F1 2013 AI Too Hard in F1 2013?

F1 2013 The Game (Codemasters)
In all the previous versions 2010, 2011 and 2012, I used to play in Career Mode with Professional AI skills and I used to easily win the Championships. In 2013, I started Career with Professonal AIs and in Melbourne with Williams, I was 10 seconds behind Vettel. Changing AIs skill to Amature, I was 4 seconds behind Vettel. Is anybody having the same problem? Will that be a bug issue?
In my experience, you rarely see AI wrecks unless the player is involved, and always follow the same racing line. I really wish the individual drivers had their real-life characteristics somehow included in the AI model.

I played intermediate as Marussia/Virgin in previous games and had no problems with winning or finishing in the top 10. I didn't really like that, and wanted more challenge and realism. In F1 2013, I am racing for Caterham on intermediate level and after six races, I have three races scoring points (8th, 9th,10th) and other finishes in the mid to low teens. Highest qualifying place was 15th. The race pace, however, is a huge problem. Even on intermediate, my Caterham is usually 3 seconds a lap slower than the AI, meaning within 20 laps I am usually lapped. The only way to get into the points and keep it is to fight for my places in the first few laps, then hold my place as best I can via blocking. Catching up to someone ahead of me is absolutely impossible unless they have pitted or there is a safety car involved.

I am curious if the AI is affected by parc ferme? I am currently racing Monaco, and FP was sunny, qualifying was predicted rain but ended up with no rain. Rain was expected for the race, so I set my car up for a wet race. Not sure if the AI stayed with a dry setup or wet.... there has indeed been rain in the race and I still have seen no advantage over the AI despite having the best setup for a wet race as possible.
In my experience, you rarely see AI wrecks unless the player is involved, and always follow the same racing line. I really wish the individual drivers had their real-life characteristics somehow included in the AI model.

I played intermediate as Marussia/Virgin in previous games and had no problems with winning or finishing in the top 10. I didn't really like that, and wanted more challenge and realism. In F1 2013, I am racing for Caterham on intermediate level and after six races, I have three races scoring points (8th, 9th,10th) and other finishes in the mid to low teens. Highest qualifying place was 15th. The race pace, however, is a huge problem. Even on intermediate, my Caterham is usually 3 seconds a lap slower than the AI, meaning within 20 laps I am usually lapped. The only way to get into the points and keep it is to fight for my places in the first few laps, then hold my place as best I can via blocking. Catching up to someone ahead of me is absolutely impossible unless they have pitted or there is a safety car involved.

I am curious if the AI is affected by parc ferme? I am currently racing Monaco, and FP was sunny, qualifying was predicted rain but ended up with no rain. Rain was expected for the race, so I set my car up for a wet race. Not sure if the AI stayed with a dry setup or wet.... there has indeed been rain in the race and I still have seen no advantage over the AI despite having the best setup for a wet race as possible.
I was running Lumpar and in turn 4 Kimi lost it and went straight into someone else and then collected someone else. I was not involved in any way.
I'm stuck between being too good for expert and not being good enough for legend. I was racing on legend, at Melbourne during the first lap and having a train of cars following my Mercedes down the main straight. That's when I knew I wasn't good enough.
I'm stuck between being too good for expert and not being good enough for legend. I was racing on legend, at Melbourne during the first lap and having a train of cars following my Mercedes down the main straight. That's when I knew I wasn't good enough.
There's a mod in the misc section from koeloe called custom ai difficulty.
It adds extra difficulty levels between the existing ones. Sounds ideal for you if you are too good for expert but too slow for legend.
This is always the problem, the range of abilities is so great that it's always going to be difficult to please everyone. Some kind of sliding scale system would be much better I think, the current levels are just not variable enough to cater for everyone.

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