AMS 2 | New Hotfix Update Now Available

Paul Jeffrey

A new hotfix update for Automobilista 2 has been released.
  • Additional content set to follow in the coming days.
  • Latest hotfix includes various bug fixes and tweaks.
  • Various AI speed updates.

When Reiza Studios released their V1.0.2.0 update for Automobilista back on Tuesday, the Brazilian studio teased another interesting new piece of content is set to following in the coming days - and although said day has not quite arrive yet, we do have a reasonably large hotfix update to enjoy while we await the latest content drop.

The new V1.0.2.1 update has been deployed to the simulation already, and should download automatically the next time players restart their Steam client.

AMS 2 Footer.jpg


  • Adjusted range of allowed track limit warnings to 1-50
  • Multiplayer chatbox history no longer logs joins/leaves and limits history playback when switching page
  • Fixed session overview leaderboard not filling in Multiplayer session
  • Fixed incorrect text on pit strategy back buttons
  • Adjusted F-Vintage body aero lift (all models)
  • Fixed VW Truck crashing to desktop when loading
  • Adjusted Ultima & Camaro SS tyres (stiffer tyre sidewall, reduced a speed sensitivity, stiffer front ARB and springs) & AI tuning
  • Adjusted F-Reiza tyre tread (better retention of adhesive friction at speed)
  • Decreased AI defensive lateral movement range to reduce chances of weaving
  • Minor reduction of AI brake grip
  • Minor AI performance callibration pass for F-Vintage, Ultima & Camaro SS
  • Adjusted AI wet tyre grip for Formulas V12, V10 Gen1 & Gen2
  • Silverstone (all versions): General art passes & added remaining trackside objects (including period accurate 1975 pit building)
  • Hockenheim: fixed trees popping up in the horizon of 1977 version
  • Incremental AI speed adjustments at Imola 2019 - Chicane T11; Kansai - T11, T14, T16; Spielberg - T1, T2; Donington - Mcleans (T7); Goiania - Chicane entry; Kyalami - T13, T16; Oulton Int - chicane entry; Santa Cruz - chicane;, Taruma Chicane; Velopark - Last corner.
  • Camaro SS: Fixed tachometer
  • Brabham BT26A: Added front suspension animation & texture, material updates
  • F-V10 Gen1:- Added material to sidepod intakes

Automobilista 2 is available now, exclusively on PC.

Got questions? Have answers? Want to chat about AMS 2 and don't know where to go? Worry not my friend, we have just the place for you! The Automobilista 2 sub forum here at RaceDepartment welcomes you with open arms - come say hello!

AMS 2 Middle.jpg
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  • Deleted member 963434

i believe in future we will have such steering system in our sims, where steerin wheel is 100% always connected to what front tyres doin in sim, instead of current weird forces working as output reaction to our input which makes oscillations an have some delay. we have too many settings in our wheels an in our sims, like someone can make settings very close to real ting, but other can make so bizarre setting that it wont be close to any car, gyus without driving license i guess have worst problem wit setting their wheels, i saw not once on forum people tellin like cars not centering themselfs that yo shall feel only oversteer etc definetly kids who never drove real car xD i hope one day there be no settings, only devs either make cars without power steerin harder to turn wheel or leave one slider to user decide how he want his steerin wheel to be hard. there is no one comin to sim even if he has 50 driving license in real life, an he dont drive straight away, he must get used to it, only pro racing drivers can drive good in sims straight away but just cause tey know the tracks and have muscle memory from real life, thats why tey drive good in sims
  • Deleted member 963434

yo know what i mean? i have very good setting in all my sims, so close to real life but i still notice tis biggest different between both worlds.. in real life car like drives itself yo can hold wheel light at turn yo steerin wheel always follow front wheels, in sims i have similar feel but it is noticeable that its not yo steerin wheel follows front wheels but its always feeling like some spring force pushin it back to center
  • Deleted member 963434

