AC Server Manager

Misc AC Server Manager v1.7.9

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Error Details

The error occurred attempting to: Read configuration file (config.yml)
The error more specifically is: yaml: line 51: did not find expected key


I have no idea, how to get rid off the error message.... It just happened after i changed the path for the acServermanager.exe
Is it possible to force the AC server ports used by AC Server Manager?
To prevent admins from configuring incorrect settings.

Namely these ports from ACserver server_cfg.ini:
  • UDP Port
  • TCP Port
  • HTTP Port
  • UDP Plugin Local Port
  • UDP Plugin Address
I'd like to prevent admins from changing these settings, as incorrect settings can cause the server startup to fail or behave oddly.
I'm having problems running Server Manager with docker. When I "docker-compose up" I get this message:
"The error occurred attempting to: Read configuration file(config.yml)
The error more specifically is: open config.yml: no such file or directory"
My config file is created and his location is correct in "docker-compose.yml" file
Error Details

The error occurred attempting to: Read configuration file (config.yml)
The error more specifically is: yaml: line 51: did not find expected key


I have no idea, how to get rid off the error message.... It just happened after i changed the path for the acServermanager.exe

It looks to me like your formatting in the YAML config file is incorrect. Please use the validator linked in the top of the file to find issues with your formatting and fix them.

Also, acServerManager.exe (the kunos one) plays no part in our server manager setup. the path to the server should be acServer.exe, ignore acServerManager.exe entirely.
Is it possible to force the AC server ports used by AC Server Manager?
To prevent admins from configuring incorrect settings.

Namely these ports from ACserver server_cfg.ini:
  • UDP Port
  • TCP Port
  • HTTP Port
  • UDP Plugin Local Port
  • UDP Plugin Address
I'd like to prevent admins from changing these settings, as incorrect settings can cause the server startup to fail or behave oddly.

I'd recommend using different user groups for people you don't trust with the port settings. Delete and Write access users can do most things, but can't edit server options.
I'm having problems running Server Manager with docker. When I "docker-compose up" I get this message:
"The error occurred attempting to: Read configuration file(config.yml)
The error more specifically is: open config.yml: no such file or directory"
My config file is created and his location is correct in "docker-compose.yml" file

The configuration file for server manager needs to be mounted in to the docker image, and have correct values in it. The example docker-compose.yml file in the README of the repository has the config.yml mounted in the correct place.
It looks to me like your formatting in the YAML config file is incorrect. Please use the validator linked in the top of the file to find issues with your formatting and fix them.

Also, acServerManager.exe (the kunos one) plays no part in our server manager setup. the path to the server should be acServer.exe, ignore acServerManager.exe entirely.
Yeah sorry, i mean the path for the acServer.exe, my bad....

Indeed it was an error in the formatting, which i was first not able to see at myself.... I was doublechecking with an "original" file of the YAML and didn't seen my error in the first place, also didn't figured out why the validator was refeering an error.... After a more intensive look, I saw that i have set an false blank space and it was ruining the formatting, after I corrected it, worked again.... Thank you for that at first...

Now my second question: After I start the Server on the Managing page, the server.exe should start automaticly right? won't work rn, but I guess it's another error of the server app instead of the manager tool, try to figure it out myself.

/Edit: Everything is working now, thanks for your help and for the super managing tool, a piece of masterwork!
Last edited:
Is there anything I need to do for Auto Loop events to function correctly?

I have 4x events that are setup for practice only which have been added to Auto Loop. Loop mode is NOT enabled in the configuration for these events. After they are added only the first entry will run, after the timer for that event has expired that it restarts.

What am I doing wrong? Is this because the server is empty?

Yes, the auto loop will only move to the next event if a results file is written out for the current event (and this only happens if there are drivers on the server).

However you can get around this by setting a value in the Force Stop Time input in the Server Options section of the Custom Race form. With this set the race will be stopped after the number of minutes you set and the auto loop will move on to the next event.

