The Last Garage Hands-On: 1000Hz Physics Clarified, AI and Online Discussed

The Last Garage Hands-On - 1000Hz Physics Clarified, AI and Online Discussed RD.jpg
At the recent Sim Formula Europe event in the Netherlands, OverTake was able to go hands-on with The Last Garage sim racing project and find out further details from its creator.

Marcel Offermans caused a stir recently by announcing a brand-new sim racing platform from his startup – The Last Garage.

Indefatigable in the quest for driving physics perfection, the sim racing veteran not only has a working prototype of his latest project, but some intriguing ideas about the future of online competitions. Then there’s the debate as to how the end consumer, i.e. us, will be able to one day experience it at home.

See direct capture gameplay and hear our initial The Last Garage hands-on impressions by watching our Sim Formula Europe event recap above.

Initially touted as a platform for third-party companies to develop upon, the affable Dutch developer seemingly softened during the Sim Formula Europe event. In our experience, visitor reactions were overwhelmingly positive following brief hands-on sessions in a light, rear-wheel drive, car.

“It hasn’t been decided yet, but I would like to do both,” explains Offermans to RaceDepartment when quizzed about its final form.

“I have lots of ideas about how to build a full simulator out of this myself, probably too many ideas, so I probably need to scratch a few of those.

“But I’m also open to others licencing the technology and using it in their projects, whether it is B2B or B2C. I don’t even mind people competing with me using this engine, because I think there can be many different things you can do with it, and I already know I can’t do all of them.”


1000Hz Physics, All The Time​

Tantalising. Especially considering it feels so telepathic to drive like the venerable Leo Bodnar wheel base used to showcase the technology was somehow affixed to the end of our arms.

Detailed – almost every surface imperfection around the undulation Bridgehampton test venue was relayed back to us – yet also naturalistic. Kicking the rear out of the Escort-like car upon corner exit to create an exuberant slide was satisfyingly straightforward.

There was also a classic formula-style car (depicted above as a 3D render in Blender by Mauricio Leiva) which delivered an intense sense of speed. We even grabbed a little air over some of the ‘yumps’.

During the initial reveal last week, one of the bullet point claims was a physics system running at 1000Hz which caused a debate.

Offermans clarifies with alacrity: “The whole physics engine is running at 1000Hz all the time, that includes all the vehicle dynamics, all the tyre modelling, etc.

“All those calculations are done within one millisecond and that goes for all the cars that will be in the sim.

“The smallest step you take, the more detailed samples you can take off the road and if you’re driving at speed, even within one millisecond, you move quite a considerable step.

“So, the smaller steps you take, the more detail you get when driving over kerbstones and other rough surfaces, and that feeling that helps you drive the car better. The smaller you can go there, the better it will be for the feeling.

“That’s why we go at 1000Hz. If we could go 2000Hz, I might even do that, but that’s not feasible with today’s hardware.”

While the baseline technology has been newly created – with the Godot 4 platform in use for the graphics and sound – elements of the physics engine are based on an open-source project called Project Chrono, which The Last Garage’s lead is actively participating in the development of.

Ultimately, there is a modular framework, and if you really would like to dig further into the details and individual components, you can.

“My primary concern was to first get the physics right for this new engine, because if you don’t get that right, it doesn’t matter what else you do, you’re never going to make a good game out of it,” enthuses the former Managing Director of rFactor 2 developers Studio 397.


Marcel Offermans presenting The Last Garage at Sim Formula Europe 2024.

‘Robust’ Online Multiplayer​

As the diminutive team is in the relatively nascent stages of development, the quantity of content included isn’t a primary concern currently. Now is the time to create the engine, dial in the physics and gather feedback.

When the question of mods is raised, the Netherlands native is open to their potential, but only if “a way that avoids issues with unlicenced and ripped content” is found.

We are intrigued about elements such as AI performance and online connectivity, the latter an area where the Luminis Technologies alumnus has a unique perspective:

“I want to make sure that the online play becomes more robust.

“[If you have] an architecture where everybody connects to a single server, if something happens to that server or the connection, you are immediately in trouble. That’s not something I think that’s acceptable in the modern world where we have plenty of bandwidth and connectivity.

“I want to make a more robust system where you can have a redundancy. If one server fails, everybody just moves to the other one without disrupting the race in any way – it should be seamless.”

