Would love if you could put some kind of percentage or visual wear bar like the ers bar next to each tyre pressure! That would work a treat. I would do myself but I’m unsure on how toI can help with beta test, but my feedback will probably be very slow. I don't have a lot of time to play recently.
Thanks for the update, a nice one.
Thanks!Thanks for the update, a nice one.
I want to add blinker icons to the dashboard, can't find the function, any clue ?
I mean left and right blinker, i use them often when i'm lapped or to say thanks with a warning rear blink when i lap someone. I did not see any already in there :oThanks!
Do you mean as in adding new icons for blinkers to use over what is already in there?
It's been a long time coming! ...Too long, to be honest!
I've finally set about getting some work done on the All In One dashboard, and here are a few things of note;
There are now three dashboards, two of which are intended for 850x480 displays (As well as 480x272 and 1280x720), and one for 800x480 displays (As well as 1280x768 displays).
Both 850x480 (or 16:9 Aspect ratio) and 800x480 (15:9 Aspect ratio) versions have two variants, being with or without revbar. This is to accomodate...
Love the dash. I apreciate your work
Is the flashing low fuel light a bug or am I missing something? I thought it might go out once it had data for fuel use for the stint but that doesnt seem to be the case...ACC by the way