hmm, your logs still look very strange, there are lots of errors coming directly form acServer, that don't seem to have anything to do with TrackCycle. Do they also appear, if you don't use TrackCycle?
And what seems stange is that in the log it says
Initialising UDP Plugin with target: on the local port 15001
while in the server_cfg.ini you've sent, you specified
Anyhow, it seems that you are using an old version of TrackCycle that had problems with the console version, at least on windows.
If you update to the latest version (and also use the new AC_TrackCycle_Console.exe.config) I think there is chance that it will fix the track changing problem.
If it is still not working, please try to change <add key="create_server_window" value="0"/> to <add key="create_server_window" value="1"/> in AC_TrackCycle_Console.exe.config
If that doesn't help either, I think you should try to start small and try to run one server without any other plugins (beside TrackCycle of course) and see if at least that works, and then add one piece after the other and see when it breaks.
And to also answer your question about changing the ports for the plugin: AC_TrackCycle will use whatever UDP plugin ports are specified in the server_cfg.ini. So yes, you can use different ports.