First public version of my Zolder track made from scratch. It was my first ever track, basically I had zero modeling experience before. It took longer than I expected, either because of school or work or just laziness. I admire everybody who makes tracks or cars because it is really a lot of...
Slightly improved AI (somewhat faster and fixed track limits) for the Zolder 67 track (V2) found here:
Installation: copy the "ai" folder inside the zip to the track folder "zolder67", and overwrite the existing files. The zip file...
New track limits, AI + hints for Zolder 2017 (actrackreboot version).
Have fun!
Just unzip and copy the specific track folder to your assettocorsa\content\tracks, it will automatically copy the new ai + hints to the correct folder. Perhaps make sure to keep your old AI files if you don't like...