simply be "rdrace1, rdrace2, etc.

Peter, with your win in pCARS and your trouncing the field tonight, I'm beginning to think you and these old cars are not an accident. :whistling: Have you been spending some quality time at Goodwood? :laugh: Nice run. I'm not sure anyone had a thing for you. I know I didn't.

I may have made it up to 3rd at one point, but after the first pit stop I settled down into a good run against seeb and others, while watching booth pass by me over the hay bales. :cool: One too many bunny hops into the parabolica then a smash into the wall sent me back into the pits. After that, it was a struggle, for sure. The funniest moment as at the end out of the left kind, when I tried to save it and then caught Big Will and seeb, as my back wheel acted as a magnet for someone's front. lol. I have it from my view, and it was kind of hilarious. I lay a sweet pass on Will in the Lesmos, then promptly drive wide and almost spin on exit, then foul it up in the kink, wagging my tail until a get hammered. All my fault. Sorry. (But your car sliding by me after Will, was funny).

The first one is the wreck. I'm giving myself a 40 second penalty for that one. lol. So Will finished 6th. I was 7th.
Haha yes good fun last night, that crash we had was hilarious. I seen you wagging in front of me but i was so committed to that corner it's almost impossible to get the car out of the way! I was doing well up until my 3 & a half minute pit stop lol
I had quick practice the morning before the race and managed to set a 2:48.9xx. I have no idea where that pace went in the race

Quali - 2:50.8 - 4 tenths slower than the Free practice session.
Race - slow start but held it together mostly. Had a close call with Boothy at turn 1 and had to slow up so we didn't make contact. After that i was playing catch up.
Had a few slides and a couple spins that cost a lot of time but by lap 8 i was back in P3 i think. Stopped for repairs (didn't need fuel as i had way too much to start) and rejoined in P2 trying to catch Peter....which was impossible. He was really switched on for this race.
Had a few more incidents and Eric got by to reclaim P2.
I came home P3, but not sure how far behind Eric as the split times weren't working right.
Had lots of fun though. Wish i could make the next one but i'll be away. I'll also be away for the 3rd race unfortunately.

Look forward to watching some of this later Karl. You did well considering the early problem. It's very difficult to make the time back up on any lap where you have a problem. I would have done the same as you and filled for the race (I thought I had but the fuel x2 multiplier slipped me by lol) to save the time in the pits but as it was being stationary for as long as I was brought you back into play and added to the fun factor. I thought we might be on for some fun over the closing laps so was disappointed when you had that spin.. where did it happen?

The missing gap times are annoying especially when leading as you have no idea where anyone is. Really enjoyed this track. I noticed in practice when going around the first part of the oval there was a lot of shadow drawing going on ahead.. the dark line that fell just under the barrier. It annoyed the hell out of me in practice, I was sure I was going to catch it one lap lol but I think that was missing online which was good.. either that or I was focusing so hard it was blocked out of my mind.

Good job anyway. Shame you are missing two races... I miss the next one due to my holiday and potentially the one on the 10th September depending on latest grandchild's birth.
I had a little run out in the Mazda at Classic Silverstone when I got home from work. Thought I would check out what you guys will be racing on Sunday. Not the easiest car to drive, another with a backend that's debts to be the front lol.

What sort of times are being achieved in this one if you've had any practice.
I had a little run out in the Mazda at Classic Silverstone when I got home from work. Thought I would check out what you guys will be racing on Sunday. Not the easiest car to drive, another with a backend that's debts to be the front lol.

