ACC Dedicated Server GUI

Misc ACC Dedicated Server GUI

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Hi everyone!

I was going to run the Dedicated Server, latest version so far, v1.5.2.0, but my antivirus stopped telling there's a Trojan.

If it's false positive, as I assume, Why?

Also: Is there any option/link to download another version? I couldn't find any

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If it's false positive, as I assume, Why?
Only a guess, but afaik it doesn't have this "certificate", that programs need to not cause a standard warning by windows and it also wants to open ports for incoming connections.
My win 11 standard antivirus doesn't trigger btw.
getting a .net error after running the server any ideas?

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When I get this error, it's usually after I've changed some settings and tried to restart the server. The old server stays up and I haven't found any way to force close it. The only thing that I know works, is restarting my PC.

edit: It seems I can force close accServer.exe to fix the issue
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Hey all, I got this working with a YT tutorial, the guy says he recommends changing the port numbers. Is there a reason why? Can I just keep them like that?
Also, how many people can a server like this host?
Hello everyone,

Every time I try to open a lobby, it appears in the LAN servers and therefore impossible to play with others. Could someone please give us a solution?

Thank you !!!
hi, is it possible to autostart the server when opening the program?
for example my pc is set to update by night if neccesary, i dont wanna change that, want to keep my system updated. so incase of restart i set the acc server tool for autostart, but it still needs to manually press the button start server, or maybe i missed sothg
You can create a schedule task in Windows to start the accserver.exe in system startup. Its not ideal but it is and workaround.

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