I hope I'm not hijacking this thread, but it's not really about fidelity.
I absolutely love the high-fidelity tire feel that AMS2 can provide on the right car. On soft slicks, you get an almost "driving on gummy bears" feel.
My problem is that, on my wheel (SC-2 Sport), crashes can be incredibly (dangerously!) violent, whereas the normal driving feedback is very, very soft by comparison. So, to get decently strong feedback during normal driving, you are unnecessarily risking your thumbs or wrist during crashes and recovery.
This is exacerbated by the fact, I think, that AMS2 seems to often lose track of the wheel position after a crash. When you try to reassert control to get back on the road (e.g. off a rail), it often jerks the wheel violently again despite only moving at a walking pace.
This very wide dynamic range may be accurate (crashes are indeed violent in real life), but it's just too great a difference in power. Some compression is needed, and I haven't yet figured out the right way to achieve that.