The demo we tested, in theory, is already compatible with LAN multiplayer, with the online components in active development. AI should follow later, explains Offermans:

“Right now, I don’t have any AI yet in the sim. I must start somewhere and [multiplayer] is where I like to start, I think that makes sense.

“AI is always a little bit difficult because if you have such an advanced physics system, it becomes a little bit harder to create 40 or 50 AI cars that use that same system. That’s way too heavy. You almost always see AI cars using simpler physics, so you can have more of them running on the same machine.

“That is an area where I’m working with a few universities to research simplification techniques for vehicle models so I could create, let’s say 100, and comfortably run them with those models being almost identical to the player car. We want to get as close to that as you can.”


The Year Ahead​

Following 18 months of working in the shadows, the Dutch Sim Formula Europe event in Maastricht was an opportunity to see if others agreed with the platform’s direction – something pivotal to Offerman’s development process:

“At some point, you start wondering, ‘where am I with this stuff?’ and ‘what do people think about it?’, so I wanted to make sure that at some point I went to an event and got it as much feedback as I could.

“I’ve made a little list already of things that that I should still work on. One common element I’m hearing, especially in the formula-style car, is that the sound is not great, with too much tyre noise.

“So that’s something I need to fine tune and there are a few other minor things that I’ve noted down that we’ll work on the next couple of weeks.

“I think, add another year, and I will have more details in the physics engine like dynamic roads, tyre, wear, tyre temperatures… those will be implemented, for sure.”

To see direct-capture gameplay footage of The Last Garage, watch OverTake’s roundup of the recent Sim Formula Europe event. Let us know any questions you’d like to ask Marcel Offermans in the comments below, and we’ll keep you updated over the coming months.

You can also submit suggestions
in our The Last Garage forum
About author
Thomas Harrison-Lord
A freelance sim racing, motorsport and automotive journalist. Credits include Autosport Magazine,, RaceDepartment, OverTake, Traxion and TheSixthAxis.


Hi @Marcel Offermans; the engine looks good, and knowing that the focus is to make it as modular and open to modes like rF2 bring hopes for future sim platforms.

I currently building karting tracks for rF2 using an old modeler (BTB) because I'm and engineer and no 3D artist; and blender is like a hard brick been thrown to my head each time I try to learn something.

I have been able to came with very accurate models when using point clouds (Lidar or Photogrammetry) and dense and detailed road meshes in BTB; having this ease of creating a working 3d model for a simulator allow for content to be created faster without compromising quality (accuracy and denser meshes for road surface that is what pro teams prioritize over graphics).

Is there any plans on making documentation, tutorial or resources on how to ease the creations of assets and venues for the simulation platform; specially focusing in modeling real venues using capturing techniques like point cloud with up to millions of points and how that details is translating to the sim engine (using meshes at 50cm resolution for roads).
Hi @Marcel Offermans; the engine looks good, and knowing that the focus is to make it as modular and open to modes like rF2 bring hopes for future sim platforms.

I currently building karting tracks for rF2 using an old modeler (BTB) because I'm and engineer and no 3D artist; and blender is like a hard brick been thrown to my head each time I try to learn something.

I have been able to came with very accurate models when using point clouds (Lidar or Photogrammetry) and dense and detailed road meshes in BTB; having this ease of creating a working 3d model for a simulator allow for content to be created faster without compromising quality (accuracy and denser meshes for road surface that is what pro teams prioritize over graphics).

Is there any plans on making documentation, tutorial or resources on how to ease the creations of assets and venues for the simulation platform; specially focusing in modeling real venues using capturing techniques like point cloud with up to millions of points and how that details is translating to the sim engine (using meshes at 50cm resolution for roads).
Lidar is not as precise as it seems, if the area you want to recreate has bridges and the track goes over those bridges you will have inaccuracies, I realized this by making Alcañiz from scratch.

The lidar data at high altitudes works very well, but at low altitudes I have had margins of error of up to two meters, especially around bridges.

I went to Alcañiz personally with a manual laser level to take measurements and the results compared to the lidar data were very different precisely in the areas where you need more precision.

