rF2 207 Super 2000 @ Autodrom Most - Monday December 5th 2011

rFactor 2 Racing Club event
Wow. About 8 new drivers for this event. Where are all the new drivers coming from ??? It's good to have more drivers but I am wondering how we have suddenly gained an extra 5-10 drivers from.
Oh well. Tonite reminded me very quickly why I quit racing this mod, despite having the pace to be up there.

R1 : After poor qually, where I couldn't find a clear set of road, I ended up something like 11-12 on the grid. Started off easy keeping my distance to the cars around me and then after T1, someone put a wheel on the grass and span right infront of me. It was like one of these slow-motion crashes. I couldn't do anything to avoid it. He ended up taking my whole nose out, leaving the car even more understeery into corners. I was at that time back to 21st, but kept my foot down. By the end of lap 2, I was already in sight of the single digit positions.
Eventually made it up to 8th, with a chance to sneak even further up ahead. Ran outta fuel thou. I was picturing something like 13 laps race, given the pace I thought possible, but there were some aliens around that thought otherwise. So, on the final lap, I ran out dry.
P12 and a lots of frustration because I had to do the whole race with no nose.

R2 : I had an OK start, gained a bit on the car infront, but kept my foot on the brake before T1, so I don't run into him. But then on the left side, the car didn't gave me any room whatsoever and I ended up spinning towards the right, hitting the tires and wrecking my car. And that's it ...
It was me who spun. I didn't notice going on the grass, car just spun. I made a very good first lap 14->5 and then boom.
Second race wasn't better either. Took first corner carefully but still didn't see that awful curb and ended up in the wall.
R1. Was fun started about 16 18 om grid.
I now the races can be ugly in top top 10 on grid.
Drivers that not brake and so on in when it was about 5 minutes left i have good tight race with mr admin Adam
And offcourse i not wanna touch admin on server so we have some battles and up 6 place over finish.

R2. Started 2 on grid reverse grid now it was time to get a fast start.
So steve and i that start nr 1 not get 5 6 cars end up in our rear when we take first turn.
I get a great start into first lap i was lap 1-2
Then came a really fast driver and just sit and wait until i get a mistake.
On the straight he try bumdraft me i NOT like this so next lap on the straight i test if the Esc button worked.
But nope it just pop up that exit or cancel so i crash in the wall.
Hit esc button to dnf fast did not worked but i get a reply in chat from drivers that try bumdraft saying ..... he could not hold himself and chat even if adam say it not is allowed so sry bumdrafter next race i hope you take another line then on my rear bumper.
Two the of Worst race starts i have ever been involved in!!

Q: not brilliant, rear of the middle group

R1: braked early but safely for T1, yet those in front seemed to be going off left and right. the repsol liveried car speared left into two guys, then speared 90 degrees across me.. nowhere to go. i was on the brakes but it wasnt enough.. pitted and tried to race on but was handling badly

R2: similar start.. bit further up towards the chicane.. lots of smoke cant see a thing, car from the left hits i think Bradley and stops dead. i swerve but clip it.. not to badly damaged.. next lap through the fast kink T1, car on the grass left, car in the gravel right, following Bradley he avoided a stationary car in the middle of the track but (As i checked the replay).. blinded by him and the car on the inside, smash head on into the car in the middle of the track, perhaps could have avoided him but travelling top speed and not really expecting a car right there i couldnt avoid it.. car dead..race over.. pretty pissed off miffed.

Perhaps doing more of my dissertation was the better option after all...
Despite the carnage and being taken off in T1 in R2 I had a lot of fun. R1 managed 18th to 11th. Looking forward to building some experience with the mod. Only installed yesterday and wasn't happy with the setup so a lot to work on.
Qualy: Was pleased with 8th. Was aiming for top 10. Got a PB.

Race 1= Stayed in 8th at the start. Then at the hairpin, I saw a gap on the inside of Wayne Morgan but he stayed on the inside. I braked and was as much on the grass as was allowed. Me and Wayne made contact and then I got hit from behing sending me on 2 wheels into Adam. I was now about 9th behind Andy and ahead of Adam. In the final sector of Lap 1, Wayne went wide and then came back on track at full speed straight into Andy. Wayne flew across the front of my car which certainly surprised me when it happened.

The rest of the race was one of the best performances of my RD Career. Was up to 5th as many people crashed or spun included Eike and Tony. I was defending from Adam for the whole race and then on the final lap, I hit the kerb too much at the chicane. lost control and when trying to gain control. I span. I rejoined in 10th but finished 9th and there was some weird lag or something on the final lap. Sometimes said I was 8th, 9th or 10th. Very dissapointed.