and i know it just matter of time we get that steering, look tey making such thing in real life cars now, its called steer-by-wire. i dont know if its safe xD but theres no connection between steering wheel and front wheels, steering wheel is connected to big motor as we have in our sims, and controller tellin wheel what front tyres doin. if tey make it in real cars its matter of time tey make same thing in sims, cause i dont think in real life car tis steerin work same as in sim, all that oscillation, weird forces etc, dat woul be very dangerous xD look steer-by-wire
i believe in future we will have such steering system in our sims, where steerin wheel is 100% always connected to what front tyres doin in sim, instead of current weird forces working as output reaction to our input which makes oscillations an have some delay. we have too many settings in our wheels an in our sims, like someone can make settings very close to real ting, but other can make so bizarre setting that it wont be close to any car, gyus without driving license i guess have worst problem wit setting their wheels, i saw not once on forum people tellin like cars not centering themselfs that yo shall feel only oversteer etc definetly kids who never drove real car xD i hope one day there be no settings, only devs either make cars without power steerin harder to turn wheel or leave one slider to user decide how he want his steerin wheel to be hard. there is no one comin to sim even if he has 50 driving license in real life, an he dont drive straight away, he must get used to it, only pro racing drivers can drive good in sims straight away but just cause tey know the tracks and have muscle memory from real life, thats why tey drive good in sims
You end up with the same dull FFB as iRacing got.
In real life you don't feel as much with the steeringrack as we like to feel in a sim.
Most feeling with the real car comes from your bottom/body/mind not just your hands.
You end up with the same lame FFB as iRacing got.
In real life you don't feel as much with the frontwheels as we like to in a sim.
Most feeling with the car comes from your ass not your hands.
that's exactly what I was gonna say. ffb is nothing more than a mind trick to make you feel through the only haptic instrument we have, the steering wheel, whatever happens to the car you are driving, even all the things you wouldn't feel in reality. the concept of feeling through the wheel just what you actually feel in real life is pretty useless in a sim environment.
that's exactly what I was gonna say. ffb is nothing more than a mind trick to make you feel through the only haptic instrument we have, the steering wheel, whatever happens to the car you are driving, even all the things you wouldn't feel in reality. the concept of feeling through the wheel just what you actually feel in real life is pretty useless in a sim environment.
and this, aside from every manufacturers different approach to their own tech, pricing etc, is the reason why there won't be "plug & play ffb" without any settings to fiddle about. Everyone prefers their own mind tricks/set of things they want to feel through the wheel. Plus yeah, manufactureres pushing for new tech, other manufacturers cutting costs, wallet preferences of the users...
  • Deleted member 197115

and this, aside from every manufacturers different approach to their own tech, pricing etc, is the reason why there won't be "plug & play ffb" without any settings to fiddle about. Everyone prefers their own mind tricks/set of things they want to feel through the wheel. Plus yeah, manufactureres pushing for new tech, other manufacturers cutting costs, wallet preferences of the users...
Could never understand that mindset, how Kunos managed to get away with essentially just gain settings approach in both most popular on PC sim titles?
And who didn't curse SMS for delivering under-cooked meal FFB leaving poor users figuring out what to make out of it?
Could never understand that mindset, how Kunos managed to get away with essentially just gain settings approach in both most popular on PC sim titles?
Maybe because they didn't.

AC FFB menu
Gain slider
Filter slider
Minimum force slider
Kerb effects slider
Road effects slider
Slip effects slider
ABS effects slider
Enhanced understeer effects check box
Half FFB update rate check box
  • Deleted member 197115

I'd be very happy if FFB just worked with similar limited set of options instead of verbose custom FFB settings.
Afraid all these extra tweaking parameters are needed only if physics engine cannot produce something end user can accept in pure form and some form of compensation is needed.
But in the end it's studio's or perhaps unfortunate consequence of SMS engine choice.



# Wheel type ingame settings recommendations:
# DD wheel bases:
# LFB 5-10
# FX 50
# Belt wheels
# LFB ??
# FX 50
# Gear
# LFB ??
# FX 50


# Min Force - Set to higher values for belt and gear driven wheels
# Typical values 0.06 - 0.12

(min_force 0.00)

# Scaling settings ----------------------------------------

# Rack - amplification of rack forces

(micro_details 0.9)
(macro_details 0.6)
(rack_load 1.4)
(brake_load 0.5)
(load_scale 0.2)
(adhesion_scale 0.3)
(overall_damping 0.2)
(tightness 0.6)

# FX - generated effects (affected by FX slider)

(scrub_scale 0.5)
(kerb_scale 0.2)
(gyro_scale 1.0)
(engine_scale_slow 0.6)
(engine_scale_fast 0.03)

# Rack smoothing - removes some of the harsher details

(output_smoothing 0.0)

# Scrub settings ------------------------------------------

# Overall scrub scale - used to scale both front and back

(scrub_scale_master (* scrub_scale 30.0))

# Scrub scale (0.0 - 2.0)
# Set to 0.0 to disable

(scrub_scale_front 1.2)
(scrub_scale_rear 0.7)

