rF2 1.5h GT3 Club @ Bathurst - Sat 28th June

rFactor 2 Racing Club event
Not impressed wth the driving of a few drivers...

Massive pile up on the first straight, and again drivers that are not paying attention... got a tap from behind, wich bounced me off the wall, sideways on the track, into an, r8 also sideways, pushing me along because hes beeing pushed by the guy that tapped me around....:speechless:

a lap later, same guy used the wall to go airborne, and offcourse hits me while hes bouncing about, damaged splitter, into the pits....back out again, not focussed at all, i loose it, back into the wall with even more damage, so back into pit and race over, 155sec of damage...

i started on 100lites in stead of the 80 i was supposed to start because par ferme didn't seem to do as it was said it would do, and i could not alter the fuel before a pitstop, it was stuck at 60 liters.. so this meant by now, i'd have enough to finish the race if i could manage the tyres, because i couldn't go back in for just tyres... i drove on and by about 25 minutes before the end, i looked like i would be able to keep the tyres under the car and drive to the chequered. But then i got ran off in the grass, causing me to hit the wall, after i had left the door wide open for the guy...:confused: this ruined the splitter, had to come back in, and offcourse take on 60 liters of fuel... i still had 36 in the tank, so i went back out with nearly a full tank again and lost whatever positions i had managed to gain, unable to chase anything with a heavy car like that..
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I was not fully on the pace I had on Thursday and was a bit cautios after hitting an invisible wall in qualy. I was keeping in contention with the leaders, but then got taken out by a backmarker in a way I won't describe here...

It was pretty early in the race and I repaired the car and got fuel and tyres. I had now 90L onboard and had to do that amount of fuel on one set of tyres. I pushed a bit and gained some places back from P11 or P12 after everone pitted I was in P3 and @Marçal Bonet Andreu seemed to have an issue and left, which gained me P2.

A real shame with the incident and on Thursday I had pace to really push @Aleksi Kivelä, but wasn't my day today and didn't have enough running (10min) before qualy to get fully back up to speed after driving the Lola on Friday. Still a good result and there is no shame getting second behind Aleksi, who did a perfect job on the start and the whole race:thumbsup:

@David O'Reilly I nominate you for the unofficial most improved driver award of 2014. You let a lot of fast guys behind you today:thumbsup:

As per the rules of racing at RaceDepartment, drivers should not publicly accuse / attempt to shame others (i.e. in the event thread) after a race. Any discussions regarding incidents must be friendly, and had no sooner than 24 hours after the event, initially via PM, and if the problem still cannot be resolved then an incident report should be filed. Video evidence of incidents, from several angles, may be used if they will be helpful in resolving the issue.

The following is taken from the rules:
Try and discuss any incidents with the other drivers involved after the race in a friendly manner. If you feel stressed out by an accident then take 24 hours to calm down, review the replays of the incident and resolve it in a mature way via PM. Do not make angry posts about it on the forum. If you cannot resolve the problem then please contact the staff member that organized your race via PM, sending them an incident report that includes a video that clearly shows the incident.

Thanks. I hope you all enjoyed what was a thrilling race. :thumbsup:
i started on 100lites in stead of the 80 i was supposed to start because par ferme didn't seem to do as it was said it would do, and i could not alter the fuel before a pitstop, it was stuck at 60 liters.. so this meant by now, i'd have enough to finish the race if i could manage the tyres, because i couldn't go back in for just tyres... i drove on and by about 25 minutes before the end, i looked like i would be able to keep the tyres under the car and drive to the chequered. But then i got ran off in the grass, causing me to hit the wall, after i had left the door wide open for the guy...:confused: this ruined the splitter, had to come back in, and offcourse take on 60 liters of fuel... i still had 36 in the tank, so i went back out with nearly a full tank again and lost whatever positions i had managed to gain, unable to chase anything with a heavy car like that..

