why did they swap around Priaulx and Bourdais
Infiniti would be niceRumours had it as Hyundai, Kia, BMW and Infiniti interested in entering, but they are a couple of months old now
But it pretty much is currently, thanks to Project Blueprint. all it is is an extension of thatWould like to see an M3
It's a pity though, all the cars will still be pretty much the same other than the paneling... the chassis will be the same
Would like to see an M3
It's a pity though, all the cars will still be pretty much the same other than the paneling... the chassis will be the same
Must be 4 Door, There is a control engine for those who want in but don't have a suitable engine, doesn't matter what drive the standard car is, but the race variants will be rwd, obviously. There will be a equivelency formula for smaller v8 engines, and i can't think of anything else to add.Are there size or weight conditions? Or is any 4 door RWD saloon car ok? Should be an M5 at least
Yeah, as Kyle said, we're already there basically.
I don't mind that bit too much, cheaper, more cars, etc. But it's getting more 'professional', for lack of a better word. Real racing cars, instead of just big, fast lumps of metal you have to wrestle with
Speaking of which, is there any televised standard car racing anywhere out there? The lower the amount of modification, the better. Like the good ol' days.
The Continental Tire Series uses basically slightly modified street cars, two categories and 45+ cars each race
http://www.google.ca/search?um=1&hl=fr&biw=1280&bih=916&tbm=isch&sa=1&q=continental tire sports car challenge&oq=continental tire sports car challenge&aq=f&aqi=&aql=&gs_sm=e&gs_upl=15187l19817l0l19945l20l20l0l19l0l0l142l142l0.1l1l0