# Scrub lambda (inversely proportional to frequency of effect)
# Higher values give lower freq. Best range 1.1 - 1.8

(scrub_lambda_front 1.6)
(scrub_lambda_rear 1.2)

# Scrub spring settings

(scrub_spring_stiffness 40000.0)
(scrub_spring_damping 0.1)
(scrub_spring_effect 1.0)


# Constrain to range

(tightness (- tightness (* min_force 3)))
(tightness (min 3.0 (max 0.15 tightness)))

# Reiza variables -----------------------------------------

(lever_mode 0)
(smooth_level 0)
(max_change 1.0)
(scrub_rack 0.0)
(scrub_rear 0.0)
(scrub_vibe 0.0)
(rack_damping_scale 0.0)

# Reiza code ----------------------------------------------

# general multipliers (from ams1)

(max_overall_force 11500.0)
(recip_force ( / 1.0 max_overall_force))

#mfasr scaler

(rack_scaled ( * arm_force ( / max_overall_force M_max_force_at_rack)))
(rack_scaled ( * rack_scaled recip_force))
(rack rack_scaled)

(rack_smooth (smooth rack M_force_smoothing))
(rack (if M_force_smoothing rack_smooth rack))


(parkingForce (* parkingForceMult rack))
(parkingForce (* parkingForce (crossover et 0.0 5.0)))
(parkingForce (* parkingForce (- 1.0 (crossover vel_mag 0.0 7.0))))
(rack (* rack (crossover vel_mag 0.0 5.0)))
(rack (+ rack parkingForce))

# Kerb enhancement ----------------------------------------

(prd 1.0)
(FL_bump_period (* 0.15 FL_bump_kerb))
(FL_bump_amplitude (* 0.1 FL_bump_kerb))
(FL_bump_sharpness 0.9)
(inv_period (/ 1.0 (+ FL_bump_period 0.001)))
(dphase (* FL_vel_x dt inv_period))
(sin1 (oscillator (* prd 1.0 dphase)))
(sin2 (oscillator (* prd 2.0 dphase)))
(sin3 (oscillator (* prd 3.0 dphase)))
(term1 (* (/ -2.0 prd) sin1))
(term2 (* (/ -1.0 prd) sin2))
(term3 (* (/ -0.6667 prd) sin3))
(sawtooth (+ term1 term2 term3))
(FL_bump (* sawtooth (* FL_load 1.0) FL_bump_amplitude FL_angvel))

(FR_bump_period (* 0.15 FR_bump_kerb))
(FR_bump_amplitude (* 0.1 FR_bump_kerb))
(FR_bump_sharpness 0.9)
(inv_period (/ 1.0 (+ FR_bump_period 0.001)))
(dphase (* FR_vel_x dt inv_period))
(sin1 (oscillator (* prd 1.0 dphase)))
(sin2 (oscillator (* prd 2.0 dphase)))
(sin3 (oscillator (* prd 3.0 dphase)))
(term1 (* (/ -2.0 prd) sin1))
(term2 (* (/ -1.0 prd) sin2))
(term3 (* (/ -0.6667 prd) sin3))
(sawtooth (+ term1 term2 term3))
(FR_bump (* sawtooth (* FR_load -1.0) FR_bump_amplitude FR_angvel))

(kerb_tex (* (+ FL_bump FR_bump) 0.0012 kerb_scale))

# Scrub FX ------------------------------------------------

# Scrub Front

(sf_s 0.55)
(FL_scrub (soft_clip FL_scrub 2.0 0.0))
(FL_scrub (* (/ 1 (- 1.0 sf_s)) (max 0.0 (- FL_scrub sf_s))))
(FL_scrub (power FL_scrub 2.0))
(FL_scrub (* FL_scrub (oscillator scrub_lambda_front)))

(FR_scrub (soft_clip FR_scrub 2.0 0.0))
(FR_scrub (* (/ 1 (- 1.0 sf_s)) (max 0.0 (- FR_scrub sf_s))))
(FR_scrub (power FR_scrub 2.0))
(FR_scrub (* FR_scrub (oscillator scrub_lambda_front)))

(scrub_scale_factor (* scrub_scale_master scrub_scale_front))

(FL_scrub (* scrub_scale_factor FL_scrub))
(FL_scrub (spring FL_scrub scrub_spring_stiffness scrub_spring_damping scrub_spring_effect))

(FR_scrub (* scrub_scale_factor FR_scrub))
(FR_scrub (spring FR_scrub scrub_spring_stiffness scrub_spring_damping scrub_spring_effect))

