AC-X (GamepadFX)

Apps AC-X (GamepadFX) 1.0A Race Fix

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Konichiwa! Is there a way to radically increase the steering angle in a car in order to get around tight corners better like for ex. the Monaco-Loews or at Detroit-circuit with an Indycar. Arigato for a possible hint. Keep it up! :)
Not radically, open wheel cars have very limited angle by design. There is a small amount limited by the gyro/ffb, I'll try to reduce that for situations like these, thanks for bringing this up

Not sure what Loews is but I tested on the hotel hairpin at monaco
This is with complete default settings on the posted version of AC-X (1.0A)
(I'm bad at F1, and I don't know Monaco lines)


I set red to the stick position and white is the actual steering angle (click the gear icon to change colors)
You can see here there is a small gap on the hairpin, from FFB pushing the other way

Cornering technique can help, make sure you're not understeering at all. Like I did you can use the CSP Debug app or rewind to practice a corner repeatedly. and of course any weird settings like too slow steering etc will make tight corners more difficult
"Loews" was the name of the famous hotel for many years and for me being a dinosaur by now I still call it that. But yes it is that corner indeed. ;-) What I see in that vid is much better than I have achieved so far fiddling with the steering values of the car (testing with RSS Ferrari 2024) so maybe you do have found sth. to improve. Noice! Arigato! :)
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"Loews" was the name of the famous hotel for many years and for me being a dinosaur by now I still call it that. But yes it is that corner indeed. ;-) What I see in that vid is much better than I have achieved so far fiddling with the steering values of the car (testing with RSS Ferrari 2024) so maybe you do have found sth. to improve. Noice! Arigato! :)
You can send me a replay or a clip if you want, but just to clarify that's the released version I used with default settings, nothing else has been done. I was using the free RSS 2018 Formula Hybrid, it might be the ferrari has even less angle. On the gyro tab it will tell you, the 2018 has 18.25 degrees of steering

Thanks for that trivia on the corner haha, I was googling and couldn't figure it out :roflmao:

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