Already tried that, it doesn't help and it also doesn't create a extra window.
I've checked the log and it reports:
15:31:21.367609 [System.Net.Sockets.SocketException: An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host]
at System.Net.Sockets.Socket.ReceiveFrom(Byte[] buffer, Int32 offset, Int32 size, SocketFlags socketFlags, EndPoint& remoteEP)
at System.Net.Sockets.UdpClient.Receive(IPEndPoint& remoteEP)
at acPlugins4net.helpers.DuplexUDPClient.ReceiveMessages()
This happens both when I start ac_track_cycle console manually and trough our control panel.
What I did notice is when it's started manually and we type exit then a 2nd log file is added:
15:33:00.577117 UDP_PLUGIN: Realtime pos interval now set to: 1000 ms
15:33:00.624615 acServer.exe process could not be killed
15:33:00.820140 PAGE: /JSON|76561197985394116
15:33:00.836118 Serve JSON took 17 ms
15:33:01.527604 Registering to AC central server
15:33:01.527604 CALLING
15:33:01.689109 RESPONSE: OK,0,11018
15:33:01.689109 CONNECTED TO LOBBY
15:33:01.692116 Session has 0 laps, will not save json
15:33:01.692116 NextSession
15:33:01.692116 SESSION: Practice
15:33:01.692116 TYPE=PRACTICE
15:33:01.692116 TIME=10
15:33:01.692116 LAPS=0
15:33:01.692116 OPEN=1
15:33:01.692116 WAIT TIME=0
15:33:01.692116 DynamicTrack: first session, resetting grip
15:33:01.692116 Weather update. Ambient: 24.674482 Road: 29.845102 Graphics: sunny_heavy_clouds
15:33:01.692116 Wind update. Speed: 0 Direction: 0
15:33:01.692116 SENDING session name : Practice
15:33:01.692116 SENDING session index : 0
15:33:01.692116 SENDING session type : 1
15:33:01.692116 SENDING session time : 10
15:33:01.692116 SENDING session laps : 0
15:33:01.692116 SENDING
15:33:01.734115 OK
Seems like the server only starts after we tell ac_cycle_console to exit? What's also odd is that the ac_cycle_console stays open after the exit command.