In my opinion, the transfer of asphalt measurements to polygonal mesh today continues to be slow laser scanning. Photogrammetry may be even more precise, but it requires post-capture work that is too tedious, long, and also very time-consuming. optimize it.
Is there any plans on making documentation, tutorial or resources on how to ease the creations of assets and venues for the simulation platform; specially focusing in modeling real venues using capturing techniques like point cloud with up to millions of points and how that details is translating to the sim engine (using meshes at 50cm resolution for roads).
Obviously the answer to this question depends on how the simulation engine is being used, because in theory you could take that module and link it to any game engine and how assets should be created definitely depends on that.

So let's assume for now this is about how to do this with Godot as that is what I've used in my demo, and it's an engine I enjoy using a lot.

Your question really has a couple of different aspects:
  1. Capturing point clouds and translating those into high resolution meshes. Leaning on past experience there I would say if you can, lean on an experienced company to capture the actual point cloud data correctly (as this is not trivial) and then there are several software solutions to take that data and transform it into a mess. I'm certainly no expert at that, but eventually you want to end up with a dense and accurate mesh to drive on and for this engine, that can be something that is completely separate from any graphical representation.
  2. Creating assets in general. Again, I'm not an experienced modeler, but some advice I can give, such as to keep assets "modular" as well, so build a library of trees, barriers, tire walls, flags, pit buildings, etc. So you can use these. Also, I would definitely recommend looking into more "generative" techniques, such as leveraging geometry nodes in Blender.
  3. Importing the assets into Godot. This is an aspect that will probably pleasantly surprise artists, as Godot can (for example) directly work with Blender files and import and re-import them on the fly. I've chosen to create both cars and tracks as separate Godot projects right now, so, getting way ahead of myself as many things will probably still change going forward, creating a track can be a matter of taking your Blender file and importing it in a Godot project and then adding a few functional objects such as grid positions and timing gates. I would encourage people to simply download Godot and Blender and start experimenting a bit with that workflow. It's really easy and fun!
Lidar is not as precise as it seems
LIDAR is the name describing a specific technique, there are a lot of different methods to obtain LIDAR data and each of those have (wildly) different accuracies. Airborne LIDAR typically won't be accurate enough to scan a race track surface. You would typically use a ground based technique using either static tripods that scan the surroundings (moving them manually every time to capture the full track) or a scanner mounted on a slowly moving truck.
@Marcel Offermans please don't forget to assign the wheel inputs to another CPU thread/core/whatever as it was possible on rF2....

As side note....talking about tracks....what about Targa Florio and other big tracks?
can the engine handle those?
did you run a stress test or sorta?
It all good, however, graphic still looks like came from 2015 (same level as other sims) and far behind the golden middle sim AMS2
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@Marcel Offermans please don't forget to assign the wheel inputs to another CPU thread/core/whatever as it was possible on rF2....
What is actually running on a separate thread is the sending of force feedback commands to the wheel. Reading inputs is not a problem so that can easily be done on the physics thread. Sending those commands can take a while and yes, I am offloading that to a separate thread, always, since I don't think there is a good use case to keep it on the same thread these days.
As side note....talking about tracks....what about Targa Florio and other big tracks?
can the engine handle those?
did you run a stress test or sorta?
Not yet specifically with such big tracks, but I don't really envision any roadblocks there.

Graphically I could easily just take a huge track and see if it imports just fine in the engine, but so far I've not bumped into any issues with that so I don't really expect problems or think it's a priority right now to investigate. If you're curious and you have a big track in Blender or as an FBX or something similar, it's quite easy to load it yourself and see what happens.

From a physics point of view, I've optimized several pieces of code to deal with huge meshes efficiently, so apart from maybe running out of memory at some point, the code should scale well as meshes increase in size.

That said, going forward I will do such stress tests once the engine is more or less "feature complete". And right now I'm making sure that everything I do gets immediately tested on roughly a dozen different systems, old and new.
Well, my post was intended as a wish and a joke but glad to read your reply Marcel.

What you said makes sense of course and I appreciate your time to reply to me.

Since we are on the topic I think a good graphic is ok but not the main thing to look be fair something in-between AMS1 (sharp colors) and Euro Truck Simulator 2 (weather effects and shaders) would suffice.

I think @Italotracks could help you with big tracks to play with and some guys like Niels (I know you talked to him already) or Grand Prix Engineer can help from a car physics point of view and it's old school F1 car models.

