I see they implemented the crowed! That should really spice up the atmosphere!
I see they implemented the crowed! That should really spice up the atmosphere!
They did? Can you point me to the screenshot please? Can't see on this stupid phone.
Not the most powerful computer i would guess. Looks like no AA and averages 18fps
That is an picture Damien.This one truly looks like a picture
You can get slow motion with 60fps tooIf you have a good look at the controls you see its 12x slow motion, hence the low fps I guess.
I sure hope not, look at the picture, there´s loads of jaggies.Problaby he cranked the video options up for better screenshots.
So video options do not include reflections, shadows etc etc.Cranking up the video options isn't necessarily AA related, could also be reflections, shadows etc etc.
So video options do not include reflections, shadows etc etc.
It looks terrible and terrible fps, completely different to what we have seen and heard otherwise so i´m inclined to believe the person running the TP is running on a crap computer.
Twitter said:@Falko83
Aristotelis I'm running a 7970 (1680x1050, single screen), and get an average of 20fps. Is there something I can do to improve that?
AristotelisVasilakos Aristotelis
@Falko83 Very strange. Try 8x Anisotropic, no Antialias Samples, 4x FAAA, Shadow medium, 4x motion blur if you like, Low Cubemap, 1Faces
Luciano Silveira @Falko83
Aristotelis I get 70+ with 8x AF, 4x AA, 3x FAAA, Shadow High, 4x motion blur, medium cubemap and 3 Faces. However that seems low for 7970
Luciano Silveira @Falko83
Aristotelis I already sent the statistics data, hope it can help!
AristotelisVasilakos Aristotelis
@Falko83 You don't really need both AA on, and 3 faces medium cube map is an overkill. doesn't make gfx any better. We should limit this.
Luciano Silveira @Falko83
Aristotelis Perfect. I'll try those! btw: 20fps avg with everything maxed out. I think you got it =) The car handling, however, is awesome.
AristotelisVasilakos Aristotelis
@Falko83 Yeah we let all the sliders at absurd values, although not needed. Good to get data. We will limit to "human" values in the final.
EXACTLY!my body and computer is ready.. come melt my graphcis card AC... DO EEEET!