I hope he drives again soon, he could probably still properly race a car with his little toe.
I'm sure this is well intentioned.. just not a well thought out sentiment..
I hope he drives again soon, he could probably still properly race a car with his little toe.
Just read the latest update and it sounds serious. Hope he get's throught it with the best possible outcome.
Great guy, he's a fighter.
German news "sportschau" report he lost control in a curve, flipped over twice and then collided with an oncoming truck. was airlifted to hospital with "serious neurological injuries", underwent three hours of hugely complicated surgery and is now in a coma. latest medical bulletin aparently says doctors atm simply hope for him to be able to get out of that coma. Horrible, horrible, horrible.
Latest update the doctors have said there could be loss of vision if he pulls through.
There is something I don't understand. According to the reports, Alex was coming down on a handcycle during a race and there was traffic allowed in the vicinity of the race?
Where I live, usually, when they have a race on a city/country road, they shutdown traffic on the portion of the road that is used for the race.
How could this happen?