As for implementing these models into any game I have to dissappoint you. If you look at a car model from NFS:Shift which is nicely detailed you will see that it exists of roughly 45000 polygons. The Enzo model although far from finished is doing 230000. This is waaay too much for any current game engine. Hopefully we will be able to use those kind of polygon number in the future but for now we're stuck with lowpoly cars for games.
First off i want to say how impressive your work is...just bloody perfection right there!
Secondaly, regarding the section i quoted from you....really? Are you sure you couldn't get them to run in a game?
The reason i ask is because i play lot of flight sim games and i build aircraft Bae system hawk T1 model:
The model consists of roughly 115,000 triangles.
Its flown in Lock On Flamming Cliffs 2 with 9 fellow pilots online in formation by the virtual red arrows display team without any lag on even up to 2-3 year old systems on the highest settings. That's 1,030,000 triangles/polygons in a single scene for aircraft alone without a hiccup.
Have you even given it a test to see if the game will take the polygon of that magnitude before deciding its not possible given the default model detail. My thoughts would be that the default model is low poly because the game is eithr a) old or b) mutli-platform therefore consoles have less power to render polygons and PC users suffer for it with bad models.
p.s. what program are you using for 3d models and if you've used 3dsmax, how would you compare them for model making for both games and non games?