I will poke them and see if they can provvide something useful for your purposes...if you need those of course ;)

As side note I love fictional tracks so would be great if we could have a couple from the modding community featured as content in-game to play with
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Obviously the answer to this question depends on how the simulation engine is being used, because in theory you could take that module and link it to any game engine and how assets should be created definitely depends on that.

So let's assume for now this is about how to do this with Godot as that is what I've used in my demo, and it's an engine I enjoy using a lot.

Your question really has a couple of different aspects:
  1. Capturing point clouds and translating those into high resolution meshes. Leaning on past experience there I would say if you can, lean on an experienced company to capture the actual point cloud data correctly (as this is not trivial) and then there are several software solutions to take that data and transform it into a mess. I'm certainly no expert at that, but eventually you want to end up with a dense and accurate mesh to drive on and for this engine, that can be something that is completely separate from any graphical representation.
  2. Creating assets in general. Again, I'm not an experienced modeler, but some advice I can give, such as to keep assets "modular" as well, so build a library of trees, barriers, tire walls, flags, pit buildings, etc. So you can use these. Also, I would definitely recommend looking into more "generative" techniques, such as leveraging geometry nodes in Blender.
  3. Importing the assets into Godot. This is an aspect that will probably pleasantly surprise artists, as Godot can (for example) directly work with Blender files and import and re-import them on the fly. I've chosen to create both cars and tracks as separate Godot projects right now, so, getting way ahead of myself as many things will probably still change going forward, creating a track can be a matter of taking your Blender file and importing it in a Godot project and then adding a few functional objects such as grid positions and timing gates. I would encourage people to simply download Godot and Blender and start experimenting a bit with that workflow. It's really easy and fun!
@Marcel Offermans Thank for all the details, I have been able to work with Lidar Point Cloud using post process to filter, segment by feature and smooth the noise; not as accurate as surface laser scan, but the output has FFB texture, dense road polygon count (at 50cm) and subtle height changes are present in the final product.
The good part is that such process can be also used for photogrammetry point clouds that can be quite noisy, and the source data can be easily/cheaply capture using consumer grade drones (I use my old Mavic mini with excellent results), and also have used videos orbits for low res point clouds with only the height features.
Definitely would need to learn all blender details, mixing up GIS maps information plus the generative techniques you point to use post processed and refined point cloud.
Can't wait to have access to the alpha to start scratching new models and defining a pipeline for track creation; I'll be learning blender while that happens.
Lidar is not as precise as it seems, if the area you want to recreate has bridges and the track goes over those bridges you will have inaccuracies, I realized this by making Alcañiz from scratch.

The lidar data at high altitudes works very well, but at low altitudes I have had margins of error of up to two meters, especially around bridges.

I went to Alcañiz personally with a manual laser level to take measurements and the results compared to the lidar data were very different precisely in the areas where you need more precision.

In my opinion, the transfer of asphalt measurements to polygonal mesh today continues to be slow laser scanning. Photogrammetry may be even more precise, but it requires post-capture work that is too tedious, long, and also very time-consuming. optimize it.
If you can't get to the track to measure... If the lidar has classifications you could possible use a point cloud that has building data in it which I believe should show you the bridge in much more detail. Bridge deck is a classification in a lot of lidar data. Just a possible workaround.
Obviously the answer to this question depends on how the simulation engine is being used, because in theory you could take that module and link it to any game engine and how assets should be created definitely depends on that.

So let's assume for now this is about how to do this with Godot as that is what I've used in my demo, and it's an engine I enjoy using a lot.