# Scrub Rear

(sr_s 0.52)
(RL_scrub (soft_clip RL_scrub 2.0 0.0))
(RL_scrub (* (/ 1 (- 1.0 sr_s)) (max 0.0 (- RL_scrub sr_s))))
(RL_scrub (power RL_scrub 2.0))
(RL_scrub (* RL_scrub (oscillator scrub_lambda_rear)))
(RR_scrub (soft_clip RR_scrub 2.0 0.0))
(RR_scrub (* (/ 1 (- 1.0 sr_s)) (max 0.0 (- RR_scrub sr_s))))
(RR_scrub (power RR_scrub 2.0))
(RR_scrub (* RR_scrub (oscillator scrub_lambda_rear)))

(scrub_scale_factor (* scrub_scale_master scrub_scale_rear))

(RL_scrub (* scrub_scale_factor RL_scrub))
(RL_scrub (spring RL_scrub scrub_spring_stiffness scrub_spring_damping scrub_spring_effect))

(RR_scrub (* scrub_scale_factor RR_scrub))
(RR_scrub (spring RR_scrub scrub_spring_stiffness scrub_spring_damping scrub_spring_effect))

# Texture -------------------------------------------------

# Combining road effects

(FL_tex (+ FL_scrub RL_scrub))
(FR_tex (+ FR_scrub RR_scrub))

(tex (+ FL_tex FR_tex kerb_tex))
(tex (soft_clip tex 1.0 0.0))

# Smooth texture at standstill / very low speeds
(slow_tex (smooth tex 0.1))
(slow_tex (drag slow_tex 0.0001 0.0))
(speed_bias (max 0.0 (min 1.0 (/ vel_mag 10.0))))
(tex (blend speed_bias slow_tex tex))

# Engine

(max_rps 8000.0)

(rps_scale ( / crankshaft max_rps))
(rps_scale ( power rps_scale 0.8))
(rps_scale (min rps_scale 0.02))
(rps_scale (max rps_scale 0.14))

(load_mult (+ 0.8 throttle))
(load_mult (max load_mult 1.0))

(engine_scale (blend (min 1.0 (/ vel_mag 50.0)) engine_scale_slow engine_scale_fast))
(engine_vibe (sin crankPos))
(engine_vibe ( * load_mult engine_vibe rps_scale engine_scale))

(feel ( + tex engine_vibe))

# Pseudo Gyro forces --------------------------------------

(ratio_scale ( / 10.0 (max 10 steer_ratio)))
(ac (power (min 1.0 (/ vel_mag 100)) 0.8))
(mx (blend (max 0.0 (- (/ vel_mag 77) 0.3)) 0.0 ac))
(ms (power (* 0.1 (smooth steering_vel 0.05)) 1.0))
(pseudo_gyro_force (* 20.0 ms mx ratio_scale fx gyro_scale))

# Rack ----------------------------------------------------

# Gamma values

(micro_gamma (- 2.0 (* 2.0 micro_details)))
(macro_gamma (- 2.0 (* 2.0 macro_details)))
(rack_gamma (- 2.0 rack_load))

# Detail gamma using fx

(ug (+ 1.0 (* (power (* fx 0.5) micro_gamma))))
(mg (+ 1.0 (* (power (* fx 0.5) macro_gamma))))

# Dynamic Load gamma - increases rack force under high loads e.g. downforce or braking

(f_load_avg (/ (+ FL_load FR_load) 2.0))

(counter (+ counter 1.0))
(counter (if (max 0 (- et 0.2)) (counter) (1.0) ))
(counter (if (max 0 (- counter 10000)) 10000 counter))

(moving_avg (+ moving_avg 0.0))
(moving_avg (if moving_avg moving_avg f_load_avg))
(moving_avg (+ (* moving_avg (/ (- counter 1.0) counter)) (* f_load_avg (/ 1.0 counter))))

(static_load moving_avg)
(smooth_load_scaled (/ (- (smooth f_load_avg 0.1) (* 1.0 static_load)) static_load))
(smooth_load (max 0.0 (+ 0.5 (blend load_scale 0.0 smooth_load_scaled))))

(adhesion_front (- 1.0 (/ (+ FL_slide FR_slide) 2.0)))
(adhesion_front_scaled (blend adhesion_scale 1.0 adhesion_front))

(brake_load_scaled (+ 1.0 (blend brake_load 0.0 brake)))

# Sigmoid coefficients

(sf (* adhesion_front_scaled brake_load_scaled))
(sp 0.8)

