Literally all the sims available right now, have been available since the 2080 was the fastest video card and back then everyone said it was necessary for triple 1440's.Doom Eternal at 4k Ultra nightmare preset uses 9gb of VRAM. 6800 is 30% faster in that game compared to the 3070 with those settings. Just one example but there will be many more in the next year.
Its ok at 4k for now but its borderline really, I really would not consider a 3070 for triple 1440p, maybe if you ran them at 1080p and wait another year for a better gpu. I would not consider the 2080ti either and that has more vram and higher memory bandwidth. a 3080 was only just about good enough in benchmarks. Um not convinced the 6800xt will work well at triple 1440p because of the 256bit memory bandwidth and infinity cache scales better at lower resolutions.
Yeah it was rubbish. Don't think next week will be much better, maybe get a preorder in at best. Doesn't bode well for the 6900xt which is AMD only. Bet those are going to be unicorns until AIBs get the green light to make them. How long will that be, probably long enough for a 3080ti to come in and run rings around it.
I got a 5800x preorder last week at digitec in Switzerland, which is stated to arrive mid Janurary, the 5900x preorders are huge by comparison and no date stated, and looks like its going to take far longer at least here anyway, will chance getting a 6800xt next week but if i can't even get a preorder then i'm done with thinking about upgrades till this all blows over. Not good for the head really.
And then the 2080 Ti was necessary.
And now the 3080 is necessary.
And when the 3080 Ti is released, I'm assuming you'll say the 3080 isn't good enough again right?
Because that's how these conversations always go...
Just keep kicking those goalposts forward.