Muchisimas gracias por la explicación funciona de lujo, si no es mucha molestia en las tablas hay un apartado para el compuesto de las ruedas "gomas" como puedo hacer para que funcione?, ya que ahora mismo no me marca nada, gracias de antemano.
Added a new extra overlay, so now there's 8
Often it can be hard to see the start lights so made a overlay for that, and then why not add yellow flag lights with sector info and blue flag lights.
Red lights on one by one.
Green lights blink fast.
Yellow lights blinks normal, with info text not blinking.
Blue lights blinks normal.
This overlay also requires Garyswallow's plugin.
View attachment 408180
After some upgrades of rf2/garyswallow plugin or something else.... a variable from garyswallow had to be changed to be able to show which sector the yellow flag is in.
In latest close races I needed a better radar so changed it at bit.
added to "the pack".
I'm also having this issue now. Gary plugin installed..main leaderbord doesnt work for me can someone help ? it doesnt even shown and i cant interact with it either. i press edit dash and nothing happens or when i try to tun it separetly still nothing.
@K3nrgy you easily fix it yourself.
Just edit the function in the overlay to result format 0.0 "%
View attachment 454224
- current potentional lap time.
- potentional lap time from best sectors.
- more compounds are reconized in leaderboard.
Fixed small adjustments and other errors.
Added graph with FFB, speeder and brake.
What racing sim are you using it with? I dont think its only working specific with rf2 though. GarySwollow's plugin is mostly for tire type/pit info info and opponents.Hello @thomasjohansen !
First, congratulations for that wonderful tool you created. I encounter an issue I can't see the sector time. I noticed on your last stream (gordini) that it works for you.
I do have GarySwallow plugin. What am I missing ?
Thank you again, I hop you can help me !