AMS2 2019 Stock Car Brasil @ Velopark, Thursday 10th August

Automobilista 2 Racing Club event
I tried to like them, but when I pushed them on the server last night, well, the track pushed back. That penultimate corner, the left drop-down had me spinning 2 out of 3 laps. I might try again next week. Have a good one.
These cars are very fun to drive after the update. Set my chair leaning back more to simulate the cool backseat driving position.
had troubled races with forgetting to set slick tires in race as it already defaulted me to slicks during late arrival to quali. But still enjoyable.

(Not sure if this is the right place to post this)

Regarding the incident @The Almighty Snark, here's my end from the replay... Let me know if on your side i was not alongside...The T1-T2 chicane is quite wide and forgiving and easily can have two cards side by side there.

The first and second screenshot is the braking point, we braked at the same time, where there is close to halfway overlap already.
The third screenshot is just as you initiate turn in and I would say I am at least halfway alongside

Fourth screenshot is a bit after I saw your line, trying my best slowing and turning in tighter to try and go behind your car, as you were aiming for apex without any gap.

In the last pic just before contact, I am already in second gear and can easily make the corner which you normally take in third. I felt i stopped more than i needed to in order to make it, even in that early apex line i was forced to take. If i'd braked in a straight line there would be even more margin.

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So Im also returning to work 1/2 time electronics mfg engineer and race times fall during the work day instead of practicing all morning as planned, I got sucked into a meeting that I barely made the race. I'll not join without practice again.

That being said I had an awesome time for the few laps I was able to do. Keep running anything damp or wet, soaked, drying, or getting wetter. Get the impression Like racing in the rain ?
@Munkyboo Looking at the screenshots, taking the particular corner into the equation and judging from how far alongside you were, I'd say you're at fault for the contact as the move is very optimistic in a chicane that only has one line, is quite fast and has high sausage curbs. If I were Caspar, I'd have left you a little more room to allow you to back out of your effort, but I wouldnt have given you the corner and I'd have taken the racing line too, maybe leave a bit more room towards the right side curb. You'd be running across the curb if you stuck to your plan and it would bounce you around but it wouldnt ruin your race.
You may have been half-alongside down the straight but on corner entry its Caspar's corner. Yes he didnt leave you any room which can be argumented in a gentlemans racing club, but in a league race with firm rules, he's not required to.
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@Munkyboo Looking at the screenshots, taking the particular corner into the equation and judging from how far alongside you were, I'd say you're at fault for the contact as the move is very optimistic in a chicane that only has one line, is quite fast and has high sausage curbs. If I were Caspar, I'd have left you a little more room to allow you to back out of your effort, but I wouldnt have given you the corner and I'd have taken the racing line too, maybe leave a bit more room towards the right side curb. You'd be running across the curb if you stuck to your plan and it would bounce you around but it wouldnt ruin your race.
You may have been half-alongside down the straight but on corner entry its Caspar's corner. Yes he didnt leave you any room which can be argumented in a gentlemans racing club, but in a league race with firm rules, he's not required to.
Sure, thanks for the reply and info about rules regarding club and league race.
I was thinking to add that in the post too, if there was just a little gap left at the apex I could have avoided the contact and given up the corner at the same time.
I usually will do that too (leave slight gap for car to slot in, even if I know they will give it up for sure) and has also been my experience when racing so far anywhere .
I knew I probably couldn’t win the corner after we did the initial braking and I also didn’t go in expecting to be given racing room through the whole chicane if I wasn’t able to be enough alongside after braking.
Maybe I was wrong about the ease of two cars through the chicane. I’m ok to see I am behind and then have to back out if it’s too hard to leave a proper line for another car
My main issue was just how I was turned into so sharply even though I was there.

It was hard to make a move in the corner but you never know in these club races as you can beat people under braking often since we don’t prepare as intensely for it.
in fact I did observe this throughout the two races, several corners where I coulda just done a move when I thought I shouldnt try. Then up to that point had never been that far along for the chicane so thought to try.

Edit: would appreciate if you could also inform me about this. I’ve always had trouble with exact rules about whose corner it is esp with Chicanes as people outside say different things. Even in F1 I watched still inconsistencies in stewarding for chicane incidents.
When is it not someone’s corner anymore? Is it when you’re fully alongside basically?
If I was almost fully alongside or full alongside, would it be my corner, as I would be on the inside? or is it only decided on who is ahead at the first apex at that point?
Or would we instead have to try and leave space through the whole chicane?

If I would guess, you need to be close to fully alongside for space, then it’s whoever is ahead at first apex, other guy need to back out of second turn. Otherwise If it’s close at the first apex, space needs to be left at the second turn too
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