Your question really has a couple of different aspects:
  1. Capturing point clouds and translating those into high resolution meshes. Leaning on past experience there I would say if you can, lean on an experienced company to capture the actual point cloud data correctly (as this is not trivial) and then there are several software solutions to take that data and transform it into a mess. I'm certainly no expert at that, but eventually you want to end up with a dense and accurate mesh to drive on and for this engine, that can be something that is completely separate from any graphical representation.
  2. Creating assets in general. Again, I'm not an experienced modeler, but some advice I can give, such as to keep assets "modular" as well, so build a library of trees, barriers, tire walls, flags, pit buildings, etc. So you can use these. Also, I would definitely recommend looking into more "generative" techniques, such as leveraging geometry nodes in Blender.
  3. Importing the assets into Godot. This is an aspect that will probably pleasantly surprise artists, as Godot can (for example) directly work with Blender files and import and re-import them on the fly. I've chosen to create both cars and tracks as separate Godot projects right now, so, getting way ahead of myself as many things will probably still change going forward, creating a track can be a matter of taking your Blender file and importing it in a Godot project and then adding a few functional objects such as grid positions and timing gates. I would encourage people to simply download Godot and Blender and start experimenting a bit with that workflow. It's really easy and fun!
I have noticed that the trees are y trees in the Bridgehampton track. I am assuming this is because it was the easiest way for lilski to get the track in game. Is there a system or way that 3d tress will be incorporated? I guess this could be game engine dependent as far as offering the physics engine to 3rd party licensing.
I have noticed that the trees are y trees in the Bridgehampton track. I am assuming this is because it was the easiest way for lilski to get the track in game. Is there a system or way that 3d tress will be incorporated? I guess this could be game engine dependent as far as offering the physics engine to 3rd party licensing.
They are Y-trees because the original track (as @LilSki made it for AC) had them. He actually posted quite a bit about how he made them and why Y-trees.

Going back to Godot, it has several core features that allow you to build environments with 3D trees and there are a couple of strategies you can combine:
  • There is an automatic LOD system that will generate LODs and use them in your scene, so far away trees won't use that many polygons.
  • There is a manual LOD system that you can also use, which allows further optimizations such as not using such advanced shaders for far away trees which is even faster.
  • There is also a system that allows you to use 2D billboards when the trees are far away and you can cross-fade between the 3D and 2D representation to smooth the transition (which should be happening in the distance anyway).
Of course other engines will have different (but similar) systems. I did not explicitly mention "instancing" here but that's also supported.
They are Y-trees because the original track (as @LilSki made it for AC) had them. He actually posted quite a bit about how he made them and why Y-trees.

Going back to Godot, it has several core features that allow you to build environments with 3D trees and there are a couple of strategies you can combine:
  • There is an automatic LOD system that will generate LODs and use them in your scene, so far away trees won't use that many polygons.
  • There is a manual LOD system that you can also use, which allows further optimizations such as not using such advanced shaders for far away trees which is even faster.
  • There is also a system that allows you to use 2D billboards when the trees are far away and you can cross-fade between the 3D and 2D representation to smooth the transition (which should be happening in the distance anyway).
Of course other engines will have different (but similar) systems. I did not explicitly mention "instancing" here but that's also supported.
Thanks for the informative reply. I hope the future is great for your new endeavor!!
I have noticed that the trees are y trees in the Bridgehampton track. I am assuming this is because it was the easiest way for lilski to get the track in game. Is there a system or way that 3d tress will be incorporated? I guess this could be game engine dependent as far as offering the physics engine to 3rd party licensing.
Bridgehampton was sort of a last minute venture as well. Marcel first contacted me in November about using one of my tracks. We felt Bridge would be the easiest to convert quickly, and was a good suspension tester. Plus, any chance I can get to put Bridgehampton in the spotlight I'll take. It took about a month to take the track from raw blender/AC into this new engine while Marcel setup shaders to work with the unique way I textured this track. Remember this was my first track and really didn't know what I was doing yet. It's a little rough around the edges but overall I think it presents fairly well in the new engine, and of course it's a blast to drive.

Also for the record Marcel did all the converting. I simply provided him the source material. I then helped to explain how things were setup so he could set things up correctly on the engine side.
Bridgehampton was sort of a last minute venture as well. Marcel first contacted me in November about using one of my tracks. We felt Bridge would be the easiest to convert quickly, and was a good suspension tester. Plus, any chance I can get to put Bridgehampton in the spotlight I'll take. It took about a month to take the track from raw blender/AC into this new engine while Marcel setup shaders to work with the unique way I textured this track. Remember this was my first track and really didn't know what I was doing yet. It's a little rough around the edges but overall I think it presents fairly well in the new engine, and of course it's a blast to drive.