Race 2= Starting 9th. Stay in 9th. But I went too wide at Turn 1, hit the grass slightly. I slowed down and managed to control the car. I then went off the racing line because I knew I was going slower at the time. However, Alex Rolls hit the back of me sending me into a spin and there was a pile-up including about 6 cars. I was in about 12th afterwards and was gaining positions. I had slight suspension damage and I was ahead of Adam again.

On Lap 2 though after the fast right hander, Ferrerria had spun, he then rejoined straight infront of me causing major suspension damage. After watching his onboard camera on replay, I was able to see myself clearly. But I have been in his shoes before and it is a heat of the moment thing which is hard to remember when you are frustrated after a spin or a crash and you want to carry on racing ASAP.

I carried on racing (after flashing my headlights numerously to Ferrerria) even with no bonnet and having to go 10 seconds slower per lap. But my race ended a few laps later, hit the inside kerb at Turn 1 and went backwards into the wall.

Overall = A dissapointing end to what started off well. I am also worried about the amount of newcomers who couldn't follow basic RD Racing Rules. Especially the 2 fast estonian drivers who talked in both races. Nothing wrong with new drivers, but please know how to behave.
What an event!:)

Praccy: I was strugling on the track like on ice...no idea why and was off the pace abot 3 sec.
Thanks to Bradley's &Vitoldas setups I figured out what was wrong and I just mixed different settings from 3 setups: Brdleys, Vitoldas and mine, but still was over 1 sec of the pace...THANKS GUYS!!!

Qualy: First time with low fuel and on the first lap-wow!-1 sec faster, another lap and 3rd time with 0,2 to P1. Next few laps were awful with crashes, so..finaly I was 5th.

R1: nice and clean start at least in front of me...On the first braking Eike went wide and I got P4 just behind Rob and because of the mess in the back I had comfortable gap behind me. I was trying to catch up with Rob and was able to keep about 1 sec gap till Rob's mistake. Now i was 3rd. Ivar and martin was from another legue, so I wasn't even thinking about catching them, I ws concetraiting on holding Rob behind me.
Rob was faster during this stage of the race and ate 6 sec. during about 10 minutes. Great driving m8!. Than I made misteke and spun on a curb , and was overtaken by Rob, but he spun in the same place, I belive It wasn't any contact, but I dont know, if he copy my line and spun on the same curb, or was trying avoid me and spun, because of me (still didnt watch replay). We had about 11 sec. gap in the back, so only we swithched position with this incident:). Rest of the race I spent behind Rob with abot 2,5 sec gap till the last lap, when Rob spun and I took the lowest step on the podium:)I'm sorry that it was in this way, but it's racing, and it wasnt so bad consdering Vitus R1;).Thx fo~r racing Rob!

R2: BTCC starting grid, so I was on P7. I got really slow start so was overtaken by at least 3 gyus, but in S3 of the1st lap I took back one place. On Lap 2 in T1 was huge crash, I had only seen lots of smoke and Green 207' in flames rolling across the track and that was it.:(And after that I was tring to start engin, but it was dead, so I hit "esc" button and was surprise with the window to confirmquiting game. Before I managed to click yes, Bradley almost hit my car and unluckly "gulf" pegout hit me (Dave or Martin or somebody else-dont remember) Sorry for that! Just after this I got disco, so beeing on the finsh it wasnt my destiny:confused:.
THX to RD, ADAM, and All who raced tonight. It was really nice with so big grid!!!!!
Really fun event. Shame that Martin spun in the last race though.

Then came a really fast driver and just sit and wait until i get a mistake.
On the straight he try bumdraft me i NOT like this so next lap on the straight i test if the Esc button worked.
But nope it just pop up that exit or cancel so i crash in the wall.
Hit esc button to dnf fast did not worked but i get a reply in chat from drivers that try bumdraft saying ..... he could not hold himself and chat even if adam say it not is allowed so sry bumdrafter next race i hope you take another line then on my rear bumper.

Oh, please... Look up Lap 2 and Lap 3 on the straight now. I wanted to make a passing manouver as you were slow on the straight, but you kept changing lines. You can only change lines once when defending, everyone knows that. Why the heck would I want to bumdraft you if you were slower on the straight than me? You just kept switching lines left and right as I was trying to go next to you.
This was really the only downside of this event... The rest was really fun.
Two the of Worst race starts i have ever been involved in!!


