with 1.0 release Kunos added a lot of new series, and these series have a progress ID number, when you generate a custom series ACCG assign an ID at your series, that ID is calculated in this way:
1) ACCG read the number part of series folders (something like "series12")
2) Kept the higher number
3) Increment that number of one unit (for example high ID readed is 20, ACCG assign 21 to your series)
4) ACCG set on true an internal flag in the accg_series_list.dat file "isGenerated = true"
5) Now, when you generate a series and this flag is on true ACCG do not assign a new ID but use the ID previously assigned and overwrite your existing series
Where is the problem? The problem is the new official series, Kunos have assigned an incremental ID for these series, probably have overwritten your custom series and probably ACCG think is your series and overwrite official series :eek:
How to solve the problem.
1) Copy the folders of your custom series in another folder.
2) Delete all series folders in assettocorsa/content/career folder
3) Do a cache integrity check via Steam (the Kunos official series will be re-downloaded)
4) Delete all your custom series in ACCG and delete accg_series_list.dat
5) Load your custom series in ACCG from the folders you have copied
6) Regenerate all the series
7) Now ACCG will assign the right incremental ID
If you encounter any problems, report on Assetto Corsa forum thread, as usual