Same for me. I started the race with the same fuel I put for qualy. And couldn´t adjust the fuel before pitting, so I ended with enough fuel for 2 races.....:(
I haven´t enough time to explain how the race has developped. I only can say that it has been great, really exciting, although in the last few laps my car was almost destroyed and I hardly could accelerate... But the 99 % of the drivers have been extremely clean, and I think I haven´t caused any big incident, therefore I´m very pleased to everyone who has taken part in it. I hope I will be able to drive with you in the future!

PD: I´m especially happy with the strategy, because I´ve made the tyres last more than I had expected, so I reckon that I have gain two or three positions because of the strategy. Besides, when the race has finished, I had 1.5 L left, so the calculation has been really accurate. So accurate that if the leaders hadn´t lapped me in the final laps, I would have run out of fuel during the last lap. So thanks you for driving so quickly!
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Great race. Enjoyed every lap of it on this amazing track. Big thanks to all of you.

Took 1st place at start and with good straight line speed managed to keep it for the first few laps. Then Marcal had some kind of incident and the gap started to grow. I didn't make big mistakes in the first half of the race which ensured me a big lead I could maintain to the end of the race.:)

EDIT: This could have ended way worse :D

EDIT2: Obstacle course provided by Pedigree
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@Frederic Schornstein yeah that was scary i was trying to give you space so i stayed on the left and looking to my right to see where you were when i saw a car in front. I still don't know how i avoided him. :confused::ninja:

As for the race my goal was to finish and try to be on the first half of the grid. Qualy was slow because of the fuel i was carrying. The race started and while slowing down because of yellow flags someone bumped me and lost control of the car for a few moments. Had a little damage to the steering but since i was only doing one pitstop i kept going.

First stint tried to give my best to open some space but several mistakes cost me some time. Had some battles that cost me my tires so i decided to slow to a more safe pace. The pitstop went without problems and i was gaining some positions.

This time i only pushed for about 15 minutes and the last 20 were done on a more conservative pace managing the gap to the cars behind. Did much better than expected as i finished 5th. :confused::cool:

I'm getting better on these long races and although i'm several seconds from the fastest guys my steady pace and avoiding big mistakes are working for me. :D;)

Thanks to all for another great GT3 event. :thumbsup:
Thank you to the organisers was a great race.
Qualified almost at the back as I couldn't get a time done and the car felt very different to how it was. I realised during warmup that the setup I had already loaded seamed to have reverted to the default. I guess it was my fault still getting use to the sim.
The start was chaotic two huge crashes I think that I had to work through especially the one down the straight.
Got up to 15th I think and was running well but two lambos came out of nowhere so I let them through not to ruin my race.
A few laps later then I hit an invisible wall that I never knew was there (the exit of t8 i think the kink before skyline.) only tapped the wall ever so slightly with the rear but ended up ripping a wheel off. So cruised to the pit and 308 seconds later was free to carry on. But the was very frustratedand after 45mins I think I thought that it's better I didn't carry on (irl the car would have been looking like :poop: After being on it's roof in that accident :D) anyways was really fun and I hope that there will be another one soon.
Thanks for the laps guys , I to was a victim of some sporadic driving early on , sorry to whoever that was on L1 sector 3 , I was punted fearcely into the sand trap on the left at the bottom of the downhill speed run.. recovered only to not see the last car coming ,hope you had room .. received a few other bruise's on that same down hill ! .. lol

What a beast of a track !

I never get Saturdays off so when I found out I immediately looked for an event and found this one ! Made sure to start in the back having only 20 mi or so of practice ..

Was happy with 15 although I think I could have battled for 10th if I hadn't had the offs!

great fun guys ! Hope I can get a few more Saturdays off ..

Congratulations to Aleksi, Frederic and podium.
Didnt expect to do the pole position because I just started practice today on the evening and I didnt know what was the right pace to be so my strategy was 1 stop and full throttle all the time lol.

Very interesting start of the race behind Aleksi, we started to overlap cars very soon and that cost us some time, but no big problems, only in 1 straight the guy in front didnt want to slow down a bit and I think I hit him just a little bit and he spun around, sorry for that, I thought it was a clean move on te overtaking but seems not to be like that.