# Sigmoid load calculation

(sig_load (* 1.0 (/ sf (+ 1.0 (power 2.718 (* -4.0 (- smooth_load sp))))) ))
(rg (+ 1.2 (power sig_load rack_gamma)))

# Split out detail levels

(rack_fine_detail (- rack (smooth rack 0.002)))
(rack_coarse_detail (smooth rack 0.02))
(rack_medium_detail (- (- rack rack_fine_detail) rack_coarse_detail))

# Apply gamma to details

(rack_fine_detail (power rack_fine_detail (/ 1.0 ug)))
(rack_medium_detail (power rack_medium_detail (/ 1.0 mg)))

# Apply LFB and dynamic load gamma to rack

# LFB 0 fix

(rack_coarse_nolfb (* rack_coarse_detail adhesion_front_scaled))
(rack_coarse_lfb (lfb (* rack_coarse_detail adhesion_front_scaled) 0.15))
(rack_coarse_lfb (if (smooth (max 0.0 (- 0.99 (abs (lfb 1.0 0.1)))) 0.5) rack_coarse_nolfb rack_coarse_lfb))

# Rack gamma

(blend_factor (power (* 2.0 (- (/ 1.0 (+ 1.0 (power 2.718 (* (* -100.0 tightness) rack_coarse_detail)))) 0.5)) 9.0))
(rack_coarse_lfb (blend (abs blend_factor) rack_coarse_detail (power rack_coarse_lfb (/ 1.0 rg))))

# Sigmoid clipping

# Coarse Details

(sg_g (max 0.2 gain))
(sg_p (/ 0.75 sg_g))
(sg_s (/ 0.5 sg_g))

(sg_f (+ (/ sg_s (+ 1.0 (power 2.718 (* -1.0 (* (/ 4 sg_s) (- rack_coarse_lfb sg_p)))))) (- sg_p (/ sg_s 2.0)) ))
(rack_coarse_lfb (if (max 0.0 (- rack_coarse_lfb sg_p)) sg_f rack_coarse_lfb))
(sg_f (+ (/ sg_s (+ 1.0 (power 2.718 (* -1.0 (* (/ 4 sg_s) (- (* -1.0 rack_coarse_lfb) sg_p)))))) (- sg_p (/ sg_s 2.0)) ))
(rack_coarse_lfb (if (min 0.0 (+ rack_coarse_lfb sg_p)) (* -1.0 sg_f) (rack_coarse_lfb)))

# Bump Details

(sg_p 0.1)
(sg_s 0.5)

(sg_f (+ (/ sg_s (+ 1.0 (power 2.718 (* -1.0 (* (/ 4 sg_s) (- rack_medium_detail sg_p)))))) (- sg_p (/ sg_s 2.0)) ))
(rack_medium_detail (if (max 0.0 (- rack_medium_detail sg_p)) sg_f rack_medium_detail))
(sg_f (+ (/ sg_s (+ 1.0 (power 2.718 (* -1.0 (* (/ 4 sg_s) (- (* -1.0 rack_medium_detail) sg_p)))))) (- sg_p (/ sg_s 2.0)) ))
(rack_medium_detail (if (min 0.0 (+ rack_medium_detail sg_p)) (* -1.0 sg_f) (rack_medium_detail)))

# Fine Details

(sg_p 0.1)
(sg_s 0.3)

(sg_f (+ (/ sg_s (+ 1.0 (power 2.718 (* -1.0 (* (/ 4 sg_s) (- rack_fine_detail sg_p)))))) (- sg_p (/ sg_s 2.0)) ))
(rack_fine_detail (if (max 0.0 (- rack_fine_detail sg_p)) sg_f rack_fine_detail))
(sg_f (+ (/ sg_s (+ 1.0 (power 2.718 (* -1.0 (* (/ 4 sg_s) (- (* -1.0 rack_fine_detail) sg_p)))))) (- sg_p (/ sg_s 2.0)) ))
(rack_fine_detail (if (min 0.0 (+ rack_fine_detail sg_p)) (* -1.0 sg_f) (rack_fine_detail)))

# Combine rack and details

(rack (+ rack_coarse_lfb rack_fine_detail rack_medium_detail))

# Construct Output ----------------------------------------

# Rack damping

(sv (smooth (- steering_pos lsp) 0.05))
(lsp steering_pos)
(ssv (+ (* 0.7 (/ sv dt)) (* 0.3 ssv)))
(rack (+ rack (* 0.1 overall_damping ssv) pseudo_gyro_force))