Also just in case make sure you're letting the auto loop start automatically, initiating one of the events manually won't start the auto loop!
Hello! I've slowly been learning how to setup a server manually, but this seems like a much better option! I've edited the config file with all the correct data, but when I start the program, this error appears in my browser:

Error Details

The error occurred attempting to: Listen on hostname localhost. Likely the port has already been taken by another application
The error more specifically is: listen tcp: address localhost: missing port in address

I've checked and it seems that the port isn't used by another application. Do you know what is going on? Thanks! :D
Hello! I've slowly been learning how to setup a server manually, but this seems like a much better option! I've edited the config file with all the correct data, but when I start the program, this error appears in my browser:

Error Details

The error occurred attempting to: Listen on hostname localhost. Likely the port has already been taken by another application
The error more specifically is: listen tcp: address localhost: missing port in address

I've checked and it seems that the port isn't used by another application. Do you know what is going on? Thanks! :D

What do you have set for hostname?
If you send the config file to me I can take a look.
This is my config file:
# Assetto Server Manager Configuration
# Thanks for using server manager!
# note that changes to this file require a restart of server manager to work! :)
# The below file is in YAML configuration format. Spacing is important within
# YAML, and can cause server manager not to launch correctly. You can validate
# this file online at:

# steam settings - server manager can install the assetto corsa
# server for you using steamcmd (if you'd like)
# steam username and password. we recommend creating a separate account with
# steamguard disabled to use this application. Assetto Corsa Server is FREE
# so you don't need to worry about purchasing it again.
# server manager uses this information ONLY to install the
# assetto corsa server.
# however, if you do not wish to provide server manager with this information,
# leave it blank and install assetto corsa server to the path you specified in
# install_path (default: 'assetto')

# where to install assetto corsa server
install_path: D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\assettocorsa\server

# the path to the executable to run. relative to the install_path by default
executable_path: D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\assettocorsa\server\acServer.exe

# set this to true to force an install every time the server manager is loaded
force_update: false

# http settings
# hostname is the hostname the HTTP server should listen on.
# change '' to 'localhost' if you don't want server manager to be
# available on the web.
hostname: localhost

# session key is used to encrypt the http session

# server manager base URL is the URL that the server manager is accessible on
# used for ACSR integration and links in championship welcome message in game
# you can leave this blank if not required
# example: <-- requires https:// or
# http://, no closing / at the end

# session store type can be one of: 'cookie' or 'filesystem'
# if it is 'filesystem', you must set the session_store_path below.
# cookie is best for most users, but if you are running multiple Server
# Manager instances on the same IP address, you should use filesystem.
session_store_type: cookie

# session store path is where to save the session store
# (if using 'filesystem' above)
session_store_path: ""

# monitoring - enabling monitoring allows us to find out more information
# about how you're using Server Manager, as well as seeing any issues that may
# occur so we can collect and fix them. We understand that you may not wish
# for us to do any monitoring, so you can disable it by setting 'enabled'
# to false
# with monitoring enabled, the following systems are in place:
# 1. Sentry ( monitoring of both Server Manager's backend
# code and frontend javascript. This lets us see application errors when
# they occur.
# 2. Google Analytics ( tracking so we can see how
# many people use Server Manager, when they use it and where they are in
# the world.
# 3. Prometheus Monitoring - this provides more technical debugging in terms of
# memory and CPU usage, etc. This is *NOT* sent to us. We have added this in
# so that anybody who wants to monitor Server Manager for themselves can do
# so with Prometheus. We use it internally at to
# track our Server installs to help us improve our service.
# you can access the prometheus endpoint at:
# <your servermanager domain>/metrics
# once again, if you do not wish for Server Manager to do these things, simply
# set 'enabled' to false and monitoring will not take place.
enabled: true

# data storage - where server manager keeps your data!
# store type: this can be one of:
# - 'json' - saves each custom race, championship as separate JSON files
# in the directory specified by store_path
# - 'boltdb' - saves all content inside a single database file specified by
# store_path
# boltdb is recommended for most users.
type: boltdb

# where to save the server manager data
path: server_manager.db

# shared data path: Set the same directory for multiple AC Server Manager
# instances to share accounts, race weekend, championship, entrants and custom
# events across them. Leave blank to use the same path as the one set up here.
# works only with JSON database
shared_data_path: D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\assettocorsa\server

# user management - this is now mostly done via the web interface.
# admin password override is used to override the admin password in the case
# that you have forgotten it. set it to e.g. 'password' and log in with:
# username: admin
# password: password
# and you will be prompted to change your admin password back to something you
# can remember
# If you are logging in for the first time, do not use this override system.
# Instead, log in by using these credentials:
# username: admin
# password: servermanager
# As soon as you log in, you will be immediately asked to set a new password.