At the middle of the race I started to make mistakes and Aleksi got some gap in front that was impossible to recover, after the first mistake, other mistakes came so I crashed into the wall and got off the track, impossible to go back to the race cuz my car appeared on the box.... bad luck. But i had a lot of fun while I was on track.

Thanks for the race and organizers & live streaming guys as always.
Cya next time
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Awefull race for me. I drove endless rounds in practise without touching the walls or spinning.

In the race hit an invisible wall twice, moved over under blue which caused damage... (heared later that it was onl;y as indicator and no penalty if "ignored" :poop:) after 6 pit visits and drive with 100L all the time.. (planned 1 pitstop after 21 laps).. I thought it was better to call it quits before destroying some one other's race. with 4 laps down to the leader and 1 lap to the next driver (position 16). :notworthy:

Thank you for the great organisation and friendly banter on TS. :) :thumbsup: Looking forward to the next one.... hopefully with less walls and more kitty litters. :D
I got a great qualifying, would have been very happy with top 10 but ended up with a 5th. Game crashed 3-4 times in quali and warm up, so I was getting a bit annoyed with it. Then first turn I got spun out, watched the replay over and over and I think it's caused by some lag. Anyways had to let everyone through, and tires were already 10% donwn. Managed to get up into 12th spot again when gaps started getting bigger and bigger, so I decided to end the race because I was suppose to do something else in the first place. Bit bummed out but at least I've shown I have the speed.

@David O'Reilly Great result! setup was very fast but I had some tire wear problems, maybe because of the spin but I was still on 50% tires. Happy for you with that result :D
I got a great qualifying, would have been very happy with top 10 but ended up with a 5th. Game crashed 3-4 times in quali and warm up, so I was getting a bit annoyed with it. Then first turn I got spun out, watched the replay over and over and I think it's caused by some lag. Anyways had to let everyone through, and tires were already 10% donwn. Managed to get up into 12th spot again when gaps started getting bigger and bigger, so I decided to end the race because I was suppose to do something else in the first place. Bit bummed out but at least I've shown I have the speed.

@David O'Reilly Great result! setup was very fast but I had some tire wear problems, maybe because of the spin but I was still on 50% tires. Happy for you with that result :D
Thanks Yuri.
You indeed showed great pace, well done. I was P13 in Quali so P5 looked pretty good mate. Tyre wear was ok for me. I ran a 1 stop and had 1st yellow tyre at lap 14 or so of 21 lap stint. Motec showed that T3 and Forest Elbow had temperature peaks on tyres so was careful there. It seemed that 1 big slide and a tyre or two were off which meant more sliding and more wear and a spiral of trouble.
Thanks Yuri.
You indeed showed great pace, well done. I was P13 in Quali so P5 looked pretty good mate. Tyre wear was ok for me. I ran a 1 stop and had 1st yellow tyre at lap 14 or so of 21 lap stint. Motec showed that T3 and Forest Elbow had temperature peaks on tyres so was careful there. It seemed that 1 big slide and a tyre or two were off which meant more sliding and more wear and a spiral of trouble.
haha my 5th place quali was with 75L as I had no idea what the fuel would be like :p
I got a bit of slipstream witch helped me, but I had to pass someone as well to I had to give up the racing line.
Amazing race! My first race in rf2 and it was great.
Sorry @RobMilliken, I think that I crashed you in the first lap because I put a wheel on the green and loose the control, hitting you.
In the lap 5 I made a mistake and I had to entry the box, as I couldn´t modify the quantity of fuel, Ieft the pits with 100L so I decided not to entry the box again.
I finished the race whithout tyre :laugh:
haha my 5th place quali was with 75L as I had no idea what the fuel would be like :p
I got a bit of slipstream witch helped me, but I had to pass someone as well to I had to give up the racing line.
The fuel parc ferme caused quite some confusion.
I qualified with 65 litres expecting to start with 57.
I still had 65 at the start and a pit stop booked for 65 (which could not be altered in the car). As it happened it was about ok. I stopped at end of lap 21 and finished the race with about 8 litres left I think.

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