Here's my AC settings. Am assuming you are using CSP as this has a bearing on things.
A couple of things to note. Wheel is in Pro mode.
In CSP FF tweaks I have range compression at 120% this helps reduce some over exaggerated bumps when running cars with stiff suspension. It also gives a slightly more consistent FF response across the range IMO.
Strength is set at 5nm. Lower than i usually have it - but the range compression compensates for this.
Overall strength adjustments are made on a per car basis using the in game CSP Controller Tweaks App or the Kunos FF app. I typically end up between 75 and 100% depending on the car.
These settings work great for me in every car I've tried by simply chaging the in car ffb as described. All purely subjective of course but hopefully a starting point.
A couple of things to note. Wheel is in Pro mode.
In CSP FF tweaks I have range compression at 120% this helps reduce some over exaggerated bumps when running cars with stiff suspension. It also gives a slightly more consistent FF response across the range IMO.
Strength is set at 5nm. Lower than i usually have it - but the range compression compensates for this.
Overall strength adjustments are made on a per car basis using the in game CSP Controller Tweaks App or the Kunos FF app. I typically end up between 75 and 100% depending on the car.
These settings work great for me in every car I've tried by simply chaging the in car ffb as described. All purely subjective of course but hopefully a starting point.
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