ADAC GT Masters Experience: Single player video

Bram Hengeveld

Site Founder
A video just surfaced on YouTube where Georg "6e66o" Ortner challenges himself against a full field of ADAC GT Masters cars racing around the Motorsport Arena Oschersleben.

Currently the grand tourers can only be raced in a hotlap single player competition on the R3E website but so far we haven't seen the AI in action until today.

Although the series' license has been announced back in May of this year its unknown when the virtual ADAC GT Masters is to be released on to the RaceRoom Racing Experience platform.
Nice Try. I can also do a SP race using the DTM content. But according to your previous posts about licensing you cannot race DTM/ADAC content in RRRE. So it is in fact using the content from the experience, is it not? Oschersleben is not available on its own in RRRE. Neither is the SLS. So yes it IS ADAC GTM Experience. And as far as i can make out the AI is also in ADAC GTM machinery.
But of course it's not the ADAC GT Masters Experience.
More smoke and mirrors i see... :rolleyes:

My point was (avoided again) why not have the AI lines in RRRE (not ADAC GTM)? The AI is there from DTM for the last 6 months(?)....

Well you are correct on the DTM bit, I never said such a thing about ADAC though. That is where your thinking probably went sideways to my answer.

What you are waching there is R3E Singleplayer with ADAC content, more news/info/explanations to follow soon :)
As a ageneral rule for the future is that we try to make any and all features available for the whole platform. But for example AI might require specific overwrites/tweaks in a car/class, so that might stay within a (closed) experience.
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For what it's worth, I'm just going to have a quick ramble.....

I still play GTR2. It's my main sim of choice, thanks to the tireless work of an incredible modding community building upon an outstanding base, but even I am starting to feel its age. After winning a copy of GTR Evolution, I also purchased every piece of subsequent DLC for Race07 (including STCC2) and really enjoyed that too, especially online.

I'm now looking at what's out there (I bought into Project CARS and am also looking forward to its release later in the year) but found that R3E seemed to have the most interesting, themed content available. Basically, I am a GT racing nut and will happily forgo formula cars and street cars for a purpose-built racer with a roof.

When R3E was originally announced, I dismissed it straight away. I was hoping for GTR3 and I really can't stant the F2P model that the title originally adopted. I downloaded it, did a few laps with the Aquila, got bored of hotlapping and went back to the older games.

So recently I started looking for what is on the market at the moment, between rFactor2, Assetto Corsa, Project Cars and R3E. None of them are in a stage that I would say is 'complete' and all have a long way to go to reach that stage of GTR2/Race07 but each has its own individual promise.

As stated, I really found the R3E content interesting. The track selection was 11 circuits that greatly interested me and I very much wanted to be able to create a season with the GT2 cars or GT3 machines, maybe mixing them together.

So the first thing that put me off was the price. I tallied up the amount of content I was looking to buy (10 tracks, the GT1/2&3 cars & prototypes) to make a good base game for myself, but then you ran the ~50% off sale recently and the content I had planned worked out at roughly the cost I would expect to pay for a game, so I readied myself to purchase eagerly, thinking I'd add the DTM content which, with the discount, seemed like a fair DLC package (I'm not really interested in the cars, but the tracks are some of my favourites, especially the Norisring and Spielberg).

Whilst in the store, I noticed that the Mustang GT3 was in a different category to the other GT3s. I assumed this wouldn't matter really, seeing as how Race07 allowed you to combine classes fairly effortlessly and I've been creating mixed classes in GT2 for nearly a decade. So I went researching and I couldn't see any footage of the cars together. So I opened the game and tried to race the two different free cars alongside each other. At which point I noticed that I can't actually race cars. So I read around, saw that this was planned for this year and thought I'd get some practice in with some GT3 cars on the DTM circuits. And then realised that I couldn't even combine the two and they're treated completely separately.

So I reached three critical points that stopped me investing in the game.

Not sure why I put this in this thread, it probably belongs elsewhere. However, what prompted me to log in and post was this video of GT cars racing against each other and your comments in the thread about this being in the R3E base, rather than separate.

I really appreciate the work you're doing to continually develop the title towards the point where people like myself find it a viable purchase. I'm really looking forward to enjoying this package and hopefully mixing it in with the various other cars and circuits that you've been creating, each of which looks superb in the videos I can find. I think I just want to say that there are future purchasers, such as myself, out here looking forward to joining in with this title as it becomes further and further developed, and I'll probably start with this GT Masters pack. I hope you'll be able to get the licenses to some other GT3 series, such as the Blancpain Sprint, which would "only" require the creation of a couple of new circuits and a set of skins, on top of the work you've already done.

Ramble over.

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