Also for the record Marcel did all the converting. I simply provided him the source material. I then helped to explain how things were setup so he could set things up correctly on the engine side.
Your openness, support and help are/ have been really appreciated!
Thanks for that and it’s a formidable track!! Good work (Marcel told me a bit how you created it. Awesome!)
Bridgehampton was sort of a last minute venture as well. Marcel first contacted me in November about using one of my tracks. We felt Bridge would be the easiest to convert quickly, and was a good suspension tester. Plus, any chance I can get to put Bridgehampton in the spotlight I'll take. It took about a month to take the track from raw blender/AC into this new engine while Marcel setup shaders to work with the unique way I textured this track. Remember this was my first track and really didn't know what I was doing yet. It's a little rough around the edges but overall I think it presents fairly well in the new engine, and of course it's a blast to drive.

Also for the record Marcel did all the converting. I simply provided him the source material. I then helped to explain how things were setup so he could set things up correctly on the engine side.
I can certainly understand keeping them for a quick convert. Also understand about the first track thing. I started on the Jefferson's circuit for summit ( finally able to obtain lidar data with the extended part) and considering redoing the main track because of taking a better approach than the first blender rendition of the main. Bridge is certainly a great track and also great to demo suspension and feel of the new sim. Thanks for the reply and info. Always promising when we see a new platform.
More realism, more illusion, more of everything.
Personally, it seems more and more like the smartphone market.
There can no longer be real innovations, so we tinker with the microscopic details in nice marketing language. Look here, you believers in the telephone.
We've refined our case curves by 0.00000001 nanomillimeters and our display can now achieve 64K resolution for an even finer image.
This is about software that hardly costs more than what a 14 year old gets in pocket money per month. I don't know why the big racing teams in Formula 1 use simulators that cost several million euros when entertainment software can supposedly do it much better.
Likewise the armed forces, NASA, etc.
Why do they all buy such expensive equipment?
I think most people have forgotten what it's actually about.
Have fun.
Every little thing is pushed as the absolute superlative.
Haven't you all had any fun so far?
Do you think you'll have more fun if you jump on every "improvement" pushed by marketing strategy?
A home computer with software for 50 euros plus a steering wheel and all that stuff will never come close to the performance of a professionally used simulator.
Even the simulator for the driving students at the driving school here is far superior to any pocket money simulation. The cost for this was just 500,000 euros.
But in the Hi-Fi sector, cables are also responsible for the sound of the speakers and not the combination of recording, amplifier and speakers.
Learn to race again just for fun.
I'm sorry, but that's how I see it
I agree. People get sucked into the whole realism thing. I just want the game ( and they are all games at the end of the day, even though we use the term simulator ) to fool me into thinking I'm driving in a real car. FFB plays a big part, so do the graphics and sound. I'll never know how real it actually is, but if the game fools me well enough I don't care. Obviously I drive a real car on the road, so it has to make sense in those terms. This is where AMS2/AC trumps the likes of iRacing for me, because it's simply more "fun".
I agree. People get sucked into the whole realism thing. I just want the game ( and they are all games at the end of the day, even though we use the term simulator ) to fool me into thinking I'm driving in a real car. FFB plays a big part, so do the graphics and sound. I'll never know how real it actually is, but if the game fools me well enough I don't care. Obviously I drive a real car on the road, so it has to make sense in those terms. This is where AMS2/AC trumps the likes of iRacing for me, because it's simply more "fun".
The Realism bell is as far as I'm concerned a bit overrated, I love GTR2 and all it's mods, but I don't cut myself off from the world with a VR headset I simply let my mind wander and I'm there, it doesn't matter if I'm driving a Ferrari 550 GT1 with all the bells and whistles, or a Aston Martin BD2/4 with no interior (all black) I'm still there at Brands Hatch, racing for all I'm worth, to me competitor AI is much more important than the latest super duper graphics, yeah, they're nice an'all, but a sim should start in your head, when you say "I'm ready to race" then you do the stuff to get you there, just as you would in real life,
Over late I've tried AC and I find it un-intuitive and awkward compared to the SimBin titles, even with the content manager installed!, but I've had some good races on-line with the right crowd...

By the way I have a black Nokia with a 1"x1" screen, it's phone, for phoning.
Two quick questions please:

  1. How capable is the Godot engine in terms of providing cutting edge graphics?
  2. How well does Godot perform in VR?

Both these questions mostly asked in comparison to Unreal which can provide incredible graphics, but has terrible VR performance.


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Thomas Harrison-Lord
Article read time
5 min read
Last update