Could someone please explain what's wrong with this mod, cause the idea of a large amount of cars on the Nurbs seems really good to me.
They removed the content of the original post because this was and is a very sensitive issue for SimBin.
A huge part of SimBin's marketing plan was the Nordshleife track.
Mojo converted the track for GTR2 and released it in the wild before the game was released on the global market. They were not happy about that for obvious reasons. If you ask me, SimBin has been very understanding to our desires. They never complained with content being transfered from one game to another.
But the conversion of Nordshleife was the one thing that crossed the line.
Anything that deals with this subject (Converting from EVO to GTR2) is a very hot topic for SimBin and all online communities.
Under other circumstances I do not think altering the number of cars in the grid would been an issue. However considering what has happened with that track, it is better to play it safe and not provoke.
The serious online communities do not want to be viewed as warez sites thus losing all credability.
They also do not want to put SimBin in a position where they will bring down the hammer on all of us.
I am sure SimBin does not want that either because from the looks of it, they do want the community to create modifications for their games, with out of course crossing some lines.