How Long Have You Been Sim Racing?


How Long Have You Been Sim Racing?

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I've been asking myself this question. There are so many sim racers here on RaceDepartment. So many different levels of experience are present. So tell us a bit about yourself and your history! How long have you been sim racing?

And to break the ice: let me start with my relatively recent story.

It all started in a dreaded year. We now look back at it in disdain as one of the worst years in recent history:

Welcome back to 2020.​

The start of the pandemic forced many people to stay inside their homes. And therefore, all outgoing people suddenly had to find something to do at home. I was not one of those, rather, I had been a gamer for years. Add to that my previous interest in racing, and you have the great combination of some games lying dormant in my Steam library.

One of those games was Project CARS 2, which I had bought at some point or another in the past, but hadn't enjoyed with my trusty gamepad. I thought of booting it up again, but then read that playing it with a wheel and pedals would be the wisest decision.

I immediately knew what to do because in the past I had read of Logitech wheels being sold 2nd hand on a local platform. However, for the first time looking at such a product, I had money to spare. So I thought to myself: "Screw it, I'm going all in and buying a new Logitech G920!"

My First Wheel Led to Massive Enjoyment​

And boy, did I have an amazing time! I ground the leaderboard of Brno with my trusty Honda NSX GT3.

Why Brno? I had been going there live for over 10 years to watch MotoGP.
Why the NSX? I just happen to like how it looks, to be honest.

This was such an exciting time for me. At some point I gathered all of my courage and started racing online. Now that was ... more of a 50/50 chance of having a good time. But the one memory that still sticks with me is my first-ever online victory!

It was Suzuka, or Sakkito as Project CARS 2 called it, GT3s and variable weather. With my trusty NSX, I qualified not too well, but after some happenings in the first lap, I was in the top 5. After some great battles, it suddenly started raining. And this is where the magic came in. I happened to choose my pit stop so wisely and perfectly that I immediately made up 2 positions. The top 2 at that time tried running their previous tyres to the end, leading to me catching up lap by lap, corner by corner. Half a lap before the end I finally managed to claw in P1 for my first ever online victory.

But then I Graduated ... To League Racing and ACC​

Fuelled by hype from this success and other good races, I started looking for beginner leagues. I found a promising one on Reddit, with which I spent quite some time before once again switching sims to RaceRoom and founding my own racing community based on that. At some point here, I had also switched to an entry-level DD wheel which I race to this day.

This community has, in the meanwhile, switched to ACC (based on community wishes), and continues to run strongly.

Think of that what you want, to this day, I mainly race on ACC and RaceRoom. And think of THIS what you want, but my favourite category to race is GT3s, no matter the sim.

So, soon I will have raced for only 3 years. Still, these 3 years have been filled with so much excitement, so many buddies I have met online, and so many good memories. I grew to love sim racing and probably won't ever look back.

Now It's Time for You to Tell Your Story!​

Sometimes it's really nice to reminisce and think about what made you the person you are now. I wholeheartedly invite you also to share your story with sim racing. How you started, how you evolved and where you are now.

Feel free to share your story as in-depth or as vague as you want. I can't wait to hear your guys' stories.

So, how long have you been sim racing? Please, let us know in the comments down below!

Ps.: Thank you very much to @AlbertGeorge for allowing me to use their magnificent screenshot for this article.
About author
Julian Strasser
Motorsports and Maker-stuff enthusiast. Part time jack-of-all-trades. Owner of, a sim racing-related service provider and its racing community.


Actually, I thought I'd been Sim racing 3 years (just went all in with Fanatec stuff in 2019 after previously never owning anything wheel related) but when I think about it I was playing Indianapolis 500 on the Amiga god knows when including G Crammonds F1... I don't want to know how many years that is, thankyou.
I don't count the '70s arcade games or Atari Night Driver on the 2600 console back in the early '80s as sim racing... so started with SCGT in about '99 with a wheel & my first graphics card.
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ZX Spectrum 1983 Chequered Flag, my first Racing Simulator :), I was 14 !
Well that depends on what you call a sim...

Nigel Mansell's World Championship on SNES??
Gran Turismo, the original one?
Gran Turismo 3, with a DFGT?
F1 Challenge 99-02 once a younger me realised that maybe the USB cable on the wheel just might work on the family PC.

Raced everything that has come out since, had the T500RS now a DD1, had some homemade rigs, a NLR rig, a 8020 rig, triples, VR, superFOV projector.

...I'm still slow
Motoracer on PC with a joystick, then GP2 I think, still with joystick. After RSI set in, I got an Act-Labs FFB wheel and pedals...GP3 and 4 and then obsessed with Grand Prix Legends.....and on it goes.......
I got stupidly addicted to Motocross Madness 2 back in the day.

To the point of not going to work so I could attend online Tournaments.

Still don't understand how the "zone"worked so damn well when most of us were on Dialup. Pick up and play races was simple, and when not in game everyone was in a group chat.

Plus the track editior, Why has no MX game since got a proper track editor. Was great times when a user-created track was dropped just before the tournament started and you have half an hour to install it, smash out some practise laps and line up for qualifying.