.. next lap through the fast kink T1, car on the grass left, car in the gravel right, following Bradley he avoided a stationary car in the middle of the track but (As i checked the replay).. blinded by him and the car on the inside, smash head on into the car in the middle of the track, perhaps could have avoided him but travelling top speed and not really expecting a car right there i couldnt avoid it.. car dead..race over..
It was me. Few seconds earlier I had the same no place to go and hit car on the middle of the track, engine was dead so I couldn't move from the track, I hit esc button, but I ws surprised by the window with confirmation exiting the game I clicked wright button feww miliseconds too late. Realy sorry Dave!
It was me. Few seconds earlier I had the same no place to go and hit car on the middle of therace, engine was dead so I couldn't move from the track, I hit esc button, but I ws surprised by the window with confirmation exiting the game I clicked wright button feww miliseconds too late. Realy sorry Dave!

I don't understand how I managed to avoid you. I felt quite proud afterwards. Shame Dave wasn't as lucky.
It was me. Few seconds earlier I had the same no place to go and hit car on the middle of the track, engine was dead so I couldn't move from the track, I hit esc button, but I ws surprised by the window with confirmation exiting the game I clicked wright button feww miliseconds too late. Realy sorry Dave!

No Worries.. Just annoyed at only getting 3 racing pace laps done the whole 2 races... Was no ones fault :) so don't worry, lady luck wasnt on my side today :p
Quali: Set a PB to take 12th :)

Race 1: Made a good start and picked my way through. Ended up in 6th chasing Bradley and had Kjell on my tail. He attempted to overtake me a few times but I was surprised he backed out of them when he pretty much had the overtake done. After a while he dropped back and I could close on Bradley. Stayed on his tail for a few laps applying some pressure and Kjell quickly closed in again. Then on the final lap Bradley went off at turn 4 and Kjell and I battled till the line with me coming out on top. A really good battle that one. :)

Race 2: Started 3rd and made a good start and followed Steve but I thought he was going to take the right side. Instead I ended up behind him so had to brake earlier but received a nudge from behind forcing me to the right side of the track. I tried to make the most of it and go around Steve but he closed the door and I had to go across the grass. I rejoined in about 5th, and Steve dropped back to be in front of me again heading towards turn 1. We went through the corner but we both lost the rear end and had simultaneous spins without any contact between us. I ended up in the wall on the outside with most of the front of the car missing but not sure what else happened. Apologies to those who got caught up in it. Got going again down in 11th and slowly made my way through the pack back to 4th before I spun towards the end dropping me back down to 5th. Wayne caught me quite quickly but the finish line came up just in time so another 5th place finish.

Thanks guys for racing. :)
Q: Best of the Rest P3 the new ALien Duo was reachable in Q but cant get it together in all Sectors.

R1: Was filled up with mistakes of mine.....

R2: Was partly very chaotic but I think its a result of the Track their so many places to made a mistake so theres nearly no place for mistakes.In the second half of the Race some great Battles with Andy und Stephen thx a lot !

The BEST of this RAce was the Gridsize was superb hope your "new" guys meet us again next week !
Really fun event. Shame that Martin spun in the last race though.

Oh, please... Look up Lap 2 and Lap 3 on the straight now. I wanted to make a passing manouver as you were slow on the straight, but you kept changing lines. You can only change lines once when defending, everyone knows that. Why the heck would I want to bumdraft you if you were slower on the straight than me? You just kept switching lines left and right as I was trying to go next to you.
This was really the only downside of this event... The rest was really fun.

ok sry for that i try avoid you and make a turn right and same time i switch right you did the same so i thought you try bumdraft me so i get left and that was not good manouvure from me sry for that.

And Adam i now i could sometimes pass you but i not do it because i like better to have some tight fights then pass and get 5 sec gap and drive alone after .
I not really understand some drivers that laying lap after lap with a 10 sec gap and race alone on the track that is not fun.
If i have a chance have to fast pace then other drivers i try get drivers nearer slow down.
Sometimes let them pass and i try over take if i been 1 2 or 3 place or end up in place 10 not matter so loong i have had good fair tight battles with some drivers i call the race great.
But that is just my goal all drivers have own goal to call a race good.
I saw replay martin spun and i not now why drivers get dnf after 1 spun but martin dnf direct after that spun instead of be nr 2 in race 2 ? O yea i almost forgot good big grid ;) nice too see
Finally a night where luck was on my side :)

Race 1: Quali'd in about 12 place i think and made a good start...only to spin and go nearly to last place. After many battles and near misses with dodging spun cars i got back and finished 7th.

Race 2: After reversed grid i was on pole and needed to make a good start...i probably could of gone quicker on the first lap but decided not to go mad and bin it...however after pressure from Adam we both spun at the first chicane probably both flatout lol...sorry if you got involved with that :) Anyway after some brilliant racing Andy, Eike etc i found myself 2nd and finished there. With the size of the grid last night im really happy with 7th & 2nd.

Also am i missing something here....is it not ok to draft people now? (or is bumdraft different?)

Cheers RD & thanks Adam for the admin.

(ps, these cars just get better :) )

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