@RabTheHud I do not have any servers of my own. I cannot help you set up one either. I spend most of my time tinkering and modifying cars in AC.
As for my "addiction" to formula cars...I suppose one could attribute my "addiction" to the nature of AC.
Oh, i dont need any help in setting up a server at all...the link i send u is a dedicated custom server running on my machine.
No cheating possible and as its the custom assetto server, u also get a steam.dll provided wich then u can use as api to really steamban s.o.....
As i told u- i did buy all of them. Without question...i mean the most expensive ones are like the cost of 2 beer and 1 saussage...so..
Lets call it a addiction to software stuff at all.
Its my profession though. I make my cash since...25 years now in a wide variete of it tech.
Thats y i own 2 professional servers...
And the tinkering and messing around with stuff is what i like too. Thats y i kinda "lootet myself" through discord, (justv wanted to complain about this psychotic behavior of ppl on server) but then ended up reading your modding stuff to then "endup" here..^^
Its more...IF u would want to have a smooth dedicated server, working webinterafce taht easyly lets u administrate to create custom races yourself, maybe with your own mods, i would be helpful...as i just like.,...tinkering around...^^
And the complaining aqbout this behavior of (so many) "racers"...i think i understand now...thats the way ac is.
The mddoing community, wich i really admire and like...and these toxic ppl....
I mean....one could easyli handle this....but...**** on them....^1
So whenever u want to mess with your mods on some smooth servers - lets call it my "donation"...i would love to be helpful there.
Really...i did get to know abouit AC like 1 year ago...never was on my radar as playstaion psvr2 gt7 etc..u dont need to race on any pc...
And then...when i did get my pcVR headset too and i learned about AC, Shaders Patch etc.....wow...blwe my mind...still does.,....everything is possible...android auto working VR overlays and stff....future has arrived me....awesome...
So...whenever u want to mess with your mods on a running gameserver.....let me know...:0)
greez, Andi (from the very south of germany)