Due to my internet I'd sometimes be lining up to start and the track was still downloading.
If by "sim racing" we count games played with the right steering device, I started simracing with Needs For Speed Underground.

Right around the time the game dropped my mum was given a Sidewinder Racing wheel that some dog had chewed through the cable, "here, maybe your computer happy son can fix that" :roflmao: I soldered a new USB cable on it and could race with a wheel now. NFSU1 was followed by U2, and then some time later I came across mention of some racing game with a free demo called Live For Speed...
i know its not a full blown sim but this got me started in racing games with a madcat steering wheel


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I’m close to 50 so I grew up seeing our beloved hobby hatch, mutate, grow and mature into what it is today. My first SimRig was actually the Pole Position cabinet at the local arcade downtown, being a pre-teen in 1984 it was an impressive sight to behold:

It was mesmerising to "sit in a cockpit" and drive a racing car, I got hooked right away and spent a lot of coin on this machine (arcades were the place to be back then). Later on I got a C64 with a copy of the game, among many others, but on that platform it was Pitstop II the game I played until the diskette failed. It used real track layouts and you had to manage your tyres and fuel (thus make a Pitstop ha!) and that’s something Pole Position didn’t have and boy it made a difference in gameplay. Most important, it was also two-player split-screen so I often had friends over to race together. That was a world of fun until the C64 gave up the ghost.

It was a decade later until I got back on the virtual asphalt. I got an Xbox with Project Gotham Racing but it was the first Forza Motorsports the one that I sticked to for the long run. It had a steep learning curve on braking for, turning into and exiting corners. Much more realistic than PGR and I loved that. As I got more into racing games I learned about Geoff Crammond's Grand Prix series and that you could actually use "real wheel and pedals" on PC. I tried GP4 at a friend's house with a "force feedback" wheel and decided straight away to replace the console with a Beige Box and a yellow Logitech Formula GP. Man, the feelings I had on the arcade cabinet came back flooding and I was lovestruck. From there on it was just SimRacing as we now know it. I got GP4, GPL, LFS (my guilty pleasure), the very first rFactor and then every single thing SimBin made. But GTR2 is the one that got me into racing online with other people, some of which became friends. GTR2 is also what got me spending money on hardware upgrades. First a MOMO Racing and afterwards a ‘top of the line’ G25. Fun fact: the MOMO outlived the G25. Man, those were great days. :laugh:

But then we had a baby and thus a second hiatus followed, until my kid got into an age in which we could do some Mario Kart together. The speed bug bit me again and as I had a PC too, I dusted off GTR2, the G25 and got back in touch with my old crew, here at RD. It was great fun and since I had more free time I decided to do more simracing online. And inevitably started to upgrade again, software and hardware. New PC, every sim title on Steam, a NLR rig, big curved monitor, the T300, extra wheelrims, then the TS-PC with the TLCM pedals, then the T818 this year. I decided to park the upgrades for the time being. It's not a cheap hobby but hey, no true hobby is, right? ;)

For the last 2 years I've been racing with the Multiclass crew on AC here at RD and I'm open to expand my rig time further. I'm happy I got back on the virtual racing seat and that Race Department still exists, after many other simracing communities have vanished through the years. So here's to our hobby and all of us here chaps, cheers! :coffee:
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Like many of you my first proper foray into sim raving was with the Amiga (500+ and 1meg expansion, and later a 1200) and Geoff Crammond's Grand Prix, me and a mate used to take turns in different cars while the AI controlled the other car... often disappointingly the AI would crash or wreck, (we broke so many joysticks back then)
I still have the later Amiga 1200 with a 1000 blue discs, but I never use it as I haven't had a TV for more than a decade, I suppose I'll part with the junk one day.
OK, yes, I meant 'Sim Racing' but in this case 'Sim Raving' fits too. (stupid fingers)
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On the original Playstation, PC Nascar 1994, Been on computers since the 80"s Tandy 1000EX , now that was a piece of Crap right of the get go, lol
My father bought our first home computer in '94, and shortly thereafter we got Indianapolis 500: The Simulation. That was my first racing sim, though I played a couple titles on my Dad's old Intellivision set on occasion before that, but Indy 500 is considered by many to be the first true simulation. Guess that puts me just shy of 30 years. As a 35 year old, that's not bad. :D
I forgot about this sim! When I got on the fire department in 1992 (paid-call) that sim was on the station computer, along with "F-15 Strike Eagle" and a fire command sim.

Myself and another firefighter would play the Indy sim and race 20 lap competitions to see who could finish better (it was single player).

We would also play the F-15 sim with the other guy as the pilot and me as the Wizzo, both of us using the keyboard to operate the sim.

Fun times...
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Started with GT1 to GT4 on controller, loved the cars and the setup/tuning aspects of the games.
Bought my first wheel to play GT5 online, moved to GT6 and Sport with a G29.
Now playing on GT7 on PS5, Dirt 2.0, AC and ACC on PC with a full rig, waiting for a DD wheel to buy.

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Julian Strasser
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