By the way, I'm planning to create some kind of custom launcher with something like GT-career, but later. Would you like to help? :3
For now I recommend to use manual mode and press F7 to center car on screen. Maybe I'll find some other way, but I can't interfere to acShowroom.exe process'es memory (otherwise, probably, app will need Administrator rights). Sometimes I think would be simpler just to write new app to view cars. Actually, it's an interesting idea...
OMG! I didn't know about F7. It's almost what I was looking for but it moves the camera instead of moving the car, right?. It's not perfect but it will do for now.
App have to rename d3d11.dll if it exists. Maybe your version of SweetFX uses other file? Anyway, this option more just for reducing start-up time, especially if SweetFX don't affect on result. :3
Yes, mine is called dxgi.dll. No worries then.
> YES!
Awesome. I don't know yet, what it's going to be, but most likely there will be new replacement for career mode. I'm not sure if I can read/write default save, and I'm pretty sure I don't want to do it. I mean, with all due respect, default career is pretty boring, imho. So we will have to create something new, ok? And I think, with mods.
> It's not perfect but it will do for now.
I've found the way to move car, but with two problems: shadow (from png-files) isn't moving, and I can't figure out which values use for different cars. I'll try to create a custom renderer, but later. (And if I can do it, maybe I even try to add 3d-previews to custom launcher! Maybe.)
> dxgi.dll
Added. :3
Another idea as well for the future, once support for the skins I here.
What I do at the moment when I install skins is this:
- I have folders on my hard drive with suit/helmet textures. Example: Ferrari pro, Ferrari test driver, Bmw white, BMW black, BMW 1980s and so on
- I have folders on my hard drive with tyre textures. Example: Ferrari 458 GT2\Michelin, Ferrari 458 GT2\Dunlop, BMW Z4 GT3\Michelin and so on
- I install the skins and then either manually add these textures or use a batch when there are several skins to update
I thought maybe allowing the user to enter location of such folders on his hard drive to make a list, or maybe from an online database. Then, for example:
- a button called "Apply Suit", opening a popup with the list of suits, then when the user selects a suit, a batch adds it to the skin folder
- same for tyres, maybe filtering the list according to the vehicle of the skin
Again, this is just an idea I'm throwing in ^^
> Add options to the "Open in Showroom"
I'm not sure, but I think there is this option already.
> Add a field where the user can enter the mod version number.
I'll make them optional to keep UI lighter. And then users will be able to see, for example, which mod from Kunos and which is not (with this new previews sometimes it's a problem)! Cool idea, thanks. :3
> ...then automatically detect when a new version is updated on racedepartment, if the user can enter a link to the mod or something (don't know if that's possible)
Maybe later. First I'm going to add installing and updating by drag'n'drop archive on app or something like that.
> I've seen you're planning some kind of database for the future, so maybe detect automatically mods (example: urd) and allow the user to easily apply information registered in the database.
This exactly what I'm going to do! And first part is already done — just enable “Send some data” option and data changes will be automatically upload on server!
And thank you for link, I'll add this parts from there. :3
> A database from which users can download/apply information such as name of the skin, team name, driver name, country, etc for real life liveries. Maybe I could help with that by providing some data already collected that I've made available here :
I'll think about it, thanks. Would be great to add something like online-gallery, so users could share their skins and rate them, but it requires much cooler server than free from 000webhost.
So, yes, most likely I'll just extend current DB to support skins.
> Support for tracks?
Later, for sure. :3
> I have folders on my hard drive with tyre textures.
Yes, I'm going to add Skin Editor. Thank you, Drag'n'Drop for it will be awesome addition.
> or use a batch
Maybe, something like extending selected skins for every of selected files... Interesting idea, thanks.