# Smooth rack at standstill / very low speeds

(slow_rack (drag rack 0.0001 0.0))
(slow_rack (smooth slow_rack 0.1))
(ms (* 0.25 (smooth steering_vel 0.005)))
(speed_bias (max 0.1 (min 1.0 (/ vel_mag 3.0))))
(rack (blend speed_bias (+ slow_rack ms) rack))


(feel ( lfb feel 0.15))

# Combine rack and FX forces

(output ( + rack ( * feel fx 0.8)))
(output (blend output_smoothing output (smooth output (* output_smoothing 0.01))))

# Scaler for info, no affect on output --------------------

(scale_window_init 10.0)
(scale_window_nominal 2.0)
(scale_soft_clear_t 10.0)
(scale_min 0.2)
(scale_max 2.0)
(scale_blend_t 2.0)
(signal_scale output
1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
0.0 0.0)

# Clipping ------------------------------------------------

(output (* output gain))

(sg_p 0.75)
(sg_s 0.5)

(sg_f (+ (/ sg_s (+ 1.0 (power 2.718 (* -1.0 (* (/ 4 sg_s) (- output sg_p)))))) (- sg_p (/ sg_s 2.0)) ))
(output (if (max 0.0 (- output sg_p)) sg_f output))
(sg_f (+ (/ sg_s (+ 1.0 (power 2.718 (* -1.0 (* (/ 4 sg_s) (- (* -1.0 output) sg_p)))))) (- sg_p (/ sg_s 2.0)) ))
(output (if (min 0.0 (+ output sg_p)) (* -1.0 sg_f) (output)))

# Lock stops ----------------------------------------------

(custom_lock_stop 2.0)
(stops (bumpstop output 0.15 0.5 0.15 1.0))
(output (+ output (* stops custom_lock_stop)))

# Statistics output ---------------------------------------

(histogram (* output 1.01))

(info2 output)
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  • Deleted member 197115

Are you talking about Project Cars 2 or Automobilista 2?
Becouse AMS 2, while using the same engine, has only 4 FFB settings: Gain, Minimum Force, FX and Spring.
That's how they "fixed" it in PCars2.

By just hiding options from UI.
he compared it to the custom file, which could be similar in AC or every other app, but not accessable by the customers.
PC1 had many good parameters accessable from menu, but most people where not able to understand it. PC2 then shortened to idiots save 4 sliders and that could be too much as you can read some comments here :sneaky:
Could never understand that mindset, how Kunos managed to get away with essentially just gain settings approach in both most popular on PC sim titles?
And who didn't curse SMS for delivering under-cooked meal FFB leaving poor users figuring out what to make out of it?

If only Kunos could have done the same with their VR implementation. Instead I ended up with complete garbage.. which requires tweaking beyond belief to end up with.. complete garbage... unless of course you are one of those people half blind who can race at 45fps or having a passion for 8bit pixel graphics from back in the day.
  • Deleted member 197115

If only Kunos could have done the same with their VR implementation. Instead I ended up with complete garbage.. which requires tweaking beyond belief to end up with.. complete garbage... unless of course you are one of those people half blind who can race at 45fps or having a passion for 8bit pixel graphics from back in the day.
Ironically since recently it is my my favorite VR title, even that I had to make a peace with 60Hz mode. But anything else looks like a cheap cartoon after. And Ampere is just around the corner to have it in full beauty at 90fps.
Link to settings and more appropriate place to discuss ACC VR.
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  • Deleted member 963434

Maybe because they didn't.

AC FFB menu
Gain slider
Filter slider
Minimum force slider
Kerb effects slider
Road effects slider
Slip effects slider
ABS effects slider
Enhanced understeer effects check box
Half FFB update rate check box
i have only gain set in all my sims to 50% rest all at zero
in acc road feel, dampening at 0, in ac all sliders, in ams2 lfb and fx set to 0, in pc2 only gain 50% , volume per car and tone at 100 as it looks to me like tone in pc2 is reversed lfb in ams2, but thats just my feeling how wheel behaves.
so i have just raw gain power an sim physics do rest. but what i was talking above yo all misunderstood me. i talkin abous to transfer tis steer-by-wire things to sim so we got no delay, no oscillations etc. as we want to reduce oscillation in dd we must put damper to it, maybe tey can provide ffb technology so sim tellin wheel setpoint where it should go and stop, not how much force to apply, then wheel go an pass that point now sim tellin it to get back an applies another force, so it get back and we have oscillations

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