Toronto Indycar Exhibition Place

Toronto Indycar Exhibition Place 2023

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Thanks mate, it's getting there! Can you believe I downloaded and played the old version just under 10 minutes before you updated it lol
Improving an already good, good track... In the short time I have been in this of simracing I have already learned that Tyrone means a guarantee of good work, so it is one of the names to keep in mind.

Thanks for your work!
Like some others have said, fix the unrealistic bumps and some brake boards and I would definatly use it.
Tyrone - Nukedrop Mods
Tyrone - Nukedrop Mods
Please consider taking a look at the latest update, and reconsider your review score, I believe all of the issues you have raised have now been addressed.
Unfinished, unreal bumps, no track cams.
Tyrone - Nukedrop Mods
Tyrone - Nukedrop Mods
Please consider taking a look at the latest update, and reconsider your review score, I believe all of the issues you have raised have now been addressed.
I really want to love this track, this is the venue where I learned my love of motorsports.
I can overlook the graphical quality and track surface not being 100% accurate but some of the bumps that do exist are insane. Most notably the bump in the braking zone for turn 8 is so extreme that most cars will literary do a slight jump making it a nightmare of a corner to attack. While I do acknowledge that there is a large bump there IRL I doubt it would be able to launch IndyCars into the air.

The lack of breaking bords is mildly annoying but not game-breaking.

I do appreciate what is probably a rather large amount of custom objects to make the surrounding area quite believable.

With just a few tweaks i believe that this track can become something really good
Tyrone - Nukedrop Mods
Tyrone - Nukedrop Mods
Please consider taking a look at the latest update, and reconsider your review score, I believe all of the issues you have raised have now been addressed.
The level of fun achieved while racing this track overcomes the little glitches that have, like some wall corners that the cars can go through without crashing. Fixing this, and adding that worn out look to some walls and buildings, to give realism, can make this mod a masterpiece.

And like always, thanks you for your excellent work.
I live just up the road from "The Ex" and definitely appreciate this effort. Thanks so much Tyrone! I'll spend a good deal of time running your circuit this July for sure, when Indycar is slated to return.
Work great, Thanks
Very nice Tyrone. Thanks.
I would like to say that this track is in improvement but the ai are not able to complete a lap without hopping over a bump and smacking into the wall, pretty disapointing since the 2019 version worked just fine, this version is also missing accurate braking markers
Tyrone - Nukedrop Mods
Tyrone - Nukedrop Mods
Please consider taking a look at the latest update, and reconsider your review score, I believe all of the issues you have raised have now been addressed.
The track overall is great,having raced on it myself ,the bumps are alittle aggressive compared to what they are in real life but overall its a pretty good start!
Definitely one that I needed in AC. Love the track and thank you for making the fantastic effort to do this. Still some things to do to make it look and feel somewhat better. Definitely would earn 5 stars after some more work. Don't know if it's possible to bunch them up and add 4 more pit boxes at least. The lower grip is something I can cope with, but probably is a bit too much. The bumpy streets surface is missing on many places where I expect it, but is over pronounced on a couple of places where it wants to throw you straight into the walls. Pretty tricky. The walls are so thin in many places, which are actually just advertising panels so it's kind of killing immersion in replays. Oh the camera files were missing so I made my own here:

To the Author, feel free to use and add my cameras to your possible next track version upload sometime.
Can't give it a good rating because it won't load.
After selecting track, it starts to load, then crashes back to track select screen.
This thing asked about previous comment, answer is this: I can see that track grip is too low, please check surface.ini file from data folder, there's grip value FRICTION=0.95 for ROAD and ASPHALT but what is the most weird thing is that the pitlane friction is 0.99 so there's best grip in pitlane???, that 0.95 for dry track surface is way too low,

I normally change road friction to 1.15 to make car feel more realistic but not too easy to drive, less than that is way too slippery in any car, like ice. I really do not understand Kunos way to add grip less than 1. I live in Finland and I know what the difference is between icy road and dry & hot road grip very well.
Something wrong with the grip, very slippery track. Is there any way to solve it?
Incredible work, AAA track, thx a lot!
I really have a lot of fun with it! :)
Its really fantastic Tyrone. I was hoping for a version of this circuit one day! Have to agree the bumps are about 50% too much and 24 pitboxes would be ideal for championships. Thanks again and keep it up. This is an awesome track!

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