What sort of times are being achieved in this one if you've had any practice.
Have you decided what car we are driving sunday peter?
Have you decided what car we are driving sunday peter?
It's all on the first page Will.. third post down... but here is the early races schedule. Mazda 787B is next, this one was Eric's choice I believe:-

Race 1: August 6
Car - Lotus Type 25
Track - Monza 1966 - Full Course (with oval)

Race Two: August 13
Car - Mazda 787B
Track - Classic Silverstone

Race Three: August 20
Car - Lotus 98T
Track - Brands Hatch GP

Until we get a separate forum provided for this it is a bit cluttered having it all in one thread but we are still waiting for the green light.
Look forward to watching some of this later Karl. You did well considering the early problem. It's very difficult to make the time back up on any lap where you have a problem. I would have done the same as you and filled for the race (I thought I had but the fuel x2 multiplier slipped me by lol) to save the time in the pits but as it was being stationary for as long as I was brought you back into play and added to the fun factor. I thought we might be on for some fun over the closing laps so was disappointed when you had that spin.. where did it happen?
I think it was at Turn 1 after my stop. You must not have had many issues at all in your race. You did well.
I think i'm going to get some practice in for the next race even though i won't make it. I'll probably do the same for the following race as well, just to be able to compare times.
I think it was at Turn 1 after my stop. You must not have had many issues at all in your race. You did well.
I think i'm going to get some practice in for the next race even though i won't make it. I'll probably do the same for the following race as well, just to be able to compare times.
Nothing major.. a couple of times where I pushed a bit more and ran a little deep or wide so just lost a bit of time but no spins at all. I learnt quickly that any sudden inputs would unsettle the car and lead to a spin so I kept the steering and throttle \ brake as smooth as possible even if I made a slight error. That time when I was a bit too eager on the throttle out of Parabolica was probably the closest but even that was fairly tame tbh. Just one of those lucky days for me.
Race Two: August 13
Car - Mazda 787B
Track - "Classic Silverstone" = what? International - National - 1967 - GP
I'm guessing 1967, am I right? If so, did an initial 1:27.350 after tuning set up. Now need to learn the track better.
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Race Two: August 13
Car - Mazda 787B
Track - "Classic Silverstone" = what? International - National - 1967 - GP
I'm guessing 1967, am I right? If so, did an initial 1:27.350 after tuning set up. Now need to learn the track better.
Classic is 1967... classic is always the old tracks .

You'll get that down soon enough Pete. I put in a 1:21.6 on the default tune just by concentrating on the braking, downshifts and turn-in and I reckon once you've done that you'll have some adjustment to make on that setup.

I'll look forward to hearing of everyones progress as the week progresses.
I'm pretty happy with my set up now. Just had a hard time adjusting to the track without any side strips or run off's. Catch that grass and it's bad! I rather like the 1967 Classic since you don't have to slow down too much for any tight S type corners. The one off camber sweep is a bit tricky though! My set up is at the Set Up Market if anyone wants to give it a go. Running FG 1000 tonight, but will get back to the 787B on WED.
Catch that grass and it's bad!

That's how it should be today instead of this silly slot car "track boundary" nonsense. This will be a LOT of fun to race. This car is a beast (Reminds me of the Sauber back in the 90s) and this track, pre-FIA meddling, was the bomb. The two together are a brilliant pick.

It may also help to get a separate area for this series so we can keep it a bit more organised and easier to manage :thumbsup:

@Bram said he was in agreement with you, but he's s-l-o-w. lol. No worries...this will build and build, I think. And we don't ever have to worry about lag!
That's how it should be today instead of this silly slot car "track boundary" nonsense. This will be a LOT of fun to race. This car is a beast (Reminds me of the Sauber back in the 90s) and this track, pre-FIA meddling, was the bomb. The two together are a brilliant pick.

@Bram said he was in agreement with you, but he's s-l-o-w. lol. No worries...this will build and build, I think. And we don't ever have to worry about lag!
I did get some lag.. or screen stuttering a couple of times on Sunday. Think it might have been when Boothy let the race.
Race Two: August 13; 4p EDT; 9p BST
Car - Mazda 787B

Track - Silverstone Classic 1960s

Format: 30 minute practice; 20 minute qualifying; 30 Lap Race. Weather: Clear.
___NO Assists unless Factory installed on a given car___
Factory TC/ABS; Other Assists: Off; Tire Wear & Fuel Consumption: 200%; Stability Control: Off
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