You are missing the cues, m8...
YOU are missing my point entirely! I know what you were getting at, I'm not a blithering idiot! I know you disagree with me and you ought to know that I don't give a monkey's hoo-haa about that! I have chacked the physics and I never said anything about an F1 driver in an F1 car stamping on the brakes at all, I said about an F1 driver in an F1 car LIFTING OFF THE THROTTLE ENTIRELY and someone in a SPORTS CAR HITTING THE BRAKES being basically the same, with regards to the forces involved. Look, stop being a total idiot and look into it, I'm not just spouting bull here, it's fact, not opinion! Why don't YOU check the physics? Why don't YOU go through telemetry data and learn for yourself, instead of trying to make someone who does know about this stuff seem like an idiot? All you're doing is making yourself look even worse.
Now, because I know when I've been dragged too low in a debate and that if I go any further, I'll end up looking like a moron and, at best, simply repeating myself, I'm going to back out of the debate! Not because I give up, but because my views, opinions and knowledge are here, for all to see, and I have nothing more constructive to add to it. Yes, I may be quite patronising, but that's only because I tend to be able to see what oh so many others seem to miss; stuff I think ought to be obvious, but is so often not.
N.B. Please, don't type in txt spk, it looks childish and doesn't read very well to those of us who use REAL English. -.-