# live map config
# how often to refresh the map data in milliseconds. This value can't be below
# 200. If you find that championship events do not finish properly, try
# changing this to a higher number.
# set this to 0 to disable live map.
refresh_interval_ms: 500

# server config - configure plugins, e.g. kissmyrank here.
# audit logging logs the actions of registered users locally on your server.
# Only Admins can access the logs, they are intended for tracking if users
# have deleted content, started/stopped events when they shouldn't have etc.
audit_logging: true
# performance mode disables live timing entirely, and prioritises low cpu
# usage.
performance_mode: false
# set this to 'true' if you don't want server manager to open a browser window
# on launch on windows
dont_open_browser: false
# set this to 'true' if you want server manager to scan content folders for
# changes every 15 seconds and update the search index with changes
# this is useful for multi-server setups with a shared content folder so that
# each server manager instance can see added/removed cars as they change
scan_content_folder_for_changes: false

# list of commands to run on server start and kill on server stop. this should
# contain the full command with arguments to run the given program.
# note: if you are looking for stracker support, Server Manager supports it via
# the UI! Go to the "STracker" page in Server Manager for more instructions.
# note #2: if you are looking for KissMyRank support, Server Manager supports it
# via the UI! Go to the "KissMyRank" page in Server Manager for more instructions.
# you can use additional plugins with AC Server Manager, but while configuring
# them you have to ignore the ports that AC Server Manager writes in the
# server_cfg.ini, as the Server Manager provides an interface to the plugins
# instead. The plugin ports in the Server Options page are the ones that must
# be used for the plugin configuration.
# Note that AC Server Manager provides an interface for a single plugin only,
# as the AC game server does. If you want to chain multiple plugins, please
# follow the documentation of the plugins you're using. Plugins usually
# feature interfaces so additional plugins can be chained between themselves.
# you can of course add your own commands (whatever you like!) here.
# each executable specified is run from the directory it is inside, for example,
# the command:
# /my/cool/plugin/path/ --some-opt config.json
# now actually performs the following two commands:
# 1. cd /my/cool/plugin/path
# 2. ./ --some-opt config.json
# uncomment the two lines below to run the command '/my/cool/plugin/path/ --some-opt config.json'
# - executable: /my/cool/plugin/path/
# arguments: ["--some-opt", "config.json"]

# championships
# reCAPTCHA is used to protect registration requests to championships. You
# must specify a site_key and secret_key to enable reCAPTCHA
# Register for reCAPTCHA here:
# Please note you must register for reCAPTCHA v2.
# Note: reCAPTCHA is NOT required, but highly recommended if you are running
# Championship Sign Up Forms

# lua config - configure lua plugins
# lua plugins allow you to run custom lua scripts through hooks with server
# manager! If you're interested have a look at the server-manager/plugins
# folder to see some examples!
# Lua plugins are a premium feature, they won't run without the premium build!
enabled: false
This is my config file:
# Assetto Server Manager Configuration
# Thanks for using server manager!
# note that changes to this file require a restart of server manager to work! :)
# The below file is in YAML configuration format. Spacing is important within
# YAML, and can cause server manager not to launch correctly. You can validate
# this file online at:

# steam settings - server manager can install the assetto corsa
# server for you using steamcmd (if you'd like)
# steam username and password. we recommend creating a separate account with
# steamguard disabled to use this application. Assetto Corsa Server is FREE
# so you don't need to worry about purchasing it again.
# server manager uses this information ONLY to install the
# assetto corsa server.
# however, if you do not wish to provide server manager with this information,
# leave it blank and install assetto corsa server to the path you specified in
# install_path (default: 'assetto')

# where to install assetto corsa server
install_path: D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\assettocorsa\server

# the path to the executable to run. relative to the install_path by default
executable_path: D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\assettocorsa\server\acServer.exe

# set this to true to force an install every time the server manager is loaded
force_update: false

# http settings
# hostname is the hostname the HTTP server should listen on.
# change '' to 'localhost' if you don't want server manager to be
# available on the web.
hostname: localhost

# session key is used to encrypt the http session

# server manager base URL is the URL that the server manager is accessible on
# used for ACSR integration and links in championship welcome message in game
# you can leave this blank if not required
# example: <-- requires https:// or
# http://, no closing / at the end

# session store type can be one of: 'cookie' or 'filesystem'
# if it is 'filesystem', you must set the session_store_path below.
# cookie is best for most users, but if you are running multiple Server
# Manager instances on the same IP address, you should use filesystem.
session_store_type: cookie

# session store path is where to save the session store
# (if using 'filesystem' above)
session_store_path: ""

# monitoring - enabling monitoring allows us to find out more information
# about how you're using Server Manager, as well as seeing any issues that may
# occur so we can collect and fix them. We understand that you may not wish
# for us to do any monitoring, so you can disable it by setting 'enabled'
# to false
# with monitoring enabled, the following systems are in place:
# 1. Sentry ( monitoring of both Server Manager's backend
# code and frontend javascript. This lets us see application errors when
# they occur.
# 2. Google Analytics ( tracking so we can see how
# many people use Server Manager, when they use it and where they are in
# the world.
# 3. Prometheus Monitoring - this provides more technical debugging in terms of
# memory and CPU usage, etc. This is *NOT* sent to us. We have added this in
# so that anybody who wants to monitor Server Manager for themselves can do
# so with Prometheus. We use it internally at to
# track our Server installs to help us improve our service.
# you can access the prometheus endpoint at:
# <your servermanager domain>/metrics
# once again, if you do not wish for Server Manager to do these things, simply
# set 'enabled' to false and monitoring will not take place.
enabled: true

# data storage - where server manager keeps your data!
# store type: this can be one of:
# - 'json' - saves each custom race, championship as separate JSON files
# in the directory specified by store_path
# - 'boltdb' - saves all content inside a single database file specified by
# store_path
# boltdb is recommended for most users.
type: boltdb

# where to save the server manager data
path: server_manager.db

# shared data path: Set the same directory for multiple AC Server Manager
# instances to share accounts, race weekend, championship, entrants and custom
# events across them. Leave blank to use the same path as the one set up here.
# works only with JSON database
shared_data_path: D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\assettocorsa\server

# user management - this is now mostly done via the web interface.
# admin password override is used to override the admin password in the case
# that you have forgotten it. set it to e.g. 'password' and log in with:
# username: admin
# password: password
# and you will be prompted to change your admin password back to something you
# can remember
# If you are logging in for the first time, do not use this override system.
# Instead, log in by using these credentials:
# username: admin
# password: servermanager
# As soon as you log in, you will be immediately asked to set a new password.

# live map config
# how often to refresh the map data in milliseconds. This value can't be below
# 200. If you find that championship events do not finish properly, try
# changing this to a higher number.
# set this to 0 to disable live map.
refresh_interval_ms: 500

# server config - configure plugins, e.g. kissmyrank here.
# audit logging logs the actions of registered users locally on your server.
# Only Admins can access the logs, they are intended for tracking if users
# have deleted content, started/stopped events when they shouldn't have etc.
audit_logging: true
# performance mode disables live timing entirely, and prioritises low cpu
# usage.
performance_mode: false
# set this to 'true' if you don't want server manager to open a browser window
# on launch on windows
dont_open_browser: false
# set this to 'true' if you want server manager to scan content folders for
# changes every 15 seconds and update the search index with changes
# this is useful for multi-server setups with a shared content folder so that
# each server manager instance can see added/removed cars as they change
scan_content_folder_for_changes: false

# list of commands to run on server start and kill on server stop. this should
# contain the full command with arguments to run the given program.
# note: if you are looking for stracker support, Server Manager supports it via
# the UI! Go to the "STracker" page in Server Manager for more instructions.
# note #2: if you are looking for KissMyRank support, Server Manager supports it
# via the UI! Go to the "KissMyRank" page in Server Manager for more instructions.
# you can use additional plugins with AC Server Manager, but while configuring
# them you have to ignore the ports that AC Server Manager writes in the
# server_cfg.ini, as the Server Manager provides an interface to the plugins
# instead. The plugin ports in the Server Options page are the ones that must
# be used for the plugin configuration.
# Note that AC Server Manager provides an interface for a single plugin only,
# as the AC game server does. If you want to chain multiple plugins, please
# follow the documentation of the plugins you're using. Plugins usually
# feature interfaces so additional plugins can be chained between themselves.
# you can of course add your own commands (whatever you like!) here.
# each executable specified is run from the directory it is inside, for example,
# the command:
# /my/cool/plugin/path/ --some-opt config.json
# now actually performs the following two commands:
# 1. cd /my/cool/plugin/path
# 2. ./ --some-opt config.json
# uncomment the two lines below to run the command '/my/cool/plugin/path/ --some-opt config.json'
# - executable: /my/cool/plugin/path/
# arguments: ["--some-opt", "config.json"]

# championships
# reCAPTCHA is used to protect registration requests to championships. You
# must specify a site_key and secret_key to enable reCAPTCHA
# Register for reCAPTCHA here:
# Please note you must register for reCAPTCHA v2.
# Note: reCAPTCHA is NOT required, but highly recommended if you are running
# Championship Sign Up Forms

# lua config - configure lua plugins
# lua plugins allow you to run custom lua scripts through hooks with server
# manager! If you're interested have a look at the server-manager/plugins
# folder to see some examples!
# Lua plugins are a premium feature, they won't run without the premium build!
enabled: false

Try 'localhost:8772' instead of just 'localhost'.