rF2 1.5h WEC @ Bathurst - Friday 19th February 2016

rFactor 2 Racing Club event
Sorry, looks like I won't be able to race :thumbsdown:. I shouldn't have jinxed myself. My PC has been a nightmare all week, now I'm using a really old graphics card, so my game will be unplayable. Bummer, was looking forward to it.
Sorry I left during the race.
I had some weird freezes while driving so I decided to leave before damaging someone randomly.
On Wednesday I had the same issue at the stock car race here. Haven't had that before :(

It's not the "normal" freeze when someone leaves or enters the server but its very random and the game doesn't respond for about 1 to 4 sec. There are no noticable entries in my Windows event list so I don't know what the cause is. I will update my Nvidia driver and hope this will help.

I will look into this further but maybe someone of you know this problem and can help.
Great racing though. I hope next time I will stay longer ;)
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Just got back from the gig.
Drove some laps at Bathurst this evening and afternoon. The track looks great, but i hated the surface. Extremely bumpy and could not get a single good lap with the Porsche. Too loose for me. Tried then the Renault, which was and is a non-favorite car for me. Unpredictable and unforgiving. Never liked that car. Nor in rF1 nor in rF2. Give me my Beemer! That BMW Z4 GTR works tremendously good at this track. Had a lot of fun this week with that car at Bathurst. Easy to drive.
I had one short freeze on lap one and then a very strange thing happened on lap 2. Sharjeel was some meters behind me when I experienced that his car "jumped" on mine from behind and I crashed out. When I looked at the replay I could see that my car freezes for a fraction of a second and then reappears just at the nose of Sharjeels car.

Sorry for that Sharjeel if it was something with my server connection that caused it.
I then left the server not to risk causing more trouble.
Yap @SK was nice chasing first half of the race and fair as well, to bad you lost so much time while pitting...
Let's see what's coming up for next week, this car mix could be very equal on tighter tracks as the advantage of the F6 was only down the straights imo.
BTW did my skin got shared well this time, still messing up with that stuff. This time i only used one .dds file. Last week several .dds within a .mas didn't work for me?!
WOW! What a race we had last night - it was epic! And that finish, it couldn't have been much closer. I'll take a look at the replay later and take a screenshot of the photo-finish. :p

@elpolan and @David O'Reilly, I really had my work cut out, and you guys really pushed me all the way to the end! :barefoot: When I lost my front wing I thought that it was all over, but thankfully I managed to hang on for my first ever race win. It was tough, but I had great fun.

It's a shame that you were experiencing issues @Andreas Oehrlich; I'm not sure what the problem may be unfortunately, but a number of people have seem to have been suffering with it recently (could potentially be something to do with the new build). We could potentially have had a 4-way battle, though your pace was off the charts and it might have been difficult for us to catch up. :laugh:

Anyway, thanks again to all of you for another awesome evening of racing, and I hope to see you again next week. (Oh, and thanks again @Dragos Haba, @Stefan Woudenberg, et al. for the encouragement during the closing laps). :D
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@Daiman Patel
It was a classic.
In the Flat 6 category we had 3 drivers with totally differing strategies converging to within 2 sec on the finish line.
@elpolan with a cunning nearly no-stop (his splash n dash nearly worked but for a nose-less car in front of him. That was cool tyre management.
My long and short stints (testing for that race I never got to drive in:O_o:)
And your mathematically precise 2 equal stints.

Well done on your win and sorry @Andreas Oehrlich had issues.

I too have been dealing with some CPU spikes and mini freezes today. I firstly felt that it was due to my new wheel. There are notes in the read me file about this. I had to use the "Skip Update" (Controller JSON) hack to lower the # of FFB updates. This had a big impact and got the purple CPU bar back down.
Also perhaps double check the "sim processor threshold" in player JSON.
The notes say 255 is off (default) and 3 is on. However I read a post that suggests that the second number should be your number of cores minus 1. EG My 6 cores means "5". While I was trouble shooting I changed it from 5 back to 3
Today I went back to 5 and it was better.

Fiddling with all that stopped me getting back on the grid in- time for a 12 hour race!! Game over.
will try to bring Freddy over the Limit in the Fat 6 :sneaky:
Couldnt make it in the end, but would have been so much fun. I actually managed to do a 1 hour 35min stint on one tank of fuel and one set of tires in the Flat6 in the big race on Saturday. It was hard to squeze out the extra 5min, but that would have been really interesting. I guess most Flat6 drivers pitted at some point :D
@Andreas Oehrlich I had a spin because of someone leaving the server as well. Wasn't it an rfactor issue if I remember correctly?
I have those little stutters too when someone leaving the server but in addition there are some random lags up to about 4 sec. Very game braking for me :(.
Now I have enabled logging in rf2 so next time I will look into it and hopefully know how to get rid of that.

I have had the same problem in a champ with the Flat6 in the 900grados comunity. Could be this problem due to the mod Flat6?
I had the same problem with the stockcars at the Wednesday event here. So I dont think its related to the Flat6 mod. I will do some research this week so when there is a solution I will